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  • Sure that's not a problem. I have to shower and take my bf to GameStop. But then I'll be back!
    And I actually JUST sold all of them last night. Sorry!
    I don't have many cosmos, so I can sell you what I have. Maybe around 10-20 if you need that many. 5tbt a piece.

    And pink carnation I have A LOT so you can just tell me how many you'd like. 7tbt. :3
    oppp another late reply sorry work again :rolleyes: but nahh retail isnt too bad as long as you dont get dumb customers
    Ahh sorry for the late reply again i was at work again today, but i work in retail :D
    Excuse me, but I had all those pink flowers by that house in my town for you haha.
    You didn't want them all?
    The 135 covered all the Pink flowers(Carnations/Roses/Tulips/Cosmos)

    And you gave me an extra 15 too.
    I can give you a Jacob's Ladder and a random hybrid of your choosing in my town ^^;
    Push yourself! Even if its just one or two people to hang with, the more you talk to people the less shy you'll start feeling by my last two/tree years in school i pretty much spoke to everyone in my year
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