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  • hello ^^ last night I realized you meant box sofa...not cardboard sofa, and I feel bad cuz I had it on me OTL, ugh im a dork D: anyway im at the island now so after im back I'll open gates ^^ you can have the cardboard sofa too for the mishap/wait
    Oh right... o: That happened to me with Pietro once and I got really scared but a villager had moved out, leaving it's house in my town. I just had to timetravel so the house wasn't there. :3
    Whatttt O: so, what happens if you don't cycle those many villagers? :p Do they just refuse to move in? That is so stupiddd... -_-'
    Ehe, no worries ^w^
    I'll see about it, and if nobody else would like him you can. Anyway, what's the whole deal with this 16 Villager thing? What are you trying to make happen? I've seen people around doing it but I don't know what the outcome is... xD
    Woah, hey!

    Talking about Deers, I'm getting Bruce soon... Isn't he your dreamie? And you sure do seem nice enough to have him... c:
    What, if you could, would you buy him for? :blush: I'm not good at getting bells and things, and I really don't feel interested in Bruce. Just knowing you'd be happy with him would make me happy. :)
    Hi! I notice that you have the squirrel, Filbert, up for trade. Unfortunately I don't have any of your two dream villagers. :(. I was wondering if you had any other dream villagers or if you took bells? I hope you'll let me know. Thanks :)
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