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  • Hello, I'm Nicole. I've seen your name on here a couple of times and I thought I might just leave a comment here. Also want to play cf sometime? I've heard you play the game!
    Redd didn't even have a painting. But my town is finally in perfect status so on my way getting a golden ax, after breaking 5 regular axes.
    It's been going good, I won 2 prizes in the raffle today, still going for perfect town, got my new bridge, Alli moved out and baabara moved in(I really wanted Baabara) so this is my current villager list:

    -Twiggy(I like him now)

    Oh and Redd is coming in 2 days finally.
    Hey JJ (do you mind if I call you that?), I've seen you around TBT alot and was wondering if you wanted to be friends? I own ACCF so I can hold WiFi sessions and such.
    When the well tells me that my town is satifasctory but with more effort it could be better, what do I have to add? I looked for weeds but I can't find ANY!
    aw, when will you get it back?
    Now, I am determined to finish my loan off quickly, I already have 15 raffle tickets, hehe.
    I bet I have a new reisdent, but I am not going on until later.
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