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  • Thank you! I'm really happy to have all of them. Surprisingly, Bubbles took the longest to get.
    The problem wasn't that she was hard to find, everyone just kept sending her to the void.
    hi, i'm not sure if i won the auction, but i'm buying on behalf of a friend...holding julian in my town until she can trade with me. transferring cash is a matter of making a few trips to the cash machine in the post office :)
    I just noticed that you have Eugene! I have him too and it is nice to see someone who likes him as much as I do. There is nothing better than a greaser koala. He is the essence of cool.
    The only option I have is TT Chief into the void but I'd rather not break trades > u <
    So I'm sure ^ ^;
    I would like you to keep her for now c: Just so you can help other people get their dreamies too!
    I'm not sure, someone is contacting them for me but I don't know if they're on now D: I gave them 2 more days 'cuz Chief will poof within two days.
    Oh noes D: I was expecting for her to go much later because I need to get Chief out but someone needs to make space in their town to take him.
    Oh I just saw your dreamie list and I know Midgetsc is trying to get rid of Hopper c: I don't know if she still has him but its worth a shot:3
    Hi! Your inbox is full; so I'm responding here. I'll save Scoot for your friend. Is your friend on TBT?
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