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  • Ahhh, yes sorry to be confusing! Technically college and universities are different facilities, but we use them interchangeably! That's interesting that they're separate "levels" in the UK, I never knew that! c:

    Oh no, why would you think you're being rude??? :>
    Wow!!! I feel like you have way more work than I ever did in college but maybe university is different in the UK??? Idk xD you poor thing! Well, at least you're being proactive about it so then when you DO relax, you can REALLY relax!!! c:
    Ahhh that's so lame!!! >,< why do they do that??? Do you have a lot more that you have to do???
    Ahhh haha that's good then! xD I'm fine with presenting but like, work ppts are so dull and boring that I'd probably be bored while presenting lol

    So do you get any kind of break for the winter?
    Yes I do plan to make more adoptables~ sorry they're kind of expensive ^ ^; I tend to grow attached to them OTL thanks for the interest!
    Yep, sure~ Sugarella bought it for 300tbt, i don't mind if it goes for that much only in this case, since i know you did a trade with your ab'ed one. hope it makes sense, thanks for asking! i recently decided to update re-sale information, it won't apply to your case atm but anything after that it will!
    Ohhh look at you go!!! :> good job!!! I'm kind of the same way...I think my senior capstone project was like 3x the length it was supposed to be xD but wow that's a lot of slides!!! Congrats on finishing!!! :3

    I have Christmas Eve and the Monday after off but I have to use vacation time :< I am really looking forward to it though!!! xD
    Ahhh not another headache! >.< take more breaks! ;> I'm ok, just at work!!! :p at least I only have a 3 day week! :>
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