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  • Hey, I heard you were looking for Julian as he was moving out. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that you need to move out 16 villagers to get him back, you know, the 16 villagers cycle?
    sorry, well at least you have a beach to use LOL even my beaches is full sets mushrooms dlc island stuff, both beaches the plaza even the front of all my villagers houses LOL.
    actually for these I will need to go to YOUR town. as I have no room Infinity I have made this clear in the OP of my thread. I always deliver if anything is coming from Infinity, If things are coming from Caprica Then the other person picks up. I only have a small little space in the plaza where Redds tent goes. So if you could ope your gates I would appreciate that.
    are you on right now and would you like your order? Please add this fc:4382-2511-6319 it is for my items town Infinity, the one you added the other day was for Caprica. Let me know as soon as you can as I am only on for a little bit right now. I woke up and couldn't sleep.
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