The journal of Cala

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2018
🔅 Welcome to little Cala 🔅


Cala does not have a very specific theme nor does it follow trends.
The only objective of Cala is to make its villagers feel at easy and relaxed.

Things you will be able to see from now on in this journal:

📏 Structural changes happening in Cala

🐶 Information about the vibrant villagers personalities

🖼 Cute photograghs


If you would like to share your thoughts about infrastructure, aesthetics or in general tips please feel free to do so, I would love to hear from you
💛 !

⚠ Please be mindful with your opinions so that they could not be hurtful to anyone who might read ⚠





Winter season is so beautiful and i think everyone in Cala is enjoying it a lot !

Aurora justo recently moved to our island but i think she really is enjoying the cold ❄ 🐧 ❄ !


Erik is just adorable and we are very lucky to have him in Cala for the season holidays,
we were catching up while he was looking for wood for his chimney to stay warm and cozy in the cold
winter nights from Cala.


Cole walking out of the museum with his brand new coat that I recently gifted him,
doesn't he look adorable !


I also had the chance to have some funsie fun in the snow ☃



Ah Brewster how I miss the possibility to drink a hot beverage while sitting on a log as I gaze to the moon,
I know you'll come visit soon dear old friend and when the time comes Cala will be ready :)!


This is Auroras house and I love the little area created to host a little puppy 🐶 and now that we
have the plushies its just perfect !!!


The area for NC is a big large,
I will try to soon upload a full picture of the Nooks Cranny area as I really like how it turned out.
Lets say this is how the entrance looks like which is also the only place where i have planted all
my fruit trees.


And here we have the Able Sister store, right next to the main plaza with a little table and chair,
I love seeing my villagers sit there the do it very often specially in the mornings!

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peek at Sara? little cozy home :D


Winter / Christmas time ⛄


This is how it used to look, I did changed a bit when the turkey day festival came up but sadly i did not take a picture of that.



This is how my main room looks now for the winter season I normally have the lights turned off to enjoy the lightening from the snowy windows and the star garland.
Fun fact: interact with the little winter globe and sparkles come in it :D also those presents under my tree are from forum members 🎄

It is still very much incomplete, but i am liking very much how it is turning out for them moment



This is my little tea room and like my little room to commemorate my villagers and think of the ones i had 🌻

Since I made my bedroom i have not changed it much to be honest, i might reform it at some point when there are a bit more furniture.

I absolutely love how my kitchen is coming to be !! its not done but truly like it so far :D


I turned the lights on for the sake of the photo hahah but normally i just have the lights turned off to give it a spooky vibe. I think ill try to add more like stand up candle lights to lighten the room a tiny bit more but i haven found ones yet. In overall really obsessed with this room too 💫




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Hello beautiful people from Cala, today Mama Claus will do the morning announcement. Its the 25th of December and we have a special visitor today, come to the plaza to get a sneak peek 🎀


Its Mister Jingles the black nose reindeer from christmas the cousin of the very famous red nose reindeer, its been a hard year but everyone in Cala is excited and happy to have you in the island Mister Jingles!


For me this christmas has been very special and I had a blast opening all your presents from the forum, thank you to all of you who exchanged gifts with me before my internet broke, you guys made my christmas !


Everyone in cala received just want they wanted for this year, Mama clause worked hard with Mister Jingles to make everyones dreams come true 💫


Although everyone got a little bit sad that Toy day was so soon over their spirits were lifted up by the Aurora lights that night, it appeared as a farewell gift from Mister Jingles.


See you next year Mister Jingles 🦌
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So who will me moving soon to Cala I wonder ?


Its the gorgeous/jock Leonardo, Welcome to Cala! He just moved in today and I feel like its supper representative,
I wish I could just go and give him a bear-hug 🐻🐯


Also, Nintendo, could you please habilitate the ability to re- decorate villager houses ? please?
I think it might be the first time poor Leonardo moved on its own and got a bit wild with the decoration.


