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Ability to hide threads


Go Yoshis!
Yoshi's Islanders
Sep 9, 2014
Perfect Apple
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Perfect Apple
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Apple (Fruit)
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Apple (Fruit)
Would you like the ability to hide threads on the forum without ignoring topic creators? Usually, when someone is on your ignore list, their threads disappear from the forums from your view. However, there isn’t a feature where you can hide threads without ignoring the user.
sure! I'd probably use mostly for hiding a few popular basement threads that I'm not interested in. The only problem with that is that it might make the egg hunts more difficult since I'd imagine that they'd be hidden from your searches too.
How about hiding whole boards? I know there are boards I don’t use, and the boards I do use are located towards the bottom. I’m looking at you, Brewster’s.

I’m pretty sure it’s possible on forums because a forum I used to be part of allowed this.
I would really like this. There are some threads that get constantly bumped that I have no interest in seeing and it would be awesome to just get rid of them from my view without having to hide the user entirely. I'm also seconding Croconaw's suggestion with hiding whole boards. I also mainly use Brewster's/Museum so I have to scroll all the way to the bottom all the time.
I would appreciate this—sometimes a thread topic comes up where there's nothing wrong with it, but I personally find it upsetting or otherwise off-putting, and would like to be able to avoid seeing it altogether.
I would really like this. There are some threads that get constantly bumped that I have no interest in seeing and it would be awesome to just get rid of them from my view without having to hide the user entirely. I'm also seconding Croconaw's suggestion with hiding whole boards. I also mainly use Brewster's/Museum so I have to scroll all the way to the bottom all the time.
I agree on the thread bumping. If the staff is not going to lock all threads that have been bumped from long ago, I would like to hide these threads from my view. I mean, their bumping rules are too lenient. While they only allow this to old topics that can still be discussed today, that also means even bumping threads last active during the vBulletin Era and bumping sprees are allowed. So if this becomes a feature, I will be sure to hide all old threads once they get bumped. That way, I don’t have to see them while others can still post on these threads.

As for topics I wouldn’t feel comfortable with, I don’t mind if anything is discussed for as long as it’s appropriate. And if I’m not interested into the topic, I’ll just not post in it.

sure! I'd probably use mostly for hiding a few popular basement threads that I'm not interested in. The only problem with that is that it might make the egg hunts more difficult since I'd imagine that they'd be hidden from your searches too.
That actually reminded me of how one of the users tried searching for an egg, only for it to be hidden on a post made by someone on the user’s ignore list. Yeah, this feature may be beneficial for everyday life, but a drawback for the Egg hunts.
That actually reminded me of how one of the users tried searching for an egg, only for it to be hidden on a post made by someone on the user’s ignore list. Yeah, this feature may be beneficial for everyday life, but a drawback for the Egg hunts.
Wow, that’s hilarious. This actually happened? Sad, but hilarious. I don’t participate in egg hunts, so surely this won’t affect me, but…

Someone could just undo the feature for egg hunts if the user really feels the need to participate!
On the other end of this (as somebody who has made many threads) yeah, I hate the idea that one of them could have caused discomfort for somebody. It's just a probability that it's happened when throwing so many ideas out there.

Overall, there's a lack of topic control here that is commonly prevalent on other forums.

I understand how a deletion button could be abused. But it becomes rather silly that I can't make a specific request for deletion either. Making a post can be regretful and so can making a topic.

I have a couple topics that I created on a low mood spiral, that make me wince when I see getting bumped.
This would be a useful feature for me to block threads I find to be a bit sensitive, don't care too much about, or personally find annoying. Remember all the threads created in Brewster's that had "exposure" somewhere in the title? Yeah. I wasn't a fan of that trend.

I do agree, however, that a ton of duplicate threads exist throughout all the subforums that discuss the same topic, and something may need to be done to limit the amount of such threads that are created. The search feature on this site works pretty well, and in my opinion, bumping old threads can be an acceptable action if the post contains contributing information or remains on-topic. I can't explain examples as I fear I would violate a specific rule I've been warned for before, but most of you would know what I'm trying to convey.
There was a thread that while it was active I kept feeling unhappy just seeing the title. I wished I could have just hidden it back then.
Literally me and any thread that has “Covid” or similar in its title. I was so mentally distraught from what had happened four years ago, that even the mere mention of the name still gives me goosebumps. There’s only one or two such threads in Brewster’s that are still semi-active to my knowledge, but I have an extension on my desktop browser that auto-blocks the threads from showing up on my end.

As some of you could probably tell, I prefer to not think about that event as much as I can.
Literally me and any thread that has “Covid” or similar in its title. I was so mentally distraught from what had happened four years ago, that even the mere mention of the name still gives me goosebumps. There’s only one or two such threads in Brewster’s that are still semi-active to my knowledge, but I have an extension on my desktop browser that auto-blocks the threads from showing up on my end.

As some of you could probably tell, I prefer to not think about that event as much as I can.
Does that extension block anything that has a certain word in it, in this case, "COVID?"

If so, that sounds like a nice extension. I wish we could hide certain threads from view.
Not sure how well this idea would be liked, but honestly I'm fine with threads older than two years old being deleted if it isn't video game related.
I'm not sure if that would encourage topics to reappear more often, but at least there is less older clutter and can give others a cleaner slate if a member holds something against another member's topic from 5 years ago or whatever.
I don't like the idea of having the ability to hide threads (for me) because things will always exist that I don't like but I'd be liar if I didn't say I wouldn't use them on some threads if they existed.🦠
Does that extension block anything that has a certain word in it, in this case, "COVID?"

If so, that sounds like a nice extension. I wish we could hide certain threads from view.
Yep, it lets you block elements that contain words you choose. If a blocked word is contained in an individual post, it’ll also blank out the entire post.

This has the side effect of preventing you from going into subforums entirely if a thread title containing a blocked word is the newest-replied thread. In this case, it’ll appear as if the subforum doesn’t exist. I actually asked one time where Brewster’s Café was as it randomly disappeared from my view; come to find out it was my extension attempting to block a newly-replied thread title from appearing. It works a bit too well sometimes…
Wow, that’s hilarious. This actually happened? Sad, but hilarious. I don’t participate in egg hunts, so surely this won’t affect me, but…

Yeah that was me lollll it was some person I ignored in 2015 so I have no memory of what made me block them in the first place. Bum luck for me the egg ended up in their post