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oh hell yeah dude I love talking about myself
Name: Spencer
Nicknames: Frog, Gromit
Height: 5'6"
Aries/Boar, March 29
English, ASL 200
Nationality: The grand You Es of Ay
Personality: I'm 6'5" and own a yacht
Dislikes: People who can't pull up their big boy pants and use their words (sounds evil but I'm so tired of miscommunication)
Fears: Ghost girls. Holy crap ghost girls
The unemployed friend


My son
Name: I've only given my name out to a few online friends. Not so much for the sake of privacy, but there is an awkward feeling sometimes that I can't get accustomed with when I hear it online.
Nicknames: anything.
Sex/Gender: Male
Pronouns: He
Height: 5'10
Body Type: Slim. Kinda. I'm 145 LBS so not entirely tiny.
Zodiac/Birthday: June 23, Cancer.
Favorite Food: Not sure about this, but I enjoy certain soups.
Favorite Drink: Water
Most Hated Food: Anything with corn inserted into it makes me feel sick. (but...i'm fine with corn as an individual food).
Most Hated Drink: I'm not one for alcoholic beverages.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Least Favorite Holiday: All of them are okay.
Languages: English
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Nationality: American, lots of german heritage.
Orientation: (i had to look up what this meant). Asexual.
Preferences: Gosh I have no idea. But I get along with almost everybody.
Relationship Status: Aloof about this. Thankful to be the way I am.
Personality: Both quiet and chatty.
Personality Type: No idea.
Likes: Sports, reading, drawing, chess (or table top games in general), video games, too many hobbies that I don't have enough time for.
Dislikes: Yelling, fighting, chaos. Instant anxiety triggers.
Fears/Phobias: Above
Occupation/Dream Job: Student. Lost Soul. I'll figure it out in time.
Name: you can ask if we know each other well, but i don’t usually give it out online
Nicknames: Mari, I used to go by Tom/Tommy so that’s fine too. idk get creative; i appreciate friends giving me different nicknames :>
Sex/Gender: complicated, i go by cis female for simplicity
Pronouns: he/she, but please only use he/him + masc terms if we know each other unprofessionally (i do prefer it if we’re friends!)
Height: 5'8
Body Type: average?
Zodiac/Birthday: Cancer, July 8th
Favourite Food: rice + thai food
Favourite Drink: iced coffee
Most Hated Food: any food that’s pretty bland/earthy i usually don’t like
Most Hated Drink: straight up black tea i guess?
Languages: English
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dark-ish brown
Nationality: American
Orientation: pan, might be demi/aromantic but i’m not sure atm
Preferences: i tend to prefer women
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: uhh i like to joke around a lot and am passionate about my interests, but i have a hard time opening up to people and tend to match energies until then
Personality Type: ISFP-T
Likes: video games, art, animals, shopping for fandom related things
Dislikes: nagging, getting outta bed, conflict, certain kinds of people just irk me
Fears/Phobias: i can’t think of much but the sound of planes flying overhead freaks me out
Occupation/Dream Job: i would love to voice act 👀
Name: I tend to go by Rex.
Nicknames: Whatever you want, I don't have any.
Sex/Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: they/them; any, as long as I know you mean me.
Height: 5'4
Body Type: amorphous stick
Zodiac/Birthday: Aries, March 29
Favourite Food: hummus
Favourite Drink: water, black and green tea, coffee
Most Hated Food: Anything even just barely, moderately spicy; I'm also a vegetarian.
Most Hated Drink: Sugary beverages; I don't drink.
Languages: English, French, German, Latin, Ancient Greek
Eye Color: light brown
Hair Color: brown
Nationality: German
Orientation: gynoromantic? aro-ace or just too busy.
Preferences: I'm very sensitive to noise. Anyone considerate,open-minded, not too rash.
Relationship Status: single
Personality: I tend to think of myself as a head, walking on two legs; cerebral to a fault. I once had interests, quite a lot and quite varied, but now I'm mostly tired and increasingly functional for only a singular purpose.