On a different note since my villagers are none stop talking about 2020 coming to an end
I felt this clip very fitting. Can 2020 get any more weirdly ? Guess not even Aliens weren't impressed with in 2020 🤣
See ya in a better year little fella 👋

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TB to 31/12/2020

Celeste preparing all of us in Cala to greet 2021 properly, I mean you looking super smart girl !
However, next year come over to my place and ill hand you a beautiful dress that will make you justice
so you don't have to wear a smoking 👗


Before the count down Cala was blessed with its second Aurora light, It just looks so beautiful
I could stare at it all night


What a lovely, celebration I think we all had a blast! loved the decorations in the plaza, the hats and most of all the explosion of colors in the sky, such a beautiful ceremony 🎆


I love fireworks but also feel bad for loving them in RL cause they cause a lot of distress to both
domestic and wild animals, so enjoying them in ACNH is extra special
cause they do not cause any kind of hazard to anyone.
Just look at those colors and with the moon by their side I mean 😍


Sadly on the 01/01/2021 one of our favorite Villagers decided as his NYs resolute that he needed more
adventure in his life and took his sailing boat to the the deep sea in search of a new island,
I am talking about tour lovely cranky Apollo, luckily he did find a new home
where he will be fully appreciated 💛


Two days later Cala had a new cranky villager. I must say that I was super surprised
since i was not aware that Tom the cat was a cranky villager, I thought
he was a lazy one.
Welcome to Cala Tom 🐱!


In Cala we want to try to make the best out of 2021 :D!




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🎊 The big day has come 🎊 !


I must say I have found the entire birthday event a very short but sweet little event and I
had tons of fun celebrating with my villagers, its been a busy day 🎈.


After the surprise party I changed to an appropriate birthday outfit for the live concert and the party
I had organized for later to be able to just relax with my villagers.


K.K came to sing me a special song which I just adored, it was extra special cause Aurora
Which is a Normal type villager which I have become very fond of since she is just so cute and we share tons of hobbies,
like, did you know that Aurora likes to knit! I know! she told me the other day 🧣.


I was heart warmed and extremely surprised by the beautiful messages my villagers
gave me for my birthday 😊.







I believe the venue or the party was just perfect and everyone had tons of fun :D.


I think some people had a little bit too much fun Ehem Ehem looking at you both Erik and Tom.



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Its been a while since my last post, so I thought I would just post a couple of photos to show how Cala has changed since last time. I am horrible at pre/post photos but at least I can show how it currently looks. Cala is by no means 100% finished, I very much like many of the changes I have done, however, there are other areas that I am sure will change once more over time, anyways without further delay here are some photos ( they are from different days and time ).

This is the middle of my island separating the comercial area and the residential area, really love the natural vibe of these arches.


I just recently did this little basketball area and im loving it I must admit its also the only sporty area from Cala,
so lets hope it will spring some curiosity among Calas residents.


I really liked the Resetti model we got from the update and I have placed two, one in front of the museum near the manhole
and another in one of the cliffs.



Changed some of the villagers home around, its casual and very simple, but I like the normality and confortable looks of it.



PS: I love these wind mills, there are so relaxing to walk by and or just sit in the bench and relax, its fabulous. Really recommend them!


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🌸 Its the time of the year that everything turns pinkish perfect 🌸

As the cherry season begins and eastern holiday approaches Cala has turned into a pink wave of happiness
filled with cherry petals and easter eggs 🌸🐰🥚

Our town hall looks just splendid in pink and with the warm weather K.K. has come
out to delight us with a live concert inspired by the warmth of the sunshine, the aromas from spring
and its beautiful colors.


Cala this time of the year just radiates happiness












Cala might be even more pinkish by the next cherry blossom season, who knows!
Although every cherry blossom season is different,
we all know it will always be a beautiful season to enjoy.


At Cala we decided to host a easter ball dance to commemorate the season,
so in the evening everyone at Cala wore their best attire and went to Harvs
to celebrate. I wonder who will be nomi
nated Calas first cherry B. princess and prince 👑...

Some were having a blast at the dance floor,
others where more timid and preferred to sit and sip on their sparkling juices
and although unfortunate some experience rejection



Reneé was really excited about the Cherry B. crown, i wonder if she will be
crowned princess of the season 💭. Leonardo on the other hand was just been himself,
stretching his muscles before he got to the dance floor to prevent any possible

muscle damage, because as he says "a good warm up and stretch is just as important as routine".




The Party lasted long and ended late but for this Cherry B. season Calas villagers had voted for
Felicity and Tom to be the princess and prince, Congratulations !!
I wonder who will be crowned next year ?


