About You: Video Games edition


obsessed with vampire AUs
Dec 24, 2014
Red Hyacinth
White Hyacinth
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Purple Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Blue Crescent Moon
Pink Crescent Moon
Galaxy Swirl
Orange Crescent Moon
Green Crescent Moon
Inspired by a template I saw online! I'll link mine here:


I'll write them out too with a blurb for each :)

Fave Game of All Time: New Vegas. I adore this game. Hooked from the start. Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
Fave Series: Pokemon! Grew up with it, only dislike the recent ones really. Lots of great memories.
Best Soundtrack: Halo 2 ost, not the anniversary.
Fav Protagonist: Bayonetta. Confident, beautiful, witty.
Fav Villain: Eliza (Skullgirls.) Evil just because, no sad backstory... vain, cool, brutal!
Best Story: Disco Elysium. Great characters, good world building set up to frame a tragic tale of a mans turmoil and plunge into the worst person alive.
Have not played but want to: Devil May Cry. Just havent gotten around to it, I have the HD collection and 5.
You Love, Everyone Hates: Pokemon Sun/Moon. May be different now but back then people DOGGED on this game hard. Then Ultra Su/Mo came out and everyone liked it more? Wack
You Hate, Everyone Loves: Bioshock. Big art deco fan, just couldn't vibe with it. Slow.
Best Art Style: Cuphead (given)
Favorite Ending: Halo 2. I played Halo 2 when I was young and wanted to jump into 3 immediately.... never got to play it as a kid :[ I played & finished it recently and the jump from 2 to 3 makes the ending of 2 more climactic and exhilarating! ALMOST put the ending to 3 here.. were it so easy.
Favorite Boss Fight: Shadow Queen. She scared me so much as a kid lol.
Childhood Game: TTYD. Nuff said.
Relaxing Game: Animal Crossing (any, but new leaf in particular)
Stressful Game: Cities Skylines. Traffic management... *shudders*
Game you always come back to: Sims 3
Guilty Pleasure: Fable The Lost Chapters. This game is ugly and it sucks. I love it SO MUCH.
Tons of hours played: Sims 3

I wanted to post this to get your mind going and reminisce on some games you've played before and maybe open a discussion for folks with similar tastes! Did any of ours match up? Disagree with anything I put? What do you think overall? :eek: Fill out the template I spoiled below with your own answers, i'm excited to compare!

Blank Template!

Fave Game of All Time:
Fave Series:
Best Soundtrack:
Fav Protagonist:
Fav Villain:

Best Story:
Have not played but want to:
You Love, Everyone Hates:

You Hate, Everyone Loves:
Best Art Style:
Favorite Ending:

Favorite Boss Fight:
Childhood Game:
Relaxing Game:

Stressful Game:
Game you always come back to:
Guilty Pleasure:
Tons of hours played:
bungie does great work with their music! or they used to... not so much anymore :,)
it's bc Marty O'Donnell composed all the music for Halo 1-3 and ODST (there may be some other musicians credited too but he's the main one), and after Bungie handed the series over to 343 they kinda screwed him over. he still does some stuff though and I follow him on youtube.

I def want to make my own version of this meme so I'm gonna go get a template and work on that 😁
I really can't pick one answer for most of these.

Fave Game of All Time: Pokemon Crystal and Animal Crossing (Gamecube).
Fave Series: Pokemon.
Best Soundtrack:
I genuinely can't pick. I listen to the soundtracks of Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and World of Warcraft all the time.
Fav Protagonist:
G'raha Tia (FFXIV).
Fav Villain:
Emet-Selch (FFXIV).
Best Story: Final Fantasy XIV's entire story, especially what goes down between Shadowbringers and Endwalker.
Have not played but want to: PuffPals: Island Skies (it's not released yet).
You Love, Everyone Hates:
Pokemon X & Y or Sun & Moon.
You Hate, Everyone Loves: League of Legends.
Best Art Style: Final Fantasy XIV (just my personal favorite even if it isn't the best).
Favorite Ending:
Final Fantasy XIV.
Favorite Boss Fight: Yogg-Saron - Ulduar, Imperator Mar'gok - Highmaul, and Sire Denathrius - Castle Nathria (WoW).
Childhood Game: Pokemon and Animal Crossing.
Relaxing Game: Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, and Minecraft.
Stressful Game: I consciously avoid stressful games now, but WoW can stress me out at times.
Game you always come back to: Pokemon and World of Warcraft.
Guilty Pleasure:
Animal Crossing (Gamecube).
Tons of hours played:
World of Warcraft (literally half of my life now).
My sister & her husband named their cat Emet-Selch XD she's a little devil of a cat but she's adorable and cuddly!

