Stevey Queen

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  • thank you so much : ) it's still a baby town and i'll tear down a lot and re-do but it means a lot that you checked it out / like it.
    Ah, thank you for the review! I don't have the pink pj shirt yet, so I only have the blue pjs set out for dreamers. I spent a lot of time finding the perfect town map, and I chose this one because it looked so interesting! Thanks for noticing how I numbered my rooms, I was wondering if someone would notice.
    Thanks for the review! The lizard furniture is called a gaudi's lizard, you can get it from gulliver! The dino area was actually something called a fairy ring! lisas house is actually my older sisters house, she never plays. and the bathroom is finished, not much to do with a bathroom ;-;
    oh anytime!~ I love what you've done so far, i really enjoyed my visit and I would be greatful if you'd tell me when you updated it! I look foward to seeing where your creativity takes you and wish you the best of luck making your town something that makes you feel proud.
    Replied to your comment in the thread, have you added if you'd like to come over now for the giveaway :)
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