We will have to wait for next year to see ... 🌸 🎉 👑
Nothing much has happened in Cala this couple of months,
however, Calas representative figured out how to make
the vending machines work, you see, they had
been under maintenance for a while now.
You will be wondering how she managed ?🤔

Sara, Calas representative, was wondering how to repair
this big machines so that Calas villagers could enjoy a cold
nice drink during the long hot summer days. Suddenly, out of nowhere
she thought of a plausible solution ❗❕


You see, Sara, she had been keeping a little secret from Calas
inhabitants, she was a little earth fairy 🧚‍♀️.

While she was thinking for the best spell to repair this big machines, she
summoned the power that the island generates in order to transform it into
useful energy to fix the vending machine and just like that, it got fixed!






Now everyone in Cala can enjoy a nice cold boba drink
in this long and hot summer days.


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i love how you do your island journal :love:

do you mind if i do mine the same as how you do it..? cause i'm gonna re-do my journal :>
thank you very much, absolutely, looking forward to seeing your journal soon 😍


mine isn't like yours actually... but i think it's sort of better then my previous version of what it was :>
it's in my sig if you ever want to check it out :>
it appears that summer is over and its time to go back to our daily responsibilities,
but before we do that lets celebrate the end of summer 🎆

One day, when Isabell leaves her desk, at some point im going to jump
the counter and steal a sip of her ice tea, super curious too see
which flavor is her favorite 🍹


Cala looks real pretty when the sky lightens up!







And just like that the summer was over, no more fireworks or boba tea with
our favorite fox from town!



But we are not sad here in Cala, because we are looking forward to
welcoming the Autumn 🍂 with its beautiful color changes.

I think this is my favorite season and although i guess
i do not go to hardcore with it, I love getting ready for Autumn adding
some seasonal decorations here and there and slowly introducing some spooky
deco in preparation to halloween although nothing too obvious or spooky
yet since its only September .

Loading season change 🍂 😉

Captura de pantalla 2021-09-15 a las 18.25.32.png

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"Bonfires burning bright
Pumpkin faces in the night
I remember Halloween 🎃 !"

Cala has turned to the spooky turn,
be weary of the shadows in the night...















Wait! where did the scarecrow go? Strange things
are happening of late.


Be weary of the night my friends,

Nothing is what it appears to be

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Everyone has been helping with the halloween preparations,
sadly we ran out of pumpkins to use to decorate in Cala,
No worries, we made a little excursion to get more, it is time to
drown Cala in 🎃.

🌚 🌝

Everyone who had some time to spear from Cala came along to find the perfect pumpkins
but it was my boy Clyde ( :love: ) who found the roundest, fullest and prettiest 🎃.


🌚 🌝

After a long day of hard work searching for the perfect pumpkins we decided
to gather all together before going back home.
Clyde is been just his goofy and bright spirit self dancing his soul out,
while the girls are gossiping about god knows what and Tom and me we are just starting
to prep and carve some 🎃.


🌚 🌝

By the time we all notice time, night, has already swallowed us and
we do not notice we have a new guest in house :eek:.

It appears the spooky scare crow that was missing from Cala
is following our lovely villagers from Cala everywhere they go.
I wonder if it has something to tell them ?


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Meanwhile in a very far of kingdom from Cala other stories and lives entwine....

There was once a upon a time a very lonely witch deep in the woods
she had become a legend among the people in her village,
but not one that the poor witch enjoyed, So after years of years
of magical training .... ✨





The witch said, Enough!
I will not wait for prince charming to come and rescue me
from the misunderstanding of the villagers. If I wait any
longer i will become old of age and despair.

I will grab hold of my live, i will go through a makie-over,
go to this Prince home and demand an explanation
for why it had taken him this long to realize what a stunning woman i was!



And off she went to meet her prince charming with her self
made carriage. He was so dazzled by
her charm,
wit and her straight forward energetic means that he
realized he could not live without a woman as strong as her
as she provided her strength to him, making them
the unstoppable pair.


Just like that what started as a sad and gloomy story
ended up with a bright and happily ever after
ending ✨

I love seeing the seasons change in your posts! I took a break from playing last fall and winter and afterwards just TT'd, so it's especially nice to see those unfold here. The sepia tinted pictures for Halloween are such a nice touch ❤
I love seeing the seasons change in your posts! I took a break from playing last fall and winter and afterwards just TT'd, so it's especially nice to see those unfold here. The sepia tinted pictures for Halloween are such a nice touch ❤

Thanks for your kind words, my town layout is not 100% since there a couple small areas i keep changing because i cant figure them out yet but, i dont like having too repetitive photos, so i started using Harveys island to represent scenes that i imagen would happen with my villagers and i loving it 😍