Luna Moonbug

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  • hello, they're closing the eggshop tomorrow morning,
    be sure to spend your eggs. you have enough for a pikmin or ditto egg, or three zipper sakuras!

    (and pls let me know if you're selling any heh)
    Good games ! You can only get better with this game. You did really well on getting the grabs on me. Kirby has a lot of fun tools to use once you get the hang of him. I’m glad we were able to complete our matches. :)
    Hello! I’ve been poppin in and out of TBT on the weekend checking who’s online hoping to catch you. I hope we are able to get our matches soon! I’ll be online for a bit right now if you hop on!
    Hey! Sorry I’ve been bad at getting this done, but I don’t work until 8 today and I’ll keep checking regularly for you to get online to see if we can get this match done :)
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