Idk many people who like league, and people who like league also hate it at the same time. So polarizing LOL
Emet is an incredible character.

I just have a handful of friends who play, and even though they admit it's toxic, they love it and constantly go back to it after "quitting." I had no other game in mind, so I just put that.

it's been a few years since i did one of these so i was interested to see just how much my tastes have changed since then as i've gotten older and more picky with what i play :lemon:
Favourite Game: There were quite a few games I could've put here, but I decided on the original Rogue Squadron game since I always like coming back and completing it again, and trying for top scores and hitless runs. They just don't make games like this anymore where you have a environment to fly around and destroy enemies and i'm really bummed about that. Another RS game with todays graphics would be insane. Honorable mentions to Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Yakuza Kiwami and Super Punch-Out.

Favourite Series: Nothing else combines hard hitting action and cinematic storytelling quite as well as the Yakuza series imo. I love the way these games play, even as they pivot towards JRPG style nowadays. Every game has a great story that has me playing to find out what happens at the end and all of the main characters are badass. peak kino right here

Best Soundtrack: I love the Trails of Cold Steel soundtrack. There's about 8(?) different battle themes and they're all so good it's kind of crazy. The overworld themes are sublime as well. You know you're eating good with a JRPG soundtrack but Falcom really cooked here. Honorable mentions to Super Smash Bros. Melee, F-ZERO X, Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Favourite Protag: After 7 games with Kiryu as the MC it was hard to imagine the new face of the Yakuza games ever living up to him, let alone surpassing him, yet they managed to cook up someone even better in just 1 GAME. Ichiban isn't similar to Kiryu at all, but he's a much better character overall. He manages to be comedic while also adjusting well for the serious nature of the game. I'm looking forward to Yakuza 8 and more games to see how his character grows and where his story will lead him.

Favourite Villain: He played college ball y'know

Best Story: Xenoblade 3 is pure cinema, play it. Love this games story, its themes, and presentation, its just perfect in all the right places. The characters are great and the main group gets a great amount of development to truly flesh out their personalities, and each character has sub quests which round out their respective character arcs. The story is emotional and philisophical and makes the player reflect on topics of living a meaning life and dealing with death. I can't really say much more without delving into the story itself but i feel this is a game everyone should play at least once. My GOTY for 2022.

Want to Play: Still waiting on a modern platforms release/remake for the MGS games in general, GOG has an old PC port available but it's not the best, i'll get around to playing these games one day.

Love but others Hate: I see a lot of negative reviews for The Skywalker Saga that complain about how it's "not like the originals" as if that makes the game bad. I'm not sure if i'm in the minority here but I grew up with Lego Star Wars II and The Complete Saga and those games are nowhere near as good as TSS is. I feel like this is just a case of nostalgia influencing opinions but there is so much more to do in this game that wasn't there in the originals.

Hate but others Love: Hate is a strong word here, I dont "hate" Genshin Impact, I just didn't really enjoy playing it. It's kind of boring, and i'm not interested in grinding hours to unlock special characters. I feel like the games not meant for me and thats fine.

Best Art Style: I'm cheating here (graphics instead of artstyle) but the graphics in the FF7 Remake are INSANE. It's like i'm playing a movie, everything looks so nice and lifelike and the visuals pop, especially in night scenarios.

Favourite Ending: I feel like Mother 3 had a perfect ending for the story it told, bittersweet and up to players interpretation.

Favourite Boss fight: All the Baldur fights in God of War are amazing, it makes you feel like you are in control of an action scene with all the chaos going on, 2 gods throwing eachother through boulders and trees. Just really good mindless fun.

Childhood Game: the GBA port of Super Mario World is the first game I can really remember beating by myself, probably close to 17 years ago now, so this game is really nostalgic to me. Honorable Mentions to Mario Kart 64 & Double Dash, ROBLOX, and Vigilante 8

Relaxing Game: It's bejeweled

Stressful Game: Took me too long to finish Dark Souls III, haven't played a souls game since

Always Come Back to: Minecraft is great for when I'm bored and feeling creative. I've been playing off and on for around 11 years and it's always nice to relax, listen to the soundtrack and build forts.

