Recent content by MelonPan

  1. MelonPan

    Gardening event coming soon!!!

    Can anyone share some Ornamental Ripplewings? It’s all I need left to collect and sadly no one on my current friends list is sharing enough of them. I need 11 of them, so it’d be cool to have multiple people helping. I can share anything I have in return.
  2. MelonPan

    Gardening event coming soon!!!

    If anyone still needs the plum and citrus butterflies from the first part, I can share. I finished the first half of the event already, so I’m only looking for the Blossom Ripplewings and Ornamental Ripplewings from the red peonies. I can share those too. Let me know specifically what you need...
  3. MelonPan

    I already have him actually, but thank you for offering!

    I already have him actually, but thank you for offering!
  4. MelonPan

    Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - Friend ID Sharing

    TBT Username: MelonPan In-game name: Velly Friend ID: 7114 5770 420 I play every day, you can PM me if you need sharing items for events. I would like active players who can share items for flower events especially!
  5. MelonPan

    Selling Pick from the following villagers all for 30 tbt

    I'm interested in Canberra~
  6. MelonPan

    Trading [Selling] Kabuki the Cranky Cat

    I PMed you! You can donate as much as you'd like, I honestly just want him to go to a good home!
  7. MelonPan

    Trading  [Selling] Kabuki the Cranky Cat

    As much as I love him, he's been in my town since it started and he's always been in the way of where I want one of my bridges. So it's time for him to go. He leaves on the 3rd I believe. I'm looking for an Uchi villager (listed below) or IGB. I also have wishlist items...
  8. MelonPan

    Giveaway ~Unoriginal Marshal in boxes now~ Adopted✌

    I can come get him now. I will add you! Let me know when your gates are open~
  9. MelonPan

    Yes I am! Are you wanting anything in return for her? I can get her right away~

    Yes I am! Are you wanting anything in return for her? I can get her right away~
  10. MelonPan

    Ah do you still have Canberra? o:

    Ah do you still have Canberra? o:
  11. MelonPan

    My games wifi isn't working for some reason today (just tried to trade with someone) so I can't...

    My games wifi isn't working for some reason today (just tried to trade with someone) so I can't go pick her up. I am sorry!
  12. MelonPan

    (Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

    Looking for Canberra, Shari, or Muffy, as I'm in need of an Uchi villager. May also take Tammi, but the other 3 are preferred.
  13. MelonPan

    Selling Phoebe is in boxes

    I can do 700,000!