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  • That's awesome!! Congrats!! Sorry I couldn't help ; v ;

    And yay!!! Let me know when you are free to trade! :3
    Just got back on my laptop and sent the tbt back! The cake is free! Think of it as a gift from me :blush: It looks lovely in your line up! Enjoy! <3
    Omg you didn't have to send me tbt!!! It's free!! ; v ;

    And it was no problem at all!! :blush:
    !!!!!! DON'T TEMPT ME

    that sounds amazing ; __ ; , I'm actually now glad they can't be traded until a year has passed. Too many amazing collectibles has been released!!! I can focus on getting my dreamy popper dream line up first now and think about the others later hahaha!
    OH! completely understandable on that ahahaha! I'm so in love with the popper too!!! ; v ; Definitely should hold onto it if you love it! <3

    YOOOOOOOO! YOU SHOULD JUST KEEP THE BUNNY THEN!!!! I think you'll get attached! Like I'm torn between the bunny and Aurora, but also the yule log!!! Cause imagine the yule log next to the bunny ; ____ ;
    Sounds great!! :blush:

    Were you looking to sell from both shops? The shop with the snow bunny and the one with the popper? O:
    As long as it gets made one day, somehow, I will be a happy camper :] I Kinda want it to be made now so I don't have to buy it myself but I hope whatever collectible gets made is super cool
    Oh please don't apologise! Your under no obligation to accept my offers lol. I can also trade a moonball for it. Your haven't listed your collectables up for sale and I am asking anyway so that is why I apologise. Thank you so much for the nice declines anyway :D
    Hello! I hope that you are doing well and looking forward to the Christmas break, I am really sorry to ask but again, a slow and reluctant market has left me asking individually: would you take a strange doll for your flower wand? I would guess not which is fine, feel free to ignore this message. Sorry about the annoyance :/

    Have a wonderful day!

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