Guilty Pleasure: Angry birds = dopamine

Many Hours: It's so fun driving around Night City, listening to the radio, killing cyberpsychos. Cyberpunk is great.
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it's been a few years since i did one of these so i was interested to see just how much my tastes have changed since then as i've gotten older and more picky with what i play :lemon:
Favourite Game: There were quite a few games I could've put here, but I decided on the original Rogue Squadron game since I always like coming back and completing it again, and trying for top scores and hitless runs. They just don't make games like this anymore where you have a environment to fly around and destroy enemies and i'm really bummed about that. Another RS game with todays graphics would be insane. Honorable mentions to Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Yakuza Kiwami and Super Punch-Out.

Favourite Series: Nothing else combines hard hitting action and cinematic storytelling quite as well as the Yakuza series imo. I love the way these games play, even as they pivot towards JRPG style nowadays. Every game has a great story that has me playing to find out what happens at the end and all of the main characters are badass. peak kino right here

Best Soundtrack: I love the Trails of Cold Steel soundtrack. There's about 8(?) different battle themes and they're all so good it's kind of crazy. The overworld themes are sublime as well. You know you're eating good with a JRPG soundtrack but Falcom really cooked here. Honorable mentions to Super Smash Bros. Melee, F-ZERO X, Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Favourite Protag: After 7 games with Kiryu as the MC it was hard to imagine the new face of the Yakuza games ever living up to him, let alone surpassing him, yet they managed to cook up someone even better in just 1 GAME. Ichiban isn't similar to Kiryu at all, but he's a much better character overall. He manages to be comedic while also adjusting well for the serious nature of the game. I'm looking forward to Yakuza 8 and more games to see how his character grows and where his story will lead him.

Favourite Villain: He played college ball y'know

Best Story: Xenoblade 3 is pure cinema, play it. Love this games story, its themes, and presentation, its just perfect in all the right places. The characters are great and the main group gets a great amount of development to truly flesh out their personalities, and each character has sub quests which round out their respective character arcs. The story is emotional and philisophical and makes the player reflect on topics of living a meaning life and dealing with death. I can't really say much more without delving into the story itself but i feel this is a game everyone should play at least once. My GOTY for 2022.

Want to Play: Still waiting on a modern platforms release/remake for the MGS games in general, GOG has an old PC port available but it's not the best, i'll get around to playing these games one day.

Love but others Hate: I see a lot of negative reviews for The Skywalker Saga that complain about how it's "not like the originals" as if that makes the game bad. I'm not sure if i'm in the minority here but I grew up with Lego Star Wars II and The Complete Saga and those games are nowhere near as good as TSS is. I feel like this is just a case of nostalgia influencing opinions but there is so much more to do in this game that wasn't there in the originals.

Hate but others Love: Hate is a strong word here, I dont "hate" Genshin Impact, I just didn't really enjoy playing it. It's kind of boring, and i'm not interested in grinding hours to unlock special characters. I feel like the games not meant for me and thats fine.

Best Art Style: I'm cheating here (graphics instead of artstyle) but the graphics in the FF7 Remake are INSANE. It's like i'm playing a movie, everything looks so nice and lifelike and the visuals pop, especially in night scenarios.

Favourite Ending: I feel like Mother 3 had a perfect ending for the story it told, bittersweet and up to players interpretation.

Favourite Boss fight: All the Baldur fights in God of War are amazing, it makes you feel like you are in control of an action scene with all the chaos going on, 2 gods throwing eachother through boulders and trees. Just really good mindless fun.

Childhood Game: the GBA port of Super Mario World is the first game I can really remember beating by myself, probably close to 17 years ago now, so this game is really nostalgic to me. Honorable Mentions to Mario Kart 64 & Double Dash, ROBLOX, and Vigilante 8

Relaxing Game: It's bejeweled

Stressful Game: Took me too long to finish Dark Souls III, haven't played a souls game since

Always Come Back to: Minecraft is great for when I'm bored and feeling creative. I've been playing off and on for around 11 years and it's always nice to relax, listen to the soundtrack and build forts.