Personality Type: I don't really subscribe to the MBTI, but I know the equivalent would be INTJ.
Likes: Too much to list, probably. I'll try.
to do: writing, worldbuilding, drawing, playing the bass guitar, TTRPGs, dancing (badly), attempting to archive niche topics, engaging in fandoms I Don't even like and making myself suffer through media I can't stand for the sake of completion, rabbit holes
general: history, esp. ancient history, archaeology, "dead" languages, theories, space, niche and lost media, dogs, octopodes
music: Progressive rock, funky stuff, not boring. Yes, Rush, Gentle Giant, Caravan, Nektar, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Triumvirat, Genesis, The Alan Parsons Project, Climax Blues Band, ...
authors: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Tolkien
games: Spore, Tomodachi Life, Wildermyth, Magician's Quest, MySims PC, Fantasy Life, Pokémon, The Sims 2 and 3, Animal Crossing GC/NL
movies/TV: All That Jazz, Monty Python, The Muppets, Star Trek (original)
cartoons: Bojack Horseman, Adventure Time, Infinity Train, Avatar the Last Airbender
anime: Monster, Boogiepop Phantom, Odd Taxi, Paranoia Agent, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Trigun, Master Keaton
other fandoms and interests: Furby, plushies, Homestuck, NeoPets, Furry stuff, more I probably forgot.
Dislikes: Noise, and many things most people wouldn't like.
Fears/Phobias: Everything. ...heights, fast things, downward motion, slippery surfaces, flying, being on boats, not feeling any ground under my feet, many abstract concepts... but no animals.
Occupation/Dream Job: Studying to become something academical, history-related. That was my motivation when I started, at least.
Name: Noah
Nicknames: none really
Sex/Gender: nonbinary
Pronouns: they
Height: 5'7
Body Type: fat? I wear an xl shirt
Zodiac/Birthday: Scorpio/November 2nd
Favourite Food: turkey dinner
Favourite Drink: hot coffee
Most Hated Food: idk I'm kinda picky but I don't enjoy rare or raw beef. Y'know how some people get their burgers medium rare.
Most Hated Drink: most alcohol cause it sets my stomach on fire
Languages: English
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: medium brown
Nationality: canadian
Orientation: bisexual
Preferences: I'm not sure, it comes down to the individual
Relationship Status: taken. Me and my partner have been together for 12 years
Personality: it's hard to describe yourself? Idk I'm pretty low key. I tend to stay quiet until you get to know me and then I'll just ramble endlessly
Personality Type: ISFJ-T "The Defender" apparently. I'm not sure how accurate the test is though
Likes: video games, my pets, crafting, knick nacks, trying to befriend the squirrels in my front yard
Dislikes: stress especially financially, conflict, places that are too loud
Fears/Phobias: bugs, trying new things
Occupation/Dream Job: I work down on the docks with container ships but I wish I could get paid to lay in the grass and just rest.
Nicknames: Don’t have any
Sex/Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Height: Can’t remember
Zodiac/Birthday: December 23rd / Capricorn
Favorite Food: Spaghetti & Meatballs
Favorite Drink: Orange & Passion Fruit J20
Most Hated Food: Salads or any sweets
Most Hated Drink: Beers or anything alcoholic
Favorite Holiday: Christmas 🎄
Least Favorite Holiday: Halloween 👻
Languages: English
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Nationality: English
Disability: Autistic
Relationship Status:
Single and happy to be!
Personality: Both quiet and chatty.
Personality Type: No idea.
Likes: The Lion King, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, drawing & colouring, watching videos, tv or dvds, shopping or going out & going on holiday.
Dislikes: crime, fights, crowds, bullies, bugs, drunk people/ drunk drivers, people shouting or arguing. Fears/Phobias: not sure
Occupation/Dream Job: not sure
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Hey why remove my post I AM one of those young members you speak of LOL Imma do it again but without all the NSFW stuff k? Sorry about that bro x
Hey who keeps sending the notification that I can’t reply to about my answers pls this makes no sense I have fixed it anyway but cmonnnnnnnn

