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  • Oh my god, The World Ends With You is a great game, one of my favourites! It's basically about this Japanese area called Shibuya or something and this guy has to participate in the Reaper's game and has to use certain pins to defeat monsters called noise and do missions the reaper's assess and send out via mobiles. Noise infect things and people to make them sad. The clothing they wear just looks awesome and one of my favourite places in the game is Jumble Crossing, where there's zebra crossings everywhere. It's really good, and if I didn't buy an R4 I wouldn't of known about it. c;
    Me and my boyfriend have been together for... Well... We can't remember. xD;; It's been about 5/6 years now. We love eachother loads<3 but we can only speak on weekends and stuff. It's really sad 'cus when it's 7AM for me it's 12 midnight for him. I get up zetta early, he stays up zetta late, and I love him for that<3 <3
    We've not met yet, but he's known on the internet as Sinworm and goes around trolling people and making them get mad. He's really good at arguments on there, and corrects my faults since he's so good at it which sort of makes me feel a little bad but hey oh well. c;

    If it weren't for his horn, I doubt people would go mad for Julian. He's also pretty hard to nab since you can't get him at the start of the game. He always has to move in on himself or via camp. AHHHHH NO! IT'S THE DREADED SPACE LIMITTT :C
    but owning guns here is illegal, isn't it? ; ;'' *scared*

    Snort snort 4 me c|
    Big noses are still cute! I don't know why, but I have a secret desire to stick star stickers on noses =w= my fringe is so annoying, I always have a bad hair day, it's only recently grown enough for it to look good... :c
    I still wanna go to Wales. :p I met someone at KFC who came from Wales, lol! :D I'm not sure, I can't remember, but she was and her dad was a very big Wales fan. OMG, A SALE ON BEN AND JERRIES?!!?!!?! AAAAAAA!!! It sort of reminds me of when parents used to fight in Woolworth's for the last toy. I will fight for the last B&J box. :O

    I hope they order my volume 8! I can't even remember what happened before now though, it's been so long.. And thanks for the advice! I'll try it out. Ikr? I'll be friends with who I want, I don't need your judgement! Go away, dumb people of today's society! >:C
    If rain was warm, I'd meet up with my boyfriend straight away. It would motivate me to share the weather with him, as then I have an excuse to snog someone in the rain (xD) and then to skip class because we're too busy waiting near the window, staring at the big white clouds and rain dance *w* <--- feels like Stitches omg) I hate wind. I don't even know why. :C And I think your boots look quite pretty tbh! Happy purchasing~
    Hey, so you know that eww-y cold I have? Well it made me cry today and I ended up getting the day off. How relaxing<3
    I got ready for school and everything and ended up walking half way there, and then I just spat up all my ibuprofen. Now I'm sitting on the sofa munching on peppers, and thought about how fab it would be if I replied to you! So here I am carrying out our chat. So sorry about not replying earlier, but this year my best friend Adam says he got me POKEMON RED. YES. OH. MY. GOD. So I'm spending lots of ££££ on my bezzies this year as I never really buy them presents despite how they buy me presents. I just wanted to show how grateful I am, and am working hard on the mission!
    {Hey Haisu! I'm so totally really sorry about not keeping up on our conversation. Recently, this computer had became my dedication for early christmas-present-buying-missions, so I promise and swear an oath I will reply soon! :( I'm so sorry!!!}
    Hey Haisu. I noticed that you have a pokemon safari farm with ditto in it and I was wondering if you could add me? I really need dittos and it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time! My FC is: 2363-6175-8563. And my username is, kmfa18. Again, thank you!!:)
    Jambette is SUCH a cutie. Wowowowow. People don't even give her a chance, it's so bad for her! She's really a lovely froggie when you get to know her. (My least favourite characters are the monkeys and baboons... :( )
    AWWW! Baby guinea pigs all snufflin' around squee'ing and eating and rolling in hay. It makes my eyes sparkle!! *w* You have a long-distance relationship like I do, omg! My boyfriend lives in USA though so I guess it's okay. He's recently moved though which is good for him and stuff. I hope your dude is okay c;

    I guess having Merengue is quite nice, you know. Having a cute little rhino with cake on it's nose. I like Julian a little, but I won't be drawn in on his hypnosis!
    On the subject of popular characters, Stitches moved in alittle after I set up Mayor role. I want to sell him but mum won't let me, she plays the game with me too! :( And he's not a dreamie, but Marshal reminds me of Joshua from a game I adore called "The World Ends With You" for the DS. I love it so much because of the characters and the land. IT LOOKS SO STREET-Y LIKE OMGGG *A* I just fangirl over it, I wanna live in a place like that! Just not enough space!
    Aww! :) Just do what you think is comfortable! Just remember that no matter what, you will always be cute and healthy and shining. c: It always gets me going. I now have a visual image of us saying holla and wearing england and wales shirts. omg.