Guilty Pleasure: Angry birds = dopamine

Many Hours: It's so fun driving around Night City, listening to the radio, killing cyberpsychos. Cyberpunk is great.
Armstrong 🥹 he's such a great villain. I need to replay that game.
Favorite Game of All Time: Mario Kart Wii
Favorite Series: Mario
Best Soundtrack: Pokémon HeartGold
Favorite Protagonist: Kirby
Favorite Villain: Lady Dimitrescu (though I didn’t play the game)
Best Story: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Have not played but want to: Katamari Damacy
You Love, Everyone Hates: Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
You Hate, Everyone Loves: Minecraft
Best Art Style: The Castlevania games from late 1990s- early 2000s
Favorite Ending: Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Favorite Boss Fight: Queen Bean in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Childhood Game: Crash Bandicoot and Super Monkey Ball
Relaxing Game: Animal Crossing and Mario Odyssey
Stressful Game: Some of BOTW and Sonic Frontiers
Game you always come back to: Kirby Superstar Ultra
Guilty Pleasure: Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
Tons of hours played: Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Fave Game of All Time: Puyo Puyo 7
Fave Series: Pokemon
Best Soundtrack: Klonoa 2: Lunatea´s Veil (I like Stepping Wind, it slaps)
Fav Protagonist: Yoshi
Fav Villain: Dimentio (purely because of his final theme)
Best Story: Sonic Mania
Have not played but want to: Nintendogs
You Love, Everyone Hates: Paper Mario: Sticker Star
You Hate, Everyone Loves: idk, I would say Smash Melee because it refused to boot up for me
Best Art Style: Bayonetta Origins, the artstyle is ADORABLE.
Favorite Ending: Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
Favorite Boss Fight: Rayquaza (PMD Red and Blue Rescue/DX)
Childhood Game: Kirby Mass Attack
Relaxing Game: Deltarune
Stressful Game: Sonic 2 (why does the death egg exist?)
Game you always come back to: Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion
Guilty Pleasure: Pokemon UNITE
Tons of hours played: I think it is a tie between ACNH and Pokemon: Let´s Go, Eevee!

(also yes I copy-pasted the prompt, I´m lazy).
These are all very difficult decisions, so don't take these as definitive answers for anything.

Fave Game of All Time: 'Tales of Symphonia' or 'Final Fantasy VII (original)'
This one is really difficult, because no matter what title I type in here, I keep asking myself, "but isn't there a game you like more?" Part of me thinks that it's because there are always parts of games I like more than others. So for example, I may enjoy the story of one game more, but prefer the gameplay of another. Or the presentation might be weaker in one game, but it will have some other charming quality that makes up for it.

Tales of Symphonia is far from the first RPG I ever played. But it's one that I'll credit for my obsession with the genre. I've always liked JRPG's, but I think this is the game where I first began to take notice of their themes and allegories to real world topics and events. Looking back on it, its portrayals of these themes--while still great--aren't as wholly original as I remember, but it's because of this game that I tend to look at media of all sorts with an analytical eye. It also helps, though, that the gameplay is quite fun, with graphics and music that are extremely pleasant. I'm still hoping that one day we will finally have a re-release of the game that isn't utter tat.

Final Fantasy VII is just something special to me. It's aged poorly, and some of its dialogue and plot points are delivered extremely ham-fistedly, but I can't help but root for these characters. They're all charming in their own way, but also three dimensional and also have some heavy emotional baggage that is at times very relatable. There are games that I'd say are technically better--even other Final Fantasy games--but this game just holds such a special place for me. It's a game I might describe as rough around the edges, but there's so much heart and love put into it that I find it really difficult to dislike. An interesting bit of backstory for the game is that during development, Hironobu Sakaguchi was still in the process of grieving the loss of his mother, who tragically passed away in a house fire during the development of Final Fantasy III, and the confusing and sometimes visceral outpouring of emotions in FFVII, in both its high points and its low points, are expressed in such a way that can only be expressed by someone in the throes of navigating the random cruelties of life. The imperfections of the narrative are clunky but--to me--feel like they come from an earnest expression of heartbreak, rather than simply hokey writing.

I'm still in the middle of my playthrough of Remake, and I like it. But it hasn't really changed my opinion about the original.

Fave Series: Final Fantasy or Super Mario
There are better RPG games out there, some even made by Square Enix themselves. But I think Final Fantasy does such a good job providing an engaging and strategic gameplay loop while also being generally accessible to those who otherwise don't play RPG's.

