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  • cuz h8ers always feel like they gotta turn up to the function, no one cares!!!! boring azzes.
    they must think we got money or something smh. only when i see it reposted on tumblr do i get to see the Feelin Myself video and feel blessed
    It wasn't even late I totally forgot about it and was legit surprised haha thanks again!

    Also feel free to participate in all of the action. :)
    Hahaha I was reading the reviews for it on Amazon and it really is just as ****ty as it looked apparently, idk what they were even thinking with that one. I didn't see the new amiibo leaks actually! :eek: The Timmy & Tommy one is so cute omg. I want Rover too even though his figure looks a bit weird. I'll get Kapp'n just to throw him in a ditch somewhere i hate that turtle binch.
    The Wolf Link amiibo <3333 i'll never be able to afford games again there's too many damn amiibos i gotta buy
    Hahahaha I know, it all happened so fast he was gone before u had a chance. :'c (idek what it was this time)
    looool I love how you can see the woman's jaw drop in the background
    I am so jealous of your blue candies ; ;

    I had another one but I have no idea what happened to it otl

    anyways, hi! what's new?
    can these kids go outside so i can buy pixels gottdamn

    ugh srry i've definitely spammed your notifications by now rip
    stuffs my fcking face w cupcakes
    ja i popped on before bed at like 10:30 and there was just a random restock counter.. it was set for 40 minutes and im like am i really gonna stay up another hour for this ?? and i did. fml
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