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Favorite Sea Animal

That is a ton to pick through...
Maybe, the blue dragon sea slug?
They look pretty neat.
My favorites are dolphins, penguins, and seals. I especially like harp seals because they're so cute as pups.
Humpback Whale. I just love how majestic they are and they know how to put on a show if you catch one whilst whale watching out at sea. 🐋
My favourite sea animal would have to be the orca. I really like other sea animals such as dolphins, seals and penguins. I like sea horses too but they aren't actually animals and only have "horse" in their name lol
Dolphins, seahorses, and turtles are my personal favorites. I also like pufferfish, jellyfish, and stingrays. I find deep-sea creatures fascinating, too, like the transparent ones where you can see all their organs lol.

I just found out what a sea bunny is and they’re adorable!!
I love sharks😭 They’re my favorite animal ever actually. Specifically the whale shark. They’re just so derpy! ;w;
Jellyfish are so beautiful! When I go to an aquarium, I just can't wait to look at them.
I love sharks too. Simple and stupid reason: I read a manga/watched an anime with my favorite character depicted as "the shark". If you guess correctly the manga/anime, I give you a virtual and sincere hug!
To be honest, I love a lot of sea animals, fish. It's fascinating in my opinion. I don't know a lot of words and names (thanks our favorite games however)
Sea lions are very cute as well! Remember one day when I was a child, a spectacle, some of them just on my hand, I cried and shouted so hard! But they are adorable I just want to hug them again and again.
I'm going to have to go with the hammerhead shark. Such a good shape!

Honorable mentions to giant squids and manatees, though.