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Carnival Dust Gathering Discussion


Oct 21, 2013
I thought I'd make a place specifically for talking about how carnival dust is collected, where we can share our observations and try to figure things out like the cooldowns and the different ways to earn dust and so on.

For example, looking through my transactions, there doesn't seem to be a special kind of dust for posting on people's profiles, it gives the same as a normal post in a thread. Has anyone else noticed that? Or am I misinterpreting something?
Hmm yeah now that you mention it, profile posts are counting towards posting dust rather than its own separate category
I thought I'd make a place specifically for talking about how carnival dust is collected, where we can share our observations and try to figure things out like the cooldowns and the different ways to earn dust and so on.

For example, looking through my transactions, there doesn't seem to be a special kind of dust for posting on people's profiles, it gives the same as a normal post in a thread. Has anyone else noticed that? Or am I misinterpreting something?
Not sure, but I think I've gotten haunt of conversation for posting on someone else's profile (4 dust), and haunt of viewing for someone else visiting my profile page (1 dust).

The cooldowns are much longer this time it seems.
I've gotten 3-6 dust from haunt of conversations in the not basement threads. I thought it was once an hour cool down but that doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe there's some special time where you can get a lot of dust.

I've gotten 1-2 dust from posting in the basement.
Haunt of Conversation: Make a profile post/Post in a thread/ Create Thread
Haunt of Viewing: View Thread or Member's profile, Or member views your profile
Haunt of Acceptance: Have an entry accepted
Haunt of Democracy: Vote in a poll
Haunt of Reaction: React to a post

My current guess on cool downs:
Haunt of Conversation: 3-5 per 6 hours
Haunt of Viewing: View other member's profiles 3 times per 6 hours, can receive views on your profile 3 per 6 hour?
(Note: Only they get dust for viewing your profile.)
Haunt of Acceptance: Probably no cool down
Haunt of Democracy: 1 per 24 hours
Haunt of Reaction: 2 per 6 hours?
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Oh wow, how did this slip past my mind? I believe this will be most useful.

But what if there is no cooldown for a specific activity you do and instead, the cooldown affects all activities that wears off at a random given time you don't know about.
Another thing I would like to note, in case anyone missed it, is that on the magic Carnival Calendar it seems there will be an opportunity to earn additional carnival dust on the 24th and 31st.
Magic Carnival calender.JPG

(Furthermore, if the 23rd is a sideshow ticket, then it pays for itself to buy it that day.)
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I think you can get haunt of conversation dusts by posting in different forums that give bells and the basement or maybe you need to make a certain number of posts before you can get more. I'm not good at keeping track other than trying a bunch of things.
Maybe I've just got dust in my eyes, but is it possible I got some dust retroactively? I suddenly got a bunch more, and I don't think I was doing anything to earn it. Did something change? ^o^;>
Maybe I've just got dust in my eyes, but is it possible I got some dust retroactively? I suddenly got a bunch more, and I don't think I was doing anything to earn it. Did something change? ^o^;>
I’ve noticed that if I set out to go on a dust sweep, I can’t gather more than 10. But just by relaxing and interacting with the forum normally I’m collecting much more. Maybe it’s similar for you?

I can’t keep track of my cooldowns as they seem so irregular, and was not having a lot of fun tying to brute force collect dust (Within the cool-down limits) so this random dust collecting suits me.
I always forget about the basement.

Unfortunately my ticket expired when I was away and that's when my also camper got accepted 🙃
Is there a way to check exactly how much you've donated without counting up each transaction? I'd like to know how much longer I have to go for 200. I've been donating little at a time.
Does anyone know if the cooldown for posting is the same for posts in existing threads and creating new threads? Like, are they considered the same kind of thing? They're both considered "haunts of conversation" in transactions. Can you max out on dust from regular posts and still make a new thread and get dust for that? I don't want to waste a new thread if it's on the same cooldown as regular posts. ^o^;>