As for Mario, there's really not much to say. The characters, the settings, the world, the gameplay. There's really nothing I dislike about Mario. Except maybe Nintendo's handling of it, but that's a separate issue. Besides which, I've been playing them for as long as I can remember. Some of my fondest gaming memories are with this series, so it would be criminal not to mention him.

Best Soundtrack: NieR Automata
This was an impossible decision, but the one that immediately came to mind when asked was NieR: Automata. The game successfully strikes a variety of moods with a unique musical style and a versatile array of different instruments. From the cozy but also slightly unnerving synthesizers and low whispers of the tune that plays at the Bunker, to the frantic orchestra accompanied by a choir of chanting robots when confronting a cult of murderous zealots, every single track is an absolute hit.

The one that always sticks with me whenever the game enters my mind, however, is a track called Voice of No Return.

This song plays in a few different parts of the game, but there's one appearance of this song that I think will stick with me forever.

During a sidequest, a Machine lifeform calls out to 2B and 9S for their assistance. They explain that a group of Machines have been indiscriminately attacking and murdering anyone who enters a particular area, and he wants 2B/9S to take care of them. The two agree to do so, but are curious about how... willingly their opponents seem to go down.

Upon returning to the machine that assigns the quest, they tell you that the bridge that you cross in order to reach this quest is apparently very popular for machines who wish to end their own lives. The machines that 2B and 9S just killed in order to protect passersby were the ones who tried to do so and failed.

In addition to the horrifying implications of this in its own right, as a narrative device, this quest is extremely clever. The way it foreshadows 9S's descent into madness, how it exemplifies 2B's own guilt for her myriad of past sins, and how it casts the initial shadow of doubt in the player's desire to free the planet from the machines for the sake of the returning humans.

Thematically, it poses an interesting--if uncomfortable--conundrum. If those machines had survived, chances are, they would only have continued to lead a truly miserable and soul-crushing existence brimming with both physical and emotional hardships of unspeakable nature. Even so, was what 2B and 9S did the right thing? If not, are they in the wrong? After all, they didn't know that they were killing for that purpose. Still, it could easily be argued that had they simply chosen not to kill at all, this would never have happened. Regardless of where your moral stance lies, there's no easy or one-size-fits-all solution to this, and the game doesn't even attempt to posit an answer for the player. It simply puts you through these circumstances and asks you to come to your own conclusions.

And it was this side quest--a mission that can be swept aside entirely if desired--that always stood out to me. There are parts of the game with more dire stakes and more poignant impact, but this one lives in my head rent-free.

NieR: Automata isn't even the first game to delve into these kinds of themes, but its OST goes a long way in demonstrating how elegant and delicately the game does so.

And because I'm extremely indecisive, I want to give a special shout out to Chrono Trigger, Ecco the Dolphin (SEGA CD), and Super Metroid.

Fav Protagonist: Celes Chere (Final Fantasy VI)
By design, Final Fantasy VI has no real "main" protagonist. The fandom typically accepts Terra Bradford--whom, I must emphasize, I also love in almost equal measure--as the main protagonist, because she's the first character the player sees upon starting up the game, and because she has perhaps an overwhelming amount of character development compared to the rest. But Celes is the character that always stood out to me the most. I've simply always found her insecurities and desire for love and acceptance to be the most down to earth and relatable of all the characters. So when she rises above it all, even after all is lost, it felt genuinely triumphant to me. I was genuinely happy for her.

Also, she's gorgeous. 💦

Fav Villain: Risky Boots (Shantae)
I love a villain who is just terrible--just completely surrounded by nothing but completely incompetent henchmen--and yet still wears a smug look on their face at all times... and yet, despite all their failings, you almost feel like they deserve to be that smug because they have such charisma that it's so hard to dislike them. Also, she's blue.

She reminds me a bit of Tron Bonne. But the main reason I chose Risky over Tron Bonne is simply because I haven't played the Mega Man Legends games yet. Even though I'd really like to.

Best Story: Final Fantasy IX
'Melodies of Life' made me cry.

Have not played but want to: Mega Man Legends
I mentioned it in a previous section, but these games have been on my bucket list for years. And I really have no excuse. I have time and I have access to the game, so I should at least be able to play through the main story of the first game. But as of yet, I simply haven't.

