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Forbidden Fortunes [Closed]

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The Unlucky:
Black cats have always been regarded as the heralds of bad luck, but few think of how they are the ones living with it all their lives...

Revealed Uprigh: This card might symbolize the recognition of a prolonged state of bad monetary luck or poor health due to circumstances out of their control, but it is also a revelation steps must be put into place to achieve what is certanly better results. It also relates to strong intuition, preparation and generosity with others and oneself.

Revealed Reversed: This card could indicate that one might be putting efforts into achieving a fruitless endeavour while also a fixation to not desiring to step away from that path, to catastrophic results in the end. The card also relates to repetition, isolation and inpatience.

(I hope any of what I wrote makes sense, I don't know the first thing about Tarot cards this is mostly a reference of how in my WW town Kiki has been sick for like four days in a row...)
Hi Rainbowhorn! I love reversing things to show concern for the black cats. Unfortunately, your entry is over the word limit at 133 words. If you could trim it down to 100 words, I can accept it. You may edit your original post.

The Snowman
When drawn upright it symbolises great change is on the horizon and good things are coming your way, give another go to those tasks you've been putting off and reap the benefits of a job completed perfectly.
Beware of making any major life changes though if this card is drawn reversed, for things are not always as they seem and that job that once seemed easy looks a lot more daunting in a new light.​
I hope this is sufficient, I really tried with my limited mental energy 😮‍💨 I still like how it turned out though hehe

It seems as if the spirit of the pumpkinette Squashua resides within this card. Laying the card upon an orange silken cloth is said to bring good fortune and wonderful... treats, to its holder. This brings peace and rest to the spirit. But if the card should be reversed, the spirit of Squashua may manifest as an imposter of Jack, and cast a plethora of spells and tricks. What is the nature of these spells? That is yours to decide...
The Goddess


The Goddess is said to appear when your life is at a crossroads. She represents serenity, truth, royalty, and the possibility of misfortunes.

Upright: Peace and good fortune follow you in the journey that lies ahead. You have favor with all with whom you cross paths. Now is your time to take chances as the Goddess’s blessing shines upon you for new and exciting prospects.

Reversed: Perhaps you have not been truthful to yourself, or others. Continuing this path will only lead to strife. Remedy this quickly, lest blessings could soon turn into a curse.


When upright, Betrayal represents an unfortunate event that has yet to happen.
It could be as trivial as spilled milk, or it could be as serious as your favourite TV show getting cancelled after 3 seasons.

When reversed, Betrayal serves as a warning – you may be on the brink of betraying someone else! Tread lightly.
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The sage

The sage represents wisdom, knowledge, reflection, experience and Judgment.

Upright, the sage will lead you to the true path and share with you his knowledge and experience, helping you to make the best choices.

Reversed, the sage will deceive you and lead you to the path of delusions, bringing chaos, poor judgement, anger and despair.

The bat escape (at full moon) symbolises the loss of control over something that was kept hidden, but is now becoming visible in the brightest light available in the night. It usually means that someone will find out one of your secrets. However, since the escape takes place at night it also means that it will still be kept hidden from most. Your secret will not be shared as it will be in good hands. As such, even though it at first seems like a negative card, a positive reading of the card is very much possible.
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This card represents a surprise or unexpected event in your life. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes useless. Should you always keep your eyes open knowing it might be coming your way? Or do you close your ears and your heart to these random happenstances?

Upright: Your mind is open to new experiences. A good thing might pass into your life. Something unexpected.

Reverse: Represents a walled off mindset. Fortune may be passing you by and you may never know. Bad luck or unwanted generosity.

Sorry I forgot to include my name - here's the update:
Tarot Gift Namecard.png

The night sky can symbolize your inner desires coming true or your worst nightmares flashing before your eyes.

Upright, the night sky can grant you a wish against your worst enemy.

Reversed, your worst enemy can destroy everything you hold dear.

What will it be for you? Will you take the risk?
This event is now closed. I want to thank everyone for participating! I have enjoyed seeing each and every one of your creations!

I'd like to give a special shout-out to @Kaiaa who came up with the original idea for this event but unfortunately wasn't able to host, so I took over.

I hope you all had fun! 🔮
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