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  • Lol I hate the big fuzzy spiders, they're the worst. I accidentally touched one when I was little. ...And a few months back one had crawled up my pant leg and was sitting on my thigh under my pants! ._. Luckily it didn't bite me but I made sure it was dead!

    Thanks for wishing me luck!
    That's awesome! I am a total advocate for doing something you love regardless of stability or money. Honestly I don't make very much $$ at my current job but I love it a lot and I have had jobs before where I made good money but hated the work and I always ended up quitting. Of course the BEST situation would be doing something you love with a nice steady paycheck hehe but that isn't always possible :p
    That's awesome! Way to go! I was in Dummy classes in highschool LOL. I still turned out alright though :p

    What would you like to do for a career? or are you undecided?
    Yeah, he's always been pretty freaked out about spiders. He doesn't scream when he sees them or anything- just comes to find me to kill them. I usually end up killing the fuzzy bigger ones but sometimes little ones show up in the bathroom! (There's one in there on the ceiling right now but I'm not going to point it out to him. Don't want to climb up on the counter top and kill it if I don't have to!)

    I'm just counting down the days slowly, playing video games. I going to go out job hunting next month. Hopefully I can get a job so I have some income to save up to visit my boyfriend next year! I'm kind of nervous though, I've never had a job before.
    What are you taking in school?? or is it highschool?

    I spend quite a bit of time on here and I have also been sculpting. Thinking about making some A/C related keychains or something :D

    My mom stole my AC:CF so I don't have an old AC to tie me over lol just have to suffer until NL comes :p
    Not too bad at all. It's a slow day at work so just chillin out on the forums :D This keeps me entertained while I wait for the game. As I'm sure it does with many others hehe.

    Do you work?
    Pretty well. Though we did have a scare earlier today; my brother's college was in lock down because someone called in saying they saw a man with a gun on the campus. Don't worry though. My brother's fine. He came home around and hour ago. Said he thought the whole experience was exciting. |: My brother is weird.
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