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  • Hello! Reconfirming for Mermaid Carpet
    Mermaid Shelf
    Mermaid Clock
    Mermaid Lamp
    Mermaid Closet
    Saplings (3x)

    If you aren't available for the next few hours, I'll be back during the evening EST.
    Heeeeyyy. I noticed you have Friga on your dreamies list. I have Friga and don't really want her. Would you like me to reserve? C:
    I don't know if we can do the trade then.... I don't know what the problem is, it's not even coming through on the host end. :/
    I have your white wet suit ready :3 Mind if I come drop it off at your town?
    It's quickly becoming a mess at mine. D:
    That's crazy! XD Hahaha.

    Crazy enough, there's (3) of us here on TBT. I'm surprised too since the island is so small.

    Oh well, thanks for your naming your town Guam! And good luck with getting your picture! :D You'll need it!

    GUAM!? Do you love my island so much that you named your village after it?

    Or are you from here? D:
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