Favourite niche game?

Oooh, speaking of last games released on consoles, the GBA version specifically of Spyro: The Eternal Night. It’s a short and sweet metroidvania, the sprites and music are awesome, the combat is fluid and has cool abilities to push and pull enemies around. I really just wish there was more of it, but that’s overlooked as hell.

Does Cavern of Dreams count as niche? It sweeps the floor with the rest of the n64-style platformers IMO. The demo of Zera: Myths Awaken was similarly awesome, but I don’t think that game is ever coming out at this point.

Windowkill came out this year and I don’t think anything will top it as my GoTY. It’s a twin-stick shooter with a unique gimmick and… easier to watch it than explain it, so I’d just say look it up.
Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times for the Nintendo DS. This is a game in the Animal Crossing style with a town that runs on a 7 day a week, 24 hour day cycle with various villagers and items to collect, but with a major twist.

I completely agree with this, I LOVE Magician's Quest/Enchanted Folk! From what I understand the game has gotten a few sequels but they've never been localised :( I was really hoping the Switch installment would get released outside of Japan given the success of ACNH.
For the playstation 2, Shadow Hearts: Covenant was mine as well as Shadow Hearts (I played the second one first and later found the first shadow hearts by chance in a gamestop). Not a lot of people that I know have heard of the game. I love the protagonist and how the game is set around the time of WWI. The cutscenes and graphics are really good for a ps2 game. The story and gameplay is fantastic and so is the voice over.

Everything else I’ve played I think most people have heard of.
my mind jumped right to Petz Catz 2 (specifically the PS2 version), because it's nothing at all like other Petz games and I still love playing it even now. I was into pet sims as a kid and I'm sure my mom got me this game without realizing what it actually was, but it ended up being one of my favourite games I've ever played 😄

too bad I don't know anyone who also has experiences and memories of it rip
my mind jumped right to Petz Catz 2 (specifically the PS2 version), because it's nothing at all like other Petz games and I still love playing it even now. I was into pet sims as a kid and I'm sure my mom got me this game without realizing what it actually was, but it ended up being one of my favourite games I've ever played 😄

too bad I don't know anyone who also has experiences and memories of it rip
I had the Dogz version of this game as a kid! I don't think I ever finished it, but I remember my friends and I being obsessed with it. It's a cute little game! 😁
trails games in general. banger after banger after banger
I wouldn't necessarily go as far to call it that, im on falcord and i can tell you literally thousands of thousands of fans are there as well as a bunch of other, interesting stuff that goes on there to say the least lol.

We've also got a whole bunch of falcom games brought over to as well like nayuta and a new xanadu game too coming out.
We've also got a whole bunch of falcom games brought over to as well like nayuta and a new xanadu game too coming out.

i heard about them making a new tokyo xanadu game, i have ex+ but i haven't gotten around to playing it yet. mostly i've been waiting for a decent port of kuro 2 on steam 🤠
Anodyne 2. It’s a Zelda inspired game that has retro 3D style sections with game boy color style sections. Just like the rest of the dev’s games it’s surreal, well written, and filled with postgame content. The game’s not perfect though. There’s no fast travel and that means a lot of walking back and forth. If you can overlook that though you have a solid short game that’s under 20 hours.
I saw a mention of Petz!

For the record, there's basically different stages to the Petz franchise. The first games were made back in the 90s by a company called PF Magic. There's entire communities dedicated to these games, especially 4 and 5.

The rights to Petz ended up in Ubisoft's hands and from then on, the franchise became super confusing and uneven. Some games were legitimate games originally released in Japan but for some reason (marketing, probably) had the label Petz on their Western releases. Some seem to have been made for Ubisoft specifically. And then a ton are random pet games including a ton of shovelware.

The original PF Magic games had a ton of passion put into them and it shows. I think the games being discussed here are some of the early, post-PFM releases where I guess Ubisoft was still trying to actually do something with the franchise. My impression is that they're like spiritual predecessors to Nintendogs.

Anyway, there are some really good Petz games. I wouldn't say they're obscure because everyone's heard of Petz, it's more that the series ended up buried in an avalanche of generic shovelware and earned kind of a negatove reputation. It's a shame tbh.

/ramble over, sorry
I saw a mention of Petz!

For the record, there's basically different stages to the Petz franchise. The first games were made back in the 90s by a company called PF Magic. There's entire communities dedicated to these games, especially 4 and 5.

The rights to Petz ended up in Ubisoft's hands and from then on, the franchise became super confusing and uneven. Some games were legitimate games originally released in Japan but for some reason (marketing, probably) had the label Petz on their Western releases. Some seem to have been made for Ubisoft specifically. And then a ton are random pet games including a ton of shovelware.

The original PF Magic games had a ton of passion put into them and it shows. I think the games being discussed here are some of the early, post-PFM releases where I guess Ubisoft was still trying to actually do something with the franchise. My impression is that they're like spiritual predecessors to Nintendogs.

Anyway, there are some really good Petz games. I wouldn't say they're obscure because everyone's heard of Petz, it's more that the series ended up buried in an avalanche of generic shovelware and earned kind of a negatove reputation. It's a shame tbh.

/ramble over, sorry
Oh, absolutely! Which ones people have played/heard of might at least partially be a generational thing. The Ubisoft games I had on the Wii and DS were the only ones I knew, until I learnt of the PF Magic games a few years back. That then sent me down the weird rabbit hole of learning the franchise's history lol

Petz 4 is a neat game - would definitely recommend to anyone who likes pet sims!
Where do I begin... I have a few favorites

Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion (very fun puzzle-platformer, would recommend)
Paws and Claws: Dogs and Cats, Best Friends (weirdly structured title, but fun pet sim)
Sonic Riders 1 (I'm garbage at it lol, but I'm learning)
Pokemon Rumble World (I love this game, one of my all time faves)