Has anybody bought this game twice?

I bought the game digitally on launch day. I bought a physical copy just before school started so that I could cycle. My 3DS-XL was stolen sometime after that with both games in it, so I ended up having to buy ANOTHER physical copy (along with another 3DS haha). This is where my current town lies...
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i had to buy the game digitally on launch day because gamestop was out of physical copies

i do prefer physical though, i've always liked having a hard copy of my games.
I bought another copy because my brother has a 3DS that he never uses and so I thought that I would put it to use and buy another cartridge of ACNL. So that's when I created the town of Oashisu and made it my TTing/Cycling town for my main town. I am working on landscaping my second town so it's not to shabby looking and it's slowly coming along xD
For myself? No, but interestingly enough I've bought the game many times.

Once for myself.
Once for a now ex-girlfriend (Regret regret regret!)
Once for a cousin.
Downloaded a second copy with the Club Nintendo reward, not really "buying" but either way I do have two copies.
And once more for a cousin.
I have thought about it a lot but I think it would make the game less special. I still have tons to do in my town anyway, things to collect, land to scape, pwps to get, etc.
I can't afford to buy this game again xD
Silly. I don't have that kind of money.
Some people they've got like four cartridges, 2 downloaded versions, and like 3 3ds's...
I mean....teach me your secrets! :eek:
Twice. One physical on my 3DS and one digital on my 3DSLL. Mostly my alt village is for growing perfect fruit and making loads of $$$. I also got Julian via my alt village and do some TT'ing for event rewards. I'm trying to get the most out of having an extra town and eventually I'll sell my LL and use the money towards a PS4.
I can't afford to buy this game again xD
Silly. I don't have that kind of money.
Some people they've got like four cartridges, 2 downloaded versions, and like 3 3ds's...
I mean....teach me your secrets! :eek:

I got mine for my birthdays (on different years, hahaha) and then saved up/bought another copy when I had some extra cash.
I got mine for my birthdays (on different years, hahaha) and then saved up/bought another copy when I had some extra cash.

Ah, duh. I forget people still have families xD
My grandpa doesn't like buying me video games.
"You have enough", he says. "You'll just play it once, beat it, and never play it again."
Lol. Bleh.
Ah, duh. I forget people still have families xD
My grandpa doesn't like buying me video games.
"You have enough", he says. "You'll just play it once, beat it, and never play it again."
Lol. Bleh.

My moms the same! But my boyfriend and his family are super lovely. They got me a 3DS just for ACNL haha. Plus I did help pay for my XL.
I can't really afford it at the minute, so unless I find it for a really cheap price unfortunately its looking like my days of New Leaf are over :(
Bought a second copy of it because I was able to get it half price (around $22), though after getting home and looking at the receipt it looks like they forgot to scan it at the checkout with the other things I bought so....
If anyone can tell me where I can it for under ?20 I would really appreciate it, I cannot afford it at its current price.
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I have two physical copies of the game.

At the time that I bought my second copy, I thought that I needed another town, because I love this game so much, however, knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have wasted my money, because I struggle to keep up with two towns.
I've got two cartridge copies and im thinking about getting another soon