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Food That You Picked Up From TV/Movies/Games/Things

Belle T

head thoughts, no empty
Jun 18, 2020
Have you ever watched a movie or TV show where the characters are eating and thought "Wow, what is that? I want to try that!" So you do, and now that food has become an integral part of your diet. This thread is for celebrating these pivotal moments of growth, both in your character and in your stomach.

I'm sure there are more that I could list if I thought hard enough, but here's two of the most important examples that I could think of from my life.

Sunny Side Up Eggs


There will probably be some reading this who are confused. Namely, because they don't know why someone would expend so much effort in creating a thread about food from fiction like some kind of obsessed maniac, and the fact that they're being tied up and forced to read it probably isn't making things any clearer. Another reason, however, would be that sunny side up eggs are a staple of breakfast cuisine in many countries all around the world. How could I have just not known about them? Well, when I was a child, my mother only liked her eggs scrambled. So when we had breakfast, if we had eggs, they would only ever be scrambled. She never even entertained the idea that anyone would like their eggs any other way, so for a long time, I thought that's all there was. Then... a movie came along. A movie that would change my life forever.

This scene has lived in my head rent-free since 1995. It's such a good scene for a variety of reasons. Its humor is understated, but its significance in the plot and how well it conveys character and conflict is divine. But what I want to focus on today is not trivial things like story and themes, but important media analysis like "dear god those pancakes look delicious." But what stood out the most to me were the eggs. Served sunny side up, crispy on the sides, with a perfect, runny yolk. Okay, full disclosure, this obviously wasn't my first time seeing eggs portrayed in this manner, but for the longest time, my mind conceived them as "cartoon eggs." So when I finally watched this movie with my family as a wee child, I had a moment of clarity that the way eggs are portrayed on cartoons are different from the way eggs look in real life. So I looked my mother straight in the eye and demanded to know, "Why do eggs on cartoons look different than the way they do in real life?"

You could see the sweat pouring from my mother's face like an exploding geyser. She didn't want to share this elusive, secret world with me, the world where eggs can be eaten in a multitude of different ways. What if I wasn't ready? Would I be prepared for heartbreak? But what was she to do? I had asked, and there was no way to put the lid back on this kettle that had finally boiled over. So with great reluctance, she told me that there were different ways of cooking eggs, such as side up, which is prepared by frying the outside and leaving the yolk uncooked. So one day, my parents made this style of egg for me, and I could feel it in my body. I had changed. I could see that there was more to life than scrambled. There was sunny side up, hard boiled, soft boiled, over easy, over medium, over hard, soft scrambled, poached. So many different styles of egg.

Okay, so it wasn't as dramatic as all that, but I found out that I preferred my eggs sunny side up over scrambled, and to this day, it's my breakfast of choice on the rare occasions I decide to eat a large breakfast. Chances are I probably would have found this out had A Goofy Movie never came out, but I credit this movie with initially opening my eyes to them.

Pizza Margherita


I don't actually have a funny story with this one. I just saw it in Animal Crossing, thought "wow, that looks different; I wonder what it tastes like." So I searched up to find restaurants that serve it in my area, found one, and tried it. And yes, it's delicious. It's probably my favorite variety of pizza.


And that's it.

As a rule of thumb for this thread, I'm going to politely ask three things from responses:
  1. The food must be real. So nothing like those disgusting drinks based loosely on the bar scene from Star Wars that you buy at Disney parks. This might seem really obvious, but I can already foresee the responses where someone types out how they saw this Bloop Blop Juice made from the milk inside the Puparooner fruit from the planet Tweenis 12 and made something aesthetically similar and liked it so much they continued to make it. And while that's wonderful and I fully support that kind of creativity, that's not the intention of this thread.
  2. If it's not a "real" food, it has to be something you can realistically make. So things like the naco from Kim Possible or the various abominations that the Ninja Turtles order on their pizza are fine.
  3. It has to be something you discovered (or at least were encouraged to try) by an unlikely source, such as fiction. So things you found on cooking shows or YouTube channels don't count.
Loved the foods you mentioned above! Tried both of them and they were delicious! Anyway, here's one food I would like to show here:

Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich​


Photo Credit

Several years ago, I watched the movie The Baby-Sitters Club (1995) for the first time and I saw the scene when the girl named Kristy prepared peanut butter and banana sandwiches for her and her father. I assumed the sandwich looked good, so I prepared one and... it was delicious. I've been loving this sandwich since then!

I couldn't find the scene anywhere, but this video is the closest one I can find.​
Takoyaki, i've picked up from Yakuza. I've never had it before but the branding sold me. I get this anytime I spot it on a menu now, i've had lots of different restaurants Takoyaki. I picked up a lot of affinity of Asian street food from games and anime but Takoyaki sticks out because I just adore it so so much.


Also, of all things, Spongebob pretty patties turned me onto macarons. I really loved this episode growing up and watched it SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK. Idk why I was so obsessed lol. Obviously they're not the same thing but the colors made me connect pretty patties to macarons. I saw them in a crepe shop one time, asked my grandpa to buy some, and i've been addicted ever since. I make them infrequently but I buy them a LOT. It's my choice of sweet treat next to strawberries.
Also, of all things, Spongebob pretty patties turned me onto macarons. I really loved this episode growing up and watched it SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK. Idk why I was so obsessed lol. Obviously they're not the same thing but the colors made me connect pretty patties to macarons. I saw them in a crepe shop one time, asked my grandpa to buy some, and i've been addicted ever since. I make them infrequently but I buy them a LOT. It's my choice of sweet treat next to strawberries.
I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who immediately thought of Pretty Patties when they first saw macarons.
Easy: Beignets, thanks to Princess & the Frog


When I was younger, my dad brought some home. "Like from Princess & the Frog," he said. I was imagining gumbo, but WOW I wanna say these were a way better outcome.