You Love, Everyone Hates: Super Mario Sunshine
I know this game has a passionate fanbase, but it's by far considered the weakest in the 3D Mario lineage, and I completely understand why. But it also has so many things in its favor, from its colorful presentation to its laid back tone, that I simply find it impossible to actually dislike it. There are certainly portions of the game that I am not fond of, but I can't bring myself to say that I dislike the game overall, in spite of its shortcomings.

You Hate, Everyone Loves: Dark Souls (and related games)
"Hate" is a strong word. I don't "hate" Dark Souls or any game of that type. They're all perfectly fine and well-made games, and there is some fun to be had with them, but they're not for me. It's not even that they're hard; the way they play just isn't very fun to me.

Best Art Style: Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
Also known as "how to do a retro remaster correctly."

Favorite Ending: Undertale
I spent so much time saying goodbye to every single character, because I didn't want it to end.

Favorite Boss Fight: Bowser in the Sky (Super Mario 64)
The synthesized pipe organ music... the beautiful yet also strangely creepy rainbow tint to the screen, and the feeling of triumph after overcoming what was such a long journey. It's probably the first boss I have extremely vivid memories of defeating. I remember exactly how I felt when I finally landed those two hits and then my heart sinking as Bowser proceeded to trash about and terraform the arena into the shape of a star, which led to many more deaths until I finally overcame it. If I were really pressed, I could probably think of a boss that I actually like better, but this is the first one that immediately came to mind.

Childhood Game: Super Mario World
Like a childhood friend that has seen me at my best and at my worst. 😭

Relaxing Game: Yoshi's Cookie (SNES)
As far as puzzle games go, this one is hardly the best. Its gameplay is quite simple and lacks in variation or surprises. Its presentation is also rather cheap-looking, overwrought with reused sprites that clash with each other. But something all this is extremely charming. It's not a great game, but it's one that I can put on whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed. The fact that it is so easy--and I mean, it must be very easy because I am abnormally horrid at puzzle games--probably also aids in making it a comfortable, relaxing game with nostalgic visuals and sound.

Stressful Game: A Hat in Time
To be clear, I love this game. But some of those time rifts had me gnashing my teeth.

Game you always come back to: The Super Nintendo In General
Honestly, the Super Nintendo library in general. I know that's an answer with a huge range of different games, but the Super Nintendo has become a comfort console of sorts. There are plenty of good, newer games as well, but just the sights and sounds of the Super Nintendo feels like being able to let out a long sigh after being forced to hold your breath all day.

Any of the Mario games, Turtles in Time, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Sim City, the list goes on.

Guilty Pleasure: Rayman Raving Rabbids
Absolute rubbish Mario Party clone.

I love it.

Every game after the first can burn in a fire, though.

Tons of hours played: Minecraft
I've been playing Minecraft so long that I still remember when it wasn't associated with cringey pre-teens on TikTok. These days, you can't mention it without somebody coming out of the woodwork to talk down to you, but it used to be something of an indie darling before Microsoft bought it. And for good reason: It's a simple game that can either be relaxing or stressful depending on how you play. It's a game where discovery feels like its own reward, and where the creativity is near endless. I also frankly enjoy the way the game just tosses you into it and doesn't overload you on tutorials. It's a game where I can get in and play without any obligatory startup grind or anything. The game's music is also something I've grown to appreciate. The original music tracks for the game definitely had this rustic, sort of nostalgic feeling to it. It didn't necessarily feel like the product of a professional composer or musician, but that felt like part of the charm. And I think that contributes to just how easy-going the game feels despite the various times I find myself in precarious situations.
These questions are so hard! AHHHH... especially the first one!

Fave Game of All Time: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Fave Series: Animal Crossing
Best Soundtrack: Skyrim
Fav Protagonist: Yuna from Final Fantasy X
Fav Villain: Ganondorf or Sephiroth
Best Story: The Last of Us
Have not played but want to: Octopath Traveler
You Love, Everyone Hates: Mass Effect 3
You Hate, Everyone Loves: Mario Maker - hate is a strong word... I just don't enjoy building platformers
Best Art Style: Wind Waker
Favorite Ending: Stardew Valley -- It doesn't really end, kekeke
Favorite Boss Fight: Don Bongo from Yoshi's Story -- just popping him with eggs and making his lips swell is just hilarious
Childhood Game: Tetris
Relaxing Game: Animal Crossing (though with the load times... shakes fist)
Stressful Game: FTL
Game you always come back to: Minecraft
Guilty Pleasure: Diablo 3
Tons of hours played: ACNH / Pokemon X / Stardew Valley
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I think mine says a lot about what kind of gamer I am ahahaha (also I kinda don't...really love...ACNH...I'm sorry..)

