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  • I'm fine! Just busy with school :( and you?

    I'm not on here much by the way so it'd be easier to talk on Skype, just reply whenever you can
    And what if I don't? ;D nah I probably would though and idc if you eat it all ;)

    Well if I tell her to say no I doubt she'd disagree ;) unless she discovers how angelic you are in which case I'd be DOOMED

    Yeah definitely lol. So see you're done with the important stuff, you have nothing to worry about! Just chill until its time (': Clothes are important, I can't go without changing tees twice every day these days man.

    Yeah probably :x you'd love that wouldn't you ;) and yeah that's what I was talking about when I mentioned upgrading. I haven't got around to it yet though :(
    Lol you know that's not true ;)

    Exactly! And well that'd be up to my sister wouldn't it ;D

    Don't stress yourself out! Just take it easy, it's a good idea to you know sort out whatever you need to do in your mind first. You said you have it all sorted, so just follow that step by step and get things done :)

    Surprise, surprise (': Do you know Tracer and Widowmaker are sworn enemies? :DDD Ugh I'll be lucio for you I guess. And well I've told you this before but Overwatch doesn't need too much of internet, I'm sure you'll be fine. And well I don't have the requirements remember :( I'll have to upgrade my PC for that. I'll get around to it sometime.
    Nah sorry hun the cake would be ALL MINE I would never share >:3 (I'm jk ofc I'm too kind for that)

    <3 and yea exactly! You so get me Lucy it's all about the free cakes honestly. And the fame if she makes it to Master Chef or something.

    That is a lot of days 0: You got this! It's actually a lot of time and even if there's so much to do I'm sure you can do it. And wow really, they must be so happy for you! (':

    You know that'd be like so wonderful, we would be a dream team. I'd be your personal mercy (': and you know you absolutely need to get the game as soon as you settle down with uni WE NEED TO PLAY
    But what if its MY cake or anyone else's for that matter?? :S

    I know I know I actually really appreciate it deep down in my heart, I just like making fun of her. And yeah you never know! She might be bringing in some real cash which is totally cool. And yeeaaa i'm on it ;)

    Ohh okay, so when do you actually move out? And yea I so feel you on that, I'm often in the exact same situation. Like we know we have to do this we just prefer doing this our own way at our own pace. I guess they're worried and right in their own place though, just humor them and don't let them stress you out! (': Fair enough! Looking forward to it :D And lol I won't, only thing that's worrying me right now is that I'm losing too many matches in Overwatch because of quitters in my team and that's ridiculous man
    Soooo will that "evil" part come out of you when there's a strawberry cake in front of you? ;D

    Naw to be honest she just wanted to show off to everyone that she could make a cake as a 10 year old. Jokes on her though that cake was a failure LOL. It completely fell apart. It was good tho. You're right though!! And heheh guess I know what to treat you to when something calls for a celebration :p

    Yeah it's fine! Don't stress yourself out too much though :( and take care of yourself! You can message me whenever you feel like talking. And I'm fine thanks for asking (':
    Oh yeah of course you're right about that, you're an angel :blush:

    Well actually my sis made my birthday cake my last birthday so my parents didn't technically get it :rolleyes: and that sucks :( truthfully all my birthdays have been **** even with a cake (': and yea as long as you get it yourself <3 I'll make sure to buy you one too every year

    Oh trust me it's fine! Don't feel rubbish </3 you're just doing what you gotta do. We can talk whenever you have the time! And I could never hate you (':
    Oh wow okay, remind me not to go out and eat any strawberry cakes with you ;)

    Chocolate cakes are love (': I always get those on my birthday. and well idk man I'm too poor to afford one I guess lmao

    Wow Lucy about time you realized I even Skyped that to you :( (I'm jk I'm jk ilysm)
    I'm sure Mugi would appreciate that :rolleyes:

    Well how about NEITHER because I prefer CHOCOLATE CAKES but strawberry ice creams and popsicles are good too. I've never had apple pie (':
    oh god, i remember the feeling of starting uni, i was an absolute mess, you'll be totally fine though! what are you studying? japanese iirc? i'm doing really well thank you! i'm going into my last year of uni so if you see depressing and dramatic posts from me in the next year you know why ;)
    You worship tracer and wow you don't even have Overwatch #fakefan #widowmakeris10timesbetter
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