Events & Collectibles General Discussion


Nefarious did this.
Yoshi's Islanders
Jun 11, 2005
Sweet Feather
Glam Feather
Fresh Feather
Cool Feather
Hot Feather
The Bell Tree Fair 2017 Patch
Tetris Grid
Use this general discussion thread to discuss The Bell Tree's events, shop, collectibles, and item restocks!

It's best to use the relevant event thread when an event is ongoing, but this serves as a general location when there isn't a more specific place to discuss something. Feel free to create standalone threads in Bell Tree HQ if you believe something is worthy of an entire thread too.

Finally, please do remember that this is a proper discussion board and not The Basement, so thoughtful posts are expected without spam.
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This is great, thanks! Now we get to discuss/vent/whatever without clogging up other threads, ha, ha. :)
I am ready for apples. My username is Apple2012. I would also like the chocolate cake and ice cream restocked (I hope that's not discontinued).
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I really like how the alert is on the shop page,
and labelled clearly that the restock is for TBT Beach Party Collectibles (and not a mix of letters and fruits).

Would be great if Apple is to be added to the upcoming releases later in the year.
I hope for apples, they are a cool fruit. I always miss restocks due to school or just the being offline, it is a little frustrating but what can you do...
Restock imminent.
I like the timer banner and that it's placed in the shop, think that was a good idea, saves a lot of to'ing and fro'ing prior to a restock. Also very nice that it states what items the restock will be.
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I love the items are sold in parts now. Like if there are 50 to restock, you restock 10 then ten more and so on. Please do this for future restocks also.
So glad this is a thread! So does anyone know when/if there are going to be more letter restocks? I seen to only get the beach restocks :/
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Possibly next letter restock with next Bell Direct although no certainly of that either. I think a certain amount beach collectibles, was it 500 of each were to be released and then packed away in storage, if that is right then seems like there is still one further beach collectible restock to come.
So glad this is a thread! So does anyone know when/if there are going to be more letter restocks? I seen to only get the beach restocks :/
No. The one before 2 days ago was with the direct. A big restock happens whenever a direct comes around.

Possibly next letter restock with next Bell Direct although no certainly of that either.
This, opps. Sorry BiggKitty. I didn't see you there.
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Cool thread! n_n

But I don't understand why there wasn't an apple collectible in the first place? I mean; why was it not released like the other fruits? What's so special about the apple, is it because it's more popular? It's frustrating that we can't have a full fruit collectibles set though. Also would love to see perfect fruits collectibles... ?u?
I really like how the alert is on the shop page,
and labelled clearly that the restock is for TBT Beach Party Collectibles (and not a mix of letters and fruits).

Would be great if Apple is to be added to the upcoming releases later in the year.

What she said :)