Fantasy Life thread


Flick Fanboy 🦎💞
Jan 22, 2017
I thought it'd be interesting to have a thread discussing the game series Fantasy Life.
Did you ever play the 3DS or mobile version?
Are you excited for/going to play the Switch version?
What's your favourite class?
What other games would you say are similar to Fantasy Life? (This is more so a question for my sake, as I'm really wanting another game to scratch that FL itch. I've been playing FF14 again but it doesn't hit like the 3DS game does.)
It's a shame that they removed the mobile version (FL: Online, as it was called) from the app stores as I did play it briefly and enjoyed it, despite it being a bit of a gacha game.
I played the 3DS version in September 2022. I quite literally had next to nothing to do at home. My computer was in repair for an entire month and the only other thing I had was an ancient Xbox 360.

So, while I was never an avid player of Fantasy Life, I did spend a month with it as my main form of entertainment and now I'm nostalgic for it. My favorite class was Paladin.
I loved the 3DS version so, so much. I don't even know why I got it, it must have been a random pickup in a store. I haven't touched it since like 2013 though, I don't really remember a whole lot about it. I think my main class was the warrior, very basic stuff. I can't wait for the Switch game.

As far as RPG goes, I'd recommend Sea of Stars and Earthlock. The latter goes on sale quite often, I think I bought it under 3 bucks. It also feels like Fantasy Life a bit.
I had the 3DS version too and I absolutely loved it. I was pulled in my their character design, overall art design and then I loved the whole storyline too. The character customization was really fun to fiddle with too. My favorite class is Angler because I liked the fish hats. It wasn't the strongest and I had to switch to Mercenary to get a lot of the monster quests done. I played it mostly alone but, I have some friends who will play it and I'm excited to experience it more in multiplayer.

I'm going to get it on the Switch when it's released in October.
I loved the 3ds fantasy life !! Probably my most played 3ds game after acnl

I’m so excited for the switch version but I’m a little eh on the art for now. Waiting for more peeks into the game!

Hunter was my favorite combat class but I loved all the gathering ones!!

The crafting ones got really repetitive after a while but I liked having lots of clothes so tailor is probably my favorite crafting class
I regret not getting the game while it was new since I feel like I missed out on a great title and now I’m stuck with a faulty used cartridge of the game from GameStop I got several years later. My used copy crashes occasionally and has deleted my save file several times. The only way I’ve been able to get through most of the main story was to keep and run backups I made on my hacked 3DS.

The cartoony graphics have helped it age well and there’s a ton of content for an early 3DS game. While there’s a lot of unskipable, long cutscenes, the dialogue is charming and enjoyable. It feels like playing a Saturday morning cartoon in the best way. The game’s setting is small, but compact, and it makes traversing with the game’s fast day/night cycle easy. Combat is simple, but addicting and feels solid. Most fights aren’t too hard, but are well designed enough to where it doesn’t feel like button mashing.

The sequel has me a bit concerned since it looks like it has a lot ideas from Animal Crossing New Horizons and I’m afraid it might not feel like a proper sequel to the 3DS game outside of the name and artstyle. I hope the game does well though since this is the first game in the series we’ve gotten in a decade.