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A Million Dollars, BUT


The Earth is your friend
Apr 2, 2017
Tasty Cake
Red Pansy
Spring Shamrock
This game is super simple, all you have to do is offer the person below you "a million dollars, BUT" include a catch. For example, A million dollars, but you have to eat a gallon of mayo.
Also, make sure to reply to the person above you!
Whoever is below me, answer my example questions. now GO!
Oh sounds fun! Let's see if I got this right...

I'd eat the gallon of mayo (ew) then use the money to get treatment or work it off at the gym, and keep the rest!

A million dollars, but you have to spend it only on movies.
I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing. I'd probably take a huge group of friend to a movie premiere or something haha.

A million dollars, but for a full year, there will only be rainy weather (no floods lol)
Would this rain be worldwide, or only relative to my location? If it's worldwide, then I guess I'll use the money to buy a year's supply of canned food, since no sunlight would make agriculture impossible, causing worldwide famine. If it's just in my general location, then it's not a huge deal to me personally. Rain doesn't bother me too much.

A million dollars, but you are forbidden from having any sort of job. The only way to make more money is by investing the million dollars in things like gold or stocks.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, do we have to accept the money, or can we refuse in order to avoid its side effects?
Well, I guess it’s time to start getting personally involved in the stock exchange... lmao

A million dollars, but you have to spend it only on other people.
Sure. :p

A million dollars, but you lose your hair.
Cool, there's plenty of useful stuff you can get from there I guess. Not a million dollars worth but at least you could use some of it. Shame though.

A million dollars but you have to wake up at or before 6am every day for a year.
No problem! It would better my sleeping habits lol

A million dollars but you can't use anything that is* your favorite color.
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That'd be okay I guess, I like to discover new colour combinations that I like! I'm getting tired of using blue on everything anyways. (not my favourite btw just what has become my 'signature' the last year or so).

A million dollars but you are forced to move country.
Hmm, that would be hard, but I'd make it work lol

A million dollars, but no using it on any hobbies (games, tv, etc)
Hmm, that would be hard, but I'd make it work lol

A million dollars, but no using it on any hobbies (games, tv, etc)

NOPE! I couldn't! I love singing and playing music too much!

Also, do we have to accept the money, or can we refuse in order to avoid its side effects?
No, you don't have to accept it!

- - - Post Merge - - -

A million dollars, but you can't eat anything with bread for 2 years!
dear christ, just plain bread? i'm not a commie and i'm not the media's interpretation of a duck. plus i'm a picky eater

a million dollars, but you are not allowed to take any medications of any form
I'll take it, hopefully I'm not diagnosed with some life threatening disease anytime soon.

A million dollars, but you can never use social media (including this forum).
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I'll take it, hopefully I'm not diagnosed with some life threatening disease anytime soon.

A million dollars, but you can never use social media (including this forum).

That's doable. I don't use most social media on a regular basis; I only use Tumblr for media, Instagram (soon for my art), and rarely Facebook for family. But if Youtube counts it'll be hard xD

A million dollars, but you can only wear your least favorite kinds of clothes for 5 years.
...honestly no. I’m very picky about my clothes and that would destroy my self confidence.

A million dollars but you have to spend it all on one thing
I can do that. Maybe an investment? Or my business?

A million dollars but, you can only spend it on your least favorite foods!
Ok, I?ll iust buy a mansion and boom
Ninja?d. I don?t really have any so HAH!

A million dollars, but you have to sit in a room for 3 days, with no entertainment
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I can do that, I can catch up on* work and/or meditate lol

A million dollars, but you can't shower for a week.
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I don’t really take showers much anyway

A million dollars, but you can’t spend it on anything for 2 weeks