The way they're animated is just so AUGH and they always live up to my expectations
I know there has to be a food that fits into this category for me but I just haven't been able to think of one so far!
There is one I've been wanting to try since childhood:

(also incorrectly known as Jelly Filled Donuts)


In the English-dubbed version of Pokémon: Indigo League, Ash Ketchum's friend Brock says he has made some "jelly filled donuts". I remember being a kid and thinking, "they don't look like donuts to me!"
In actuality they were the Japanese dish Onigiri, and for some reason the English-dubbed version tried to localize this.


Onigiri are triangle-shaped rice balls wrapped in seaweed; usually with a filling like tuna, salmon, pickled plum, etc.
I think they look pretty yummy!! Certainly yummier than jelly filled donuts (I'm not a fan of jelly/jam stuff)​
Just like the user above, I’ve been meaning to make onigiri for about a month now. I saw an animated gif of it on Instagram and thought that it looked yummy.

Although I bought the items already, I unfortunately might not make this a common recipe in my life. The ingredients were more expensive than I thought. The rice is surprisingly difficult to get if there’s no Asian markets nearby. I really wish that there was an alternative to short-grain rice.
I know there has to be a food that fits into this category for me but I just haven't been able to think of one so far!
There is one I've been wanting to try since childhood:

(also incorrectly known as Jelly Filled Donuts)

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In the English-dubbed version of Pokémon: Indigo League, Ash Ketchum's friend Brock says he has made some "jelly filled donuts". I remember being a kid and thinking, "they don't look like donuts to me!"
In actuality they were the Japanese dish Onigiri, and for some reason the English-dubbed version tried to localize this.
These donuts are great! Jelly filled are my favorite. Nothing beats a jelly-filled donut!

It's kind of funny the kind of censors and edits they added to Pokemon. Everyone knew they weren't donuts. They should've just tried to educate people instead of belittling them.

Here's another funny edit. During the early episode School of Hardknocks, Brock says he is going to make coffee and sweets for everyone. But then mentions how that might be too bitter for kids so he makes them tea. Except in the edit he says the same except prune juice for kids. Like I don't know, prune juice is just peak old fart.
I only tried mushrooms as a kid because of Mario. I was always afraid of trying new foods. But being like Mario was motivation enough for me to take a chance, and it turned out I loved them! Still one of my favorite foods. Thanks, Mario!
I also picked up onigiri from watching anime! We typically have them in ball-shapes as opposed to the more iconic triangular shaped ones, but I can confirm that they are delicious. My favorite filling is definitely pickled plum, and they're good wrapped in seaweed or alternatively rolled in sesame seeds.

Another food I can think of is turnips. After noting the odd fixation that both Animal Crossing and Rune Factory have with these little vegetables, I made it a point to try them just this year, and I have to say they're pretty good! We often incorporate them into roast veggie medley dishes now.

I've only had this one once, so it's not a regular food for me, but I did try cinnamon-butterscotch pie purely because of Undertale, and it was really good. 🤎 Highly recommended!

While I haven't gotten around to actually trying these yet, Rune Factory games have also got me eager to try marmalade on something as well as making baked onigiri, and after all the talk about potato mochi in Pokémon Legends: Arceus I am determined to try some eventually.
One time I was watching the sitcom King of Queens and Arthur ordered a cappuccino muffin from the coffee shop. I thought that sounded good so I looked up a recipe and baked a batch. They were delicious!
For me it's gimbap. I watched Extraordinary Attorney Woo and everytime she ate them (aka, every episodes) I wanted to try them. I knew how to roll maki so I gave it a try and now I regularly do a somewhat gimbap-inspired dish at least once every two weeks.
i remember that in tomodachi life there was a black forest cake as a food item that your miis could eat, last year i attempted to bake one myself but it ended up being horrible, i don’t think i made it right. i still want to taste an actual black forest cake.
I'll have to think more on it, but I don't know off the top of my head that I picked up any types of food after seeing them in media. That is, none that I continued to eat with any regularity thereafter.

I definitely did try Pocky once back in the 2000s or early 2010s due to its association with anime but I never bought it again. I just remember it as being okay.
The only things I can think of at the moment is Matcha items, seaweed things, and sushi. These things were depicted in shows and video games and were things I wanted to try one day. That one day came later as an adult and I love them.

Oh and there was turnips cuz of animal crossing and I read they would attract slugs from my cabbage. Turnips are good.

When I started watching the tv show Red Dwarf,the main character Dave Lister was obsessed with an Indian dish called a chicken vindaloo.Back then,Indian food was hard to find where I live so I had no idea what a vindaloo was.Then one day when I was shopping at the local Trader Joe's,I found some vindaloo sauce with a recipe for chicken vindaloo printed on the package and thought "why not?"Yeah,it wasn't restaurant quality but I liked it.
takoyaki bc of persona 5, i had known it existed (was on menus at japanese restaurants) but i never had any desire to try it. even after playing the game i didnt, but i played it with my brother and he really wanted to try it. so next time we went to our local japanese restaurant we like we got an order of it. i thought it was just okay, i don't like octopus i think it's too hard to chew. my brother loves it
though and has ever since. (pic has the royal logo but this was in 2017 when the game originally came out)
Taiyaki and Bungeoppang, seeing them in anime and drama made me really crave those and they were not selling them before where I live. I had to wait for a while.
I would like to try Dango after seeing that dish in multiple anime and games that featured that food.

I would also like to try Aji fry since it was an interesting fish that is featured in ACNH and Splatoon 3 (Fred Crumbs is based on Aji fry).

Lastly, I'm eager to try konpeito (Japanese candy) which is featured in most Nintendo games. (it was featured as star bits and star fragments)