It's also come to my attention that the games I enjoy the most are games from my childhood I'm REALLY nostalgic for,
and those nostalgia glasses might be ruining my real perception of these games
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I legit had to ponder this for days lol. I've literally played that last one so many times, boy is it embarrassing to admit haha.​

(I'll just be here in the Indie game corner lol)
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I legit had to ponder this for days lol. I've literally played that last one so many times, boy is it embarrassing to admit haha.​

(I'll just be here in the Indie game corner lol)
JUST realized i never responded to this when i wanted to. night in the woods! i've been putting it off for so long i just need to play it. its my sisters favorite.

also lol @ HHP as stressful game, i relate T_T
Fave Game of All Time: Pokemon Platinum.
Fave Series: Pokemon.
Best Soundtrack: Xenoblade Chronicles series, no contest.
Fav Protagonist: Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles, just from the sheer overwhelming odds and loss he faces and still changes fate, up to the point of challenging a god.
Fav Villain: Going to have to say Cyrus from Pokemon D/P/PT, dude is just downright insane.
Best Story: Fire Emblem: Awakening.
Have not played but want to: Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
You Love, Everyone Hates: Genshin Impact.
You Hate, Everyone Loves: Minecraft, yawwwwwwwn.
Best Art Style: Probablyyyyy the original Okami. Tough to beat that.
Favorite Ending: Xenoblade Chronicles.
Favorite Boss Fight: Kid Icarus: Uprising.
Childhood Game: Ribbit King for the GameCube, solid game.
Relaxing Game: Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
Stressful Game: Shin Megami Tensei IV.
Game you always come back to: Pokemon Conquest.
Guilty Pleasure: Honkai: Star Rail.
Tons of hours played: Think my most played game is Fire Emblem: Conquest for the 3DS. I had hundreds upon hundreds of hours logged on that game.
Fave Game of All Time: All of the main series Pokémon games
Fave Series: Pokémon
Best Soundtrack:
Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages and Seasons
Fav Protagonist: Link
Fav Villain:
Wendy O Koopa
Best Story: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Have not played but want to: Super Mario RPG
You Love, Everyone Hates:
Shaq Fu(Sega Genesis version) Actually isn’t as bad as everyone claims once you remove Shaq. It actually had a few features not seen in other fighting games for years including dodging attacks backwards and even energy shields.
You Hate, Everyone Loves: South Park Stick of Truth/Fractured But Whole
Best Art Style: Link Between Worlds
Favorite Ending:
Pokémon BW/BW2
Favorite Boss Fight: Bowser in Super Mario Odyssey
Childhood Game: Super Mario Bros 3
Relaxing Game: New Horizons
Stressful Game: Cuphead
Game you always come back to: Super Mario World
Guilty Pleasure:
Causing chaos in GTA games
Tons of hours played
Every main series Pokémon game
I tried to use a different game for every question, but had some overlaps of course

Fave Game of All Time: Pokemon
Fave Series: Pokemon
Best Soundtrack:
Fav Protagonist:
Mae from Night in the Woods
Fav Villain:
Time Keeper from Dead Cells, although idk if she is really a "villain" or just a boss
Best Story: Eastward
Have not played but want to: Slay the Spire
You Love, Everyone Hates:
Raji: an Ancient Epic
You Hate, Everyone Loves: BOTW, I can't believe it doesn't save you beating the final boss :/
Best Art Style: Hades
Favorite Ending: I can't decide, I guess Pokemon XY?
Favorite Boss Fight:
Malenia from Elden Ring, or Elden Ring bosses in general
Childhood Game: Lego Star Wars
Relaxing Game: Subnautica Below Zero in creative mode
Stressful Game: Spiritfarer
Game you always come back to: Pokemon :')
Guilty Pleasure:
Tons of hours played:
Animal Crossing New Horizons, total of 1,800+ hours