Nicknames: STALFIE
Sex/Gender: MALE
Height: 5 foot and 3 inches
Zodiac/Birthday: October LIBRA
Favorite Food: MCDONALDS
Most Hated Food: VEGAN
Most Hated Drink: VEGAN
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Least Favorite Holiday: PRIDE even though I’m bi it’s a long story man
Languages: English and French Afrikaans
Eye Color: Dark
Hair Color: Dark
Nationality: British Aussie
Orientation: Bisexual
Preferences: Smokin hot pls
Relationship Status: It’s complicated
Personality: LOUD
Personality Type: FINE AF
Dislikes: wokery overload just let me live my life man
Fears/Phobias: NONE
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Just realized I've somehow never answered this thread in all my years here. But I'm taking out all the personal questions lol 👀

Pronouns: they/she
Height: short
Zodiac/Birthday: November 17
Favorite Food: I like Indian food - my absolute favourite dish is samosa chaat
Favorite Drink: Coffee
Most Hated Food: Anything with vinegar
Most Hated Drink: Wine & beer
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Least Favorite Holiday: Valentine's Day
Languages: English
Nationality: Canadian
Orientation: 👭
Personality: quiet & serious unless I'm comfortable with you (in which case I'll be super energetic and silly), workaholic, anxious about most things, very devoted to loved ones
Personality Type: INFJ according to Myers-Briggs, though everyone I care about keeps telling me MBTI is nonsense lol
Likes: Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, frogs, Bollywood movies/music, singing, being in nature, spreadsheets, spending time with my fave people
Dislikes: Winter, sports
Fears/Phobias: Emetophobia
Occupation/Dream Job: My dream job was always to become a children's author but I'm very happy in my current job in a non-profit!
Name: 🤺

kirako ;>



5'7 (ok it's really 5'6.5 but who's checking)

Body Type:
skinny, my friend threatens to throw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes numerous of times

aries / april 17

Favourite Food:
lots of chinese cuisine!! and laotian cuisine :>

Favourite Drink:
love me an iced caramel coffee

Most Hated Food:

Most Hated Drink:
hot floral or fruit teas, they make my head hurt so i can only have them iced

english, french, mandarin chinese

Eye Color:

Hair Color:
dark brown

canadian C:


Relationship Status:
oh so single

i'm pretty awkward at the beginning but once i get comfortable around you, i get so loud and chatty

Personality Type:

so many things!!!!
anime: haikyuu, my new boss is goofy, gakuen babysitters, wotakoi, tsurune, kimi ni todoke, doukyuusei, ohshc, fairy tail
anime charas: bokuto!!!!! kenma, nishinoya, bakugo, kirishima, kashima, hirotaka, zen
manga/manhwa: mr paper bag is in love, wotakoi, nenene, my farm by the palace, cassmire the loyal sword, i shall master this family, mother's marriage contract, lout of count's family, my in laws are obsessed with me, (i'm reading soooo many manhwas)
video games: acnh, genshin impact, honkai star rail, cookie run kingdom
music: kpop (i can list so many that i listen to,) rnb, pop, jpop, my old emo music ;w;
movies: lots of throwback barbie movies heh, coraline, alice in wonderland, tangled, how to train your dragon, lots of ghibli, paranorman, puss in boots!!!
tv shows: gravity falls, 2 broke girls, once upon a time, pretty little liars, the vampire diaries, ever after high, hwarang

i can get overstimulated a lot really quickly but loud breathing or chewing just AJSGNKRJBG irks me


