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  • hi! i haven’t reached out in a bit, so just wanted to say hi and that i hope you’re doing well and enjoying camp bell tree! 🥰💗

    also, as always, your avatar is adorable. 🥺
    • Bee
    Reactions: Toska
    Ah hi! I’m sorry for not reaching out sooner, I’ve actually been wondering how you’ve been doing but time has a way of slipping from my grip 😅. Thanks for reaching out! I’ve been pretty busy with some irl things so I’ve been trying to keep up with camp bell tree as much as I can. I hope you’re also doing well and enjoying the event! 💜

    Thank you so much! @Honey.mei did mine and I really like it! 💜
    • Bee
    Reactions: Xara
    no need to apologize! i completely understand. i’m sorry for not reaching out sooner as well aha. :’)

    ah, i see! well, i hope you’ve enjoyed the parts that you’ve been able to participate in, and i hope things get less busy for you soon! and i am, thank you! ☺️💗

    ooh, nice! @Honey.mei is super talented!
    • Bee
    Reactions: Toska
    Hi! How are you doing? Just wanted to check up on you :). I hope you’re doing well.
    • Love
    Reactions: Toska
    Hello! Thanks for checking in on me. Honestly, I’ve been extremely busy recently and haven’t had too much time to be on tbt, unfortunately. Im trying my best to finish the event activities, though! How are you doing? :)
    I’m doing good! Thanks for asking ☺️. Gl with the event activities! I hope you’ll finish the event activities in time 🙂. I hope you get time to relax soon too 😊.
    • Love
    Reactions: Toska
    Hi! I hope you’re doing well and having fun with the event ☺️.
    • Love
    Reactions: Toska
    Hello! I’m doing alright! I’m enjoying the event a lot, thanks for asking! I am especially having difficulty with the masterpiece event, but I was bad with the House of Mirrors, too. Have you been enjoying the event?
    I’m glad to hear that! I am struggling with the house of mirrors and the masterpiece event too 😅. I have been enjoying it a lot! 😊
    • Love
    Reactions: Toska
    We haven’t really spoken but thank you for all your lovely replies. You are always so kind and sweet 💫💜💫
    • Love
    Reactions: Toska
    Oh, thank you!! 💜 You’re always so sweet and deserve to be told so.
    • Love
    Reactions: Roxxy
    Hi Toska! I just noticed your title and I want to tell you I love it ☺️. Also am sorry you’re hurting now too. Feel free to dm me if you need to vent. I hope you feel better soon. 🍀🤞
    • Love
    Reactions: Toska
    Hi, Dun! Thanks you! I thought it was really pretty and fitting to my interests! Ignatz isn’t one of my favorites but I still like him and his crit quotes. :)

    Thank you for your concern! These kinds of things aren’t unusual for me, sometimes it’s just harder to get past than others. I’m sorry that you’ve been going through tough patches too, if you ever need to talk my dms are also open! 💜
    Hi! How are you doing? I hope you’re feeling better. :)
    • Love
    Reactions: Toska
    I’m doing alright! Still pretty tired, but that will be a regular from now on. Today wasn’t as tiring as yesterday, but that’s only because I did less physical labor. Other than that, I’m doing pretty well! How’ve you been doing? I hope you’re doing well also. 💜
    Glad to hear you’re doing well :). I’m doing alright; just tired because I stayed up too late again. Thanks for asking 💜.
    • Love
    Reactions: Toska
    hi! i just wanted to thank you for your kind words on the “give a user some love” thread! you’re genuinely so sweet and absolutely wonderful to talk to and know. i hope to be friends for a long time as well. 🥰💖
    Hi! How are you doing? I hope you’re having a good week. How are your Fire Emblem playthroughs coming along? :)
    Hi! I'm doing alright! And thanks! :D My week has been pretty good so far, nothing really to complain about. I actually haven't played my Fates playthrough since we last talked! But, I've gotten a few chapters further in my Black Eagles route. I'm on chapter 7 or 8 I believe, so it's still repeating things that I already know will occur. I'm still deciding if I want to go through the Crimson Flower or Silver Snow first. Which would you recommend?

    How've you and you're Fire Emblem playthroughs going? :)
    I’m glad you’re doing well. :) I always pick Crimson Flower, but tbh, I think the second to the last boss fight and dialogue in Silver Snow is much more interesting and longer than Crimson Flower. If you want to go with what is more interesting first, go with Silver Snow. :)

    I have honestly not touched my game lately. I wanted to play it but haven’t been really up to doing much lately. 😅 I’m doing better and may resume soon. :)
    Yeah, I get that. I have a few friends who really like Edelgarde, but I have to be honest and say I really like Dimitri. I'll probably go with Silver Snow first, but I might end up finding some undiscovered love for Edelgarde. 😅

    I understand that completely. I haven't been playing much, but I want to finish this playthough so I can eventually beat all the routes. I'm glad you're doing better, though! I hope you continue to feel better. :D
    Hi! How have you been doing? How are you enjoying FE Fates? I read you liked Takumi! 🙂 he’s also a favorite of mine 😊.
    Aw. I’m so sorry to hear that :(. My dms are always open to you if you need a vent; no pressure though :).

    I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the game! 😊 The game was still a lot of fun in spite all of the stuff I had mentioned to you about it; and some really great character designs 🙂.

