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  • oh sweet! well thanks for letting me know :) I guess we've been on this forum for quite a while now :'D
    ahh, sorry for the late response. i added you and am available to trade. shoot me a message and i'll open the town!
    omg wait what post card was this?? I remember doing a postcard giveaway but I don't think it was 3 years ago! thanks for leaving me a message about it though <3
    Ohh, okay. Will do! I think I have a few Mermaid items, haha.
    Also, sorry. D: I'm going to be away until I've been really off and on. Hopefully we can talk again when I get back! I'd definitely love to play AC with you.

    About the games..Ragnarok I'd definitely be willing to play with you. It seems cool and I wanted to play it for awhile. Same with Perfect World. I'll download Perfect World if you want to do that. :D I still have Tera downloaded.
    That's fine! I'm on my way home now! I'll be there in about 30 mins! I'll let you know when I'm ready!
    Whenever you feel like! I am doing 3 more tours and then you're more than welcome!
    Great! I'll add you right away! I already have pears but I'll make sure to bring you something! :3
    Thanks Peachy! I just started as well :) I have peaches as my town fruit if you want some sometime. :D
    Will Arnett and Amy Poehler are in Arrietty!!! Now I need to see this movie! Thanks for identifying them for me. ^^

    And haha thank you. It looks exactly like me, too. ;0
    I haven't actually seen Ponyo. /shot

    There are quite a few I haven't seen, as well, like the last two in the gifs here; No idea what they're called, either. OTL

    I heard that, but didn't really take it upon myself to go out and read the book. Someone I know that read the book said the movie and the book are two completely different things. I adored the movie so much I didn't want that to be ruined. But ehhh maybe it'll be better than the movie, I shouldn't knock it before I try it. I'll definitely try to find it at the library.

    And I added you back. ^^
    ouo alright I'll keep an eye out for those villagers as well if they ever appear in my campsite~
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