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  • Finished your order.
    Only problem is that Rimbombee could not be in a friend ball. I just put it in a pokeball instead.

    lemme know when you can pick up!
    Hey, thanks for the advice. Could you pm me a link that gives me advice learning how to create the Pokemon?
    Sorry, that was an amazing series of typos from my phone. "I was so convinced you'd be done the first week you were here" is what it should have said. xD; I remember you hit level 9 with your team on the first day. It was incredibly impressive.

    I developed an extremely expensive love for accents while you were on holiday. And also really old dragons. So I've been mostly broke.
    No problem, thanks for renting! It basically funded a huge percentage of a new game I bought. XD

    Congrats on finally leveling your team! I was so combined you'd be fine the first week you were here.

    Also thanks for letting me know. o: I'll empty it out a bit when I get home. It's full of your tbt received messages. XD
    Haha, it's fine. :)

    Dragon rentals are per dragon, not for the pair, so you'll only be paying for who you so have with you.
    Not a problem! You're so regular with payments, that I'm not too fussed about when they come in. :)

    Enjoy your holiday!
    I remember you asking about a Boolean a day or two ago, so I thought this thread might be of interest to you. : D
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