• Join us for live Nintendo Trivia today at 6PM EDT in Discord as part of TBT's World Championship 2024 to win points for your team! if justin is awake

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  • No problem, and thanks it will since I have Moon and can't get Vulpix myself in game. :)
    Ok I'll add you now, and sure! So we will touch trade Silvally and then I just put up whatever for the Vulpix?
    Ok I think I may have just caught you online. :) If I have we can trade now if you'd like?
    I seem to keep missing you by just a few mins. I'll try to be online even more tomorrow so I can hopefully catch you then.
    Sorry for my late response. I've been busy with the holidays. I should be available sometime in the afternoon tomorrow. My time zone is EST. I don't really need anything in return. :)
    I can probably evolve cosmog if you give me like 15 minutes? I know you need the cosmoem too? if you are gonna be around for a little bit
    it all worked out in the end no worries! thanks for your help and good luck finishing up the poked!
    you need to take the dubious disk off of lunala first! sorry, I didn't want to waste more time lol
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