do you put your phone on airplane mode during a flight?

do you put your phone on airplane mode during a flight?

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  • no

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Team 4
May 2, 2015
Arcade Tokens
Orange Heart Balloon
Perfect Peach
Perfect Peach
Perfect Peach
Perfect Peach
Yellow Heart Balloon
my understanding is it's recommended to put phones on airplane mode during flights, so phones don't transmit radio signals that can interfere with the aircraft's systems, but technology has significantly improved and it's unlikely anything will happen if you don't put it on airplane mode.

do you put your phone on airplane mode during a flight? why? for plane reasons or for personal reasons (e.g. saves battery by preventing your phone from looking for a network)?
I just turn it off completely until the plane ride is over with. I don't really need to be on my phone during that time because I'm on vacation, and everyone who knows me knows I'm on vacation. And having my phone off for 2-3 hours or more isn't going to kill me.
Generally yes but sometimes I forget. I’ve heard conflicting reasons why they ask you to turn off your phone/put it in airplane mode, but I’ve left it on plenty of times with no issue. I know it’s probably better to put it in airplane mode, though.
I always put mine in airplane mode if the pilot/flight attendants ask us to because I'm anxious. The rules confuse me though cause most flights I've been on have asked us to turn on airplane mode while we're taking off but then they'll also later mention the option to purchase wifi?? so I'm never sure if it's just meant to be on during takeoff and landing, but I keep it on during the whole flight in those instances just in case
Yes. Yes I do because I am afraid of flying and seeing someone using their mobil phone during a flight is painful to watch. Anxiety through the roof 😭
No. I don’t even use my phone during flights. There’s no point if I can’t even access the internet.
I do! I don’t see why people wouldn’t, if it can be a risk. There’s anyways no signal up there. You can play your doodle jump on airplane mode too!

Actually I have my phone on airplane mode most of the time lol. I detest phone calls and my phone battery is crap so airplane mode is the solution for both.
always, i'm so paranoid i might cause the plan to explode or something if i don't 🥺
I heard that it hasn’t mattered in a long time, but I still do it anyways
I’ve heard it doesn’t really interfere either, I think there was just this small fear that it might be on the same bandwidth with some of the communication equipment… and maybe during take off or landing we could overload the system a little and cause some interference… but then i heard that maybe that they operate on different frequencies now. So I think we’ve just all been trained that because there was this teeny tiny possibility of interference that we should turn them off to be safe….. But now with so many planes having WiFi, using your phone as an extension of the entertainment system, etc, I think it’s less of a hassle for the flight attendants if they just don’t hunt down all of us (because it doesn’t matter! And it’s a weird privacy thing for them to pester us if they think our phone isn’t on airplane mode when we’re actually using it in airplane mode in the WiFi).

So in conclusion, I never turn any of my devices to airplane mode anymore for the sake of the airplane. Only if it’s more convenient for me, such as to save battery or if I’m traveling internationally and don’t want to access roaming charges. Otherwise I prefer being able to access my phone the moment I pop back into an area with reception!
I put it on during a flight and when I don't want to be interrupted by calls and texts while I'm busy.
I'm flying for the first time in June, and I definitely see myself doing it.

On a side note, I've been out of the country, but this year is my first time going by flight.
Yup. I’ve never thought of a reason not to lol. I barely use my phone at all on flights anyways, I only use it for taking pictures out the window.
I don't fly that often (maybe once every 5+ years), but when I do I put my devices in airplane mode. They're requesting you do it for a reason, right? I can just sleep or do something else on the plane anyway so it's no big deal.
airplane mode literally doesnt matter and hasnt for at least the last decade (It's now just used as a courtesy gesture to minimize passenger stress that could lead to worse), but I just shut my phone off

real personal reason to put on airplane mode would be just so it doesn't drain the battery constantly searching for signals it can't reach
I always put my phone in airplane mode on the plane! They ask you to so why not. Doesn't hurt to, right?
i don't actually think it matters whether u turn ur phone on flight mode or not right? i've never had a flight attendant check and i know for sure my family members never bother to turn theirs. i haven't heard of any sort of plane crashes involving people not turning their phones to flight mode either at least recently.