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  • lol I don't mind at all. I usually just collect shinies and events so breeding rejects aren't really something im looking for ~pokemon wise~
    Yeah but I wasn't online as much because of school. :/
    Anyway hopefully we can catch
    eachother again lol!
    Oh my. Is it okay to do the trade for just mareep now since you paid? I have to do some chores soon haha. :)
    Yes they are. Most likely, it's usually rare for me not to have an extra on hand.
    It depends on what time I get home.. I might be home by 6.. But I see you will be at work.
    We can do it tomorrow, because I will be free tomorrow.
    I am SO sorry! I moved house and had no internet for a while :(
    Is it too late to pick up my prize? If it is then I am really sorry and thank you so much for the chance
    I have space, you can dump it in the flowers too. Im nowhere near finished so it should be fine :)
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