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  • Sure, I'll let you know when I get home, I'll have to drop more bells when you come. or if I end up staying here I'll let you know when my gates r open
    I can't do later than 7pm your time but I'll be available all day today but I might be able to do it at 10pm your time after I get home.
    I'm up now. I had a trade last night so I'm going to have to drop a lot more for you but I'll open my gates now
    I might have to cancel plans due to a random change of plans with family. I will let you know if I am still available, if I don't end up being available let me know a good time for us to reschedule :)
    If you need to come at 11am PST that's fine ^^ I do have someone an hour before if that's the time you pick, but they're asking for a lower amount and it shouldn't take that long.
    Yes, now is perfect!! I'll just start up my game! :D Let me know when your gate is open!!
    See you tomorrow at 1pm PST. I'll open my gates, everything should be dropped. Make sure to empty pocket and envelopes, if you need envelopes I'll get some. :)
    That's okay!! ahh you seem to be on right now!! would you like to trade, now? :D also, could you please remind me how much I owe you? ^^
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