    I wanna buy a T-shirt and write PIGNOSE on the front. Lots of people bully me 'cus my nose sticks up a little and it's really rude, so I want to wear it with pride. I like my nose! I don't get sad any more about that name because it's soooo over used right now lol but who would go out and buy a t-shirt telling everyone they're a GEEK? ''like jeez gurl im the fashion police and i say no'' :p My hair is quite long, and I hate it when I get out a bath and it just sticks to me but I love rain when my hair is plaited. :)
    I have all of them, including 13. I just don't have 8, arrgh! And I don't want to buy it either because I don't wanna buy ONE death note and then have 12 others to buy for like, £5 and awww if only Manga wasn't so expensive!! :c Me and my best bud are going to Waterstones soon anyways so I'm hyped! It's really bad though that he has a gift card and I don't.


    AND MY NUMBER ONE PET PEEVE IS WHERE EVERYONE ASKS IF MY BEST FRIEND AND I ARE GOING OUT AND STUFF, AND CALL US CUTE FOR DOING NORMAL THINGS! :( rage over. Just because he's a noodle and I'm a doodle doesn't mean we can't be best friends! I hang around with four girls all the time, and like, nobody asks if we're going out so why should they ask if me and my boy bff are going out too? aaaaa sorry about the raging!
    I see all the messages advertising Wales and I think it must be sorta nice there! Idk but my mum was born in Wales too which is kinda cute and sweet & stuff so I have like a connection there ^u^ London is so far away from where I live, I've only been once! It's a lovely place, but the Ben&Jerry's shop is HELLA EXPENSIVE!

    It's all gone today, but I have had a really huge cough and been taking all of this stuff out my throat and you really didn't need to know ew I think I might scare you away now xwx;
    Actually... Rain is my favourite weather. I don't know why, but I truly love it. :3 I think it'ss cus you get to go out in it, squeal and run everywhere, then stay in sneezing afterward. xD Oh, cool! Can I see a picture? I love my boots, they're torn at the back though from wear. :(
    And, oh, okay! At least you're fine with it. :) I get worried over some things...
    Aww, no problem! I know you'll love him and appreciate him so it's totally fine! :D
    My best friend has a guinea pig but I'm not a big fan. I had two hamsters when I was a doodle, but they both died. One of them (Scratchy) killed Sniffy. :( I used to look up to the sky and say, "I love you Sniffy" and even buried a dead bee at one point.
    WOAH, MERENGUE? I would die if I saw her! I'm not a big fan of her, but jeez! She'd be sprouting money through my ears and stuff... ;-;!!)// Congrats! I hope you enjoy her!
    Jambette: Everyone hates her but I love her. She was one of my first but she was so lovely! She moved without letting me know as well, and ever since some nice purple roses have sat where she left. I think she left them there since they were where her house were.
    -- omg I couldn't post under it 'cus too little space
    Hey, don't worry about it. I'm sure your size compliments you even more and you have to do what's more comfortable for you. I do whatever's more comfortable for me before anything else whether people look at me or not. If they look at me like I'm bad, call me weird and call me a freak, then really they're a freak for not letting me do what is best for myself. :3 Thanks! I try to be as cutie-pie as possible, so you try to!

    OH MY GOSH tell me about it! I don't want to stick out my bottom, stick out my lips and stick out just about every nature in my body to fit in! I also hate leggings... -w-;;; soooo horrible... They stick to my skin and EW it feels weird and dee-scusting!
    My Death Note Story

    I was in the library at the time when there was a really nice librarian called Helen. She used to escort me to the shelves at the back where all the books were that didn't fit on the shelves open to the public. (The new librarians don't even do that, they say they're not allowed and grab a whole lot of manga from the book shelf at the back. It's really annoying, and not even the same.) So anyway, I was browsing through and then I saw Death Note. I thought: "people might look at me when I borrow it, aren't I too young for this book yet? omg, I am so curious!" And then ended up borrowing it. 3 books later I order the whole series. Yeah, the WHOLE series. Except number 8 never came and I'm waiting and crying omg :(
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