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  • Dude I don't crouch on purpose. Part of it is For Glory habit and the rest is because I'm not used to a new circle pad.

    The GG during the Pikachu was legit though. Was n't trying to be ****-ey about it.
    I just got on for today, sorry I missed you ;; It's really fine though I just wanted to make sure the deal was still on ^^ Let me know whenever you have time again! I'm free tomorrow from 10am EST on~

    Do you have room in town?

    Theres an auction for Kid Kat that ends today. The current offer is 30 mil, but I asked if a combined offer of Tbt and Igb is ok. Still waiting on a response though.

    I can maybe donate some munnies.
    Not quite sure if I'm doing this right x3 But I'd like a bit more guidance and help with forum info, and how they work. Like the "Retail" thing.
    Ah thats good to hear, I actually have had Deirdre in boxes in one of my cycle towns for a few weeks now, I've just been trying to do a 16 villager cycle in my main. It's been verrrry slow, hah
    Hi there! Thanks for noticing that I haven't been around too much, I actually got banned the other day because the mods thought my boyfriend's account was an alt account for me... So that was a hassle -_- Lol, well anyhow, how has your search for Kid Kat been going?
    I'm not making Johns, but that was ridiculous.

    The Jigglypuff match was good.

    When Jason came in on Ness he wasn't Reffing the way I told him to. When we did that match where we took him out with no damage, I would've been fine with it but it was 2-stock. The Jigglypuff was 3.

    I wanna do this again because of how stupid it ended up.
    Nevermind, they all went offline at the same time. Guess I'm fighting him tomorrow.

    If you want, we can play at around 8:30 my time. Whitney wants me to visit at 8:20.

    Also, we should make this a little interesting. How does Jigglypuff dittos, 2/3, winner gets 30 TBT sound?
    I already tried to get Reg to make a TBT. He said he didn't have an e-mail so I offered to make it for him but he hasn't said if he does or doesn't want one.

    And for Marko: I already fought him a couple times, just not in dittos yet. He uses Burst Grenade too much lol. (We did a SheikVsKingDDD, me as Sheik. My edge-guarding was totally perfect. I think I saved the fight but I'm not 100% sure
    I eventually met Marko when I was in Coltons town with Reg, Reg lost wifi and so Jason showed up. We ended up doing a 2v2 in Smash and now I'm gonna do a Sheik ditto with Marko. Jason and Colton said they wanted to spectate but if one of them isn't online you can take their place when we fight. If not I'll send you the replay
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