    You’re right! They both are sharp with words but are really kind, bit are awkward expressing themselves in a not so blunt way. 🙂

    I’m doing good! Just drained from drawing without breaks! Going to start drawing tomorrow again though. :) thanks so much for asking even though you have a lot on your mind. I hope everything will be okay and your week gets better :)
    I really appreciate it! :) it’s nice to know that there’s someone I can talk to. Same goes to you! 💜

    Yeah, I really like all the different characters in this game! I don’t think I’ve came across one character thus far that I just didn’t like. I didn’t really like Camilla when I first met her, but her strength made me appreciate her more. :)

    I’ve been viewing your art gallery, and it seems your hard work has really paid off! It all looks really amazing, honestly I wish I was as talented as you! I’ve never had the patience to do art, haha. And I appreciate it! I hope you and yours are staying safe. 💜
    Same here! I grew fond of Camilla though for her strength as well and I honestly liked how much she loves her siblings :).

    Ah thanks so much! 🙏 I appreciate the feedback! I am working on my patience or at least for art, since I honestly have none. 😅 I’m sure your art would be great if you decided to draw :).

    Thank you for being so kind and I appreciate the offer to talk :). 💜 Hang in there. 🙂
    • Love
    Reactions: Toska
    Hi! How are you doing? I hope you feel better soon; I saw your post in the bothering thread.
    I’m doing okay, thanks for checking in! I’ve been a lot better mentally as of recent, compared to how I felt a week or so ago. For the more recent bothering post, I’ve been laying down for an hour or so, and haven’t fell asleep yet. The pain has went away for right now but for me it just depends on how I feel when I get up tomorrow. How’ve you been doing?
    I’m glad you’re feeling better mentally :); I hope your week continues to go by smoothly. I hope you feel 100% better physically soon too 🙏. I’m doing better now. Was upset about something that my mom did earlier but she is going to continue to help me look for it. Thanks for asking :).
    • Like
    Reactions: Toska
    Thank you! I really do appreciate it. I’m glad you’re doing better! :)
    Do you have Redd on your island?
    I’m sorry for the late response! Unfortunately I do not, I hope you found somebody!
    Ok thanks anyway someone helped me yesterday yes and I got Redd on my island today :)
    • Love
    Reactions: Toska
    Thanks for the fr on switch! (and sorry i didn't put two and two together and figure out it was you until the mario party stream 😰 lol) not my finest moment😅
    Sounds good! And MK8 sounds fun, although as you may have learned from the competitives we played together I’m not the best at it 😂. I would for sure recommend Mario Party or smash, but I can relate with the wallet abuse. I’ve been saving up for the new Pokémon games and miitopia coming out and it’s a struggle😅
    • Like
    Reactions: 0ni
    i'm awful too, so absolutely no pressure when i'm on the track lol 😅 Ahh i'm tempted by miitopia, too - I wasn't even thinking of getting it before but I heard people on here chatting about it and now 👀 I'm too suggestible lmao, but tbh mario party is the one I like the look of the most - the mini games seem fun
    Yeah, I feel like MK8 is something I’ve gotta practice a lot before I can even think about being good at lol. And yeah, I had miitopia on the 3ds and I loved it soooo much. Of course, it was incomparable to Tomodachi Life for me, but I still loved playing miitopia. I’ve played through the demo and I like it still a lot, even though the plot is the same. I’m a sucker for good graphics! And yeah, the mini games in Mario Party are pretty fun (from what I’ve played) and overall I enjoy the game!
    I saw your post on the whats bothering you thread and I hope you’re okay :c ♡ anxiety is the worst and what helps me is to remember you won’t always feel like this. If you need to talk about anything you can Pm me anytime ♡
    • Love
    Reactions: Toska
    Aw, thank you so much! You have no idea how much it means to me for you to take the time out of your day just to message me. And yeah, anxiety is no fun whatsoever. I’m starting to feel better now, thankfully. Again, thank you so much. If you ever need anything, I’m here! <3
    • Love
    Reactions: mocha.
    Ah bless you that is so sweet. I just wanted to reach out because I know how debilitating it can be :c I always flick between being okay and anxious and those anxious periods are awful. I really appreciate that and I’m glad you’re feeling better! ♡
    • Love
    Reactions: Toska
    Hey Toska! I'm doing well. <3 Thanks for checking in and for the TBT! I haven't been playing AC a lot, as I've gone down the rabbit hole of Pokémon Sword and work has been really hectic. How's life treating you?
    That's great! And no problem! Similar to you, I haven't been playing that much AC and have been playing Pokemon Shield! I'm not the best at the game, but I enjoy playing it regardless. Other than that, life has been kinda dull but also very chaotic at the same time! Sorry work hasn't great for you! Talk you you soon! :)
    That's awesome! Work hasn't been awful, just really busy. XD If there are any Sword-exclusive Pokémon you're looking for/will be looking for to complete your Pokédex, let me know. I'd be happy to help! (My S/O helped me get the Shield-exclusives, so I'm happy to pay it forward. :3) Are you in a new semester for school now? I know our school board has shifted semester start/end dates for the online school format.
    Yeah, I get that! And thanks! I appreciate it! I'll be sure to let you know if I need any. I haven't really started trying to complete my pokedex, but I really should, lol! And yeah! We started a new semester towards the beginning of January. I don't have to take PE anymore (thankfully) and I've been moved to other classes! My school has both in person and online students, so things have been kind of hectic with it. But things are starting to work out!
    I love your Diana pfp. did you draw that?
    • Love
    Reactions: Toska
    Thank you so much! I'm honestly in love with it! Unfortunately, I did not draw it. The amazing @Snowifer drew my pfp, I would totally recommend her shop!
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