• LIVE A gaming event as part of The Bell Tree World Championship 2024 is currently being livestreamed on TBT's Twitch channel here -- spectators who chat on Discord can earn points too!

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  • Sorry! Just figured out the whole visitor messages on my profile thing. I only have O'Hare, but he's like my ultimate favorite villager, so I can't let him go. ; w; Thank you for telling me you have Tangy though, I wish I had any one of those you're looking for. (I had Beau in my campsite once but I passed on getting him. Now I regret it. D;)

    Good luck on your own search! ; w;/
    I was heartbroken when Akise got decapitated ;A; and Yuki didn't do anything about it...
    Yuki why you no manly...
    But I hate Sixth/Tsubaki out of the 12 diary holders
    Same here! I find Minene and Nishijima a nice pairing...It was sad when Minene 'died' and saw her younger self </3 But I find Akise and Yuki a good pair as well OwO
    Yuno's gonna be mad :p
    Sorry, I fell asleep on accident ^ _ ^" I'm ready now though! I will TT to her moving date for you and open my gates.

    Beware, my town is a little junkie XC
    When you beat the game (I think, or just far in Pokemon XY) there is a city you can go by train to. There is a Friend Safari, and all 3DS Friends have different Safaris, so you may have to add people to get the kind of Safari you want ^_^ I tried it but I never gotten too far with it.
    Sorry, I lost my phone so I can't message you as fast ^ _ ^"

    Anyways thank you so much for being pacient with me *hugs* It took forever... but Pekoe is finally moving; on the 5th. Yay! You can pick her up today if you'd like. I need to straighten up my town a little lol. Its so sloppy xD
    Sorry, only on my phone at the moment so easy to miss notifications... I have should be trading with someone soon, but if that falls through I'll let you know~
    Hi~! How've you been? Sorry, I wasn't online for three days ^ _ ^" Anyways, I'm gonna try to get Pekoe out for you before the holidays~! <3
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