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  • Do you have another green one? If not, then the green wand and silver can is fine ^_* Do you also happen to have a rose sofa?
    I don't have my game on me right now so are you available in about an hour? How many purple roses do you want btw? :3
    ok well my internet keeps disconnecting so i'm sorry if it takes a long time if you do come.. ; ; if it doesnt work you can always sell later
    im going to add you and leave my gates open so come by anytime. my internet is a little bad right now so if it doesnt work just keep trying
    Sorry for the late reply, I'm in a completely different time zone to you, it was 4am when I got your last message. I'll be available in about 3-4 hours time and a few hours after that if you still want the items. I still don't know what happened last night, doesn't help that I was tired, haha
    Needed someone to hold My stuff when i was resetting but i got helped by Avalon. Thanks anyway
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