Occupation/Dream Job:
unemployed rn but dream job would be making starting my own small business either for my design passion or something within that field, who knows!
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Okeyyy letsss gooo
  • Nicknames: I try to go by Venny online :)
  • Sex/Gender: Gurrrl
  • Pronouns: Whatever u wanna call me!
  • Zodiac/Birthday: 28/09 Libra
  • Favourite Food: I like all types of cuisine (but for now I'm into meat/chicken with cream whenever I cook)
  • Favourite Drink: Coffee/Cappuccino <3333
  • Languages: French/Russian/English
  • Nationality: French (but from Russian/Asian descent, idk if that makes sense)
  • Orientation: Bi
  • Personality: I guess I'm introvert with new people but then I become oh such an extravert when I'm comfortable
  • Personality Type: INFP since my birth year
  • Likes:
    Gaming (my favourites ACNH, SKYRIIIIM <3333, Stardew Valley, Fallout 4 (also New Vegas but I still didn't finish it), Slime Rancher, The Witcher 3 etc)
    Reading (fantasy, short/novels, documentaries, French/Russian classics etc, I'm trying to get into English literature I promise)
    TV Shows/Movies/Cartoons (kinda everything that's popular now)
    Drawing (mostly traditional but I own a tablet, so I'm still learning the ways of digital)
  • Dislikes: Close-minded, rude people, talking in public, people who don't take off their backpacks in a crowded transport...
  • Occupation/Dream Job: Procrastinating student/wish to have a good job related to languages and travelling (since that's what I'm studying)
I love talking about myself hehehe

Name: Simona
Nickname: Simone
Pronouns: any!
Orientation: Lesbian
Zodiac: Pisces
Drink: Iced latte
Food: Spicy noodles, sushi, potatoes
Likes: Animal Crossing!, Identity V, cats, coffee, singing, cute clown dolls, tattoos
Dislikes: unkind people, my anxiety
Dream job/occupation: I'm currently an English major with a music minor. If I could be paid just to learn random instruments, then that would be the dream. But for now, I will say stay at home wife who cooks scrumptious meals and posts those bento box videos on Tiktok.
Short-term goals: Survive the rest of the semester, finish my ACNH island so I can start on my girlfriend's island
Long-term goals: Take more music lessons, travel, have a grown-up job

Name: J****** (Sorry, there's no way I'm revealing my real name!)
Nicknames: Suguri in TBT; BobRocks20, BobRocks, or Bob everywhere else
Sex/Gender: female
Pronouns: she/they; I prefer she/her pronouns, but they/them is fine too.
Height: [REDACTED]
Body Type: [REDACTED]
Zodiac/Birthday: Pisces/March 6th
Favorite Food: French fries! Buttered popcorn, Oreos, candy, and anything chicken are up there too!
Favorite Drink: Milk!
Most Hated Food: Celery; I tried it on a vegetable stir-fry once and thought it was going to taste like lettuce. Big mistake.
Most Hated Drink: Anything that is not milk or water. It just doesn’t taste right for me.
Languages: English
Eye Color: [REDACTED]
Hair Color: [REDACTED]
Nationality: [REDACTED]
Orientation: Heterosexual. I may also be fictoromantic; currently crushing on a male Pokémon character and a non-binary anthropomorphic cat...
Preferences: If you're nice and you genuinely like me, I'll open up to you.
Relationship Status: [REDACTED]
Personality: Online, I talk about whatever I’m hyper-fixated on a lot and I am pretty friendly. IRL, I’m much more reclusive and afraid of talking to other students in school because of how different they are from me. Sometimes I wish to be free from this.
Personality Type: What's that?
Likes: Animal Crossing, Pokémon (especially Kieran), PaRappa the Rapper, crocheting, sleeping, quiet spaces, nature, high grades, and being myself
Dislikes: Loud environments, certain forms of swearing, low grades, and alienation
Fears/Phobias: I fear spiders and anything that reminds me of spiders, such as those ugly crane flies that appear in my house from April to May!!
Occupation/Dream Job: No clue. I’m still in high school, discovering myself.
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Been a long time since I've been active on here and some of you may not have seen or remember me, so I'll fill this out.

Name: Benjamin
Nicknames: Neb
Pronouns: He/they
Height: 5'8" (yes I'm short)
Zodiac/Birthday: Aquarius, February 14th
Languages: English
Nationality: American, Oregon to be more specific
Personality: Introverted, but polite and friendly.
Likes: Watermelon, video games, books, brisk walks, cold brew coffee
Dislikes: raw tomatoes, customer service, FPS games
Fears: Touching fish/sea creatures, having unsolicited photos taken, getting stranded in another country
Occupation: Looking for a job still, but will probably end up in retail