

Do they...not actually "bloop"?
Mar 9, 2024
Hi. I just joined (oh aren't I just the queen of obviousness right now) since this place seems nice. I'm not sure how active I'll be since I tend to be rather shy. I started playing New Horizons in February (its been back-logged on my wishlist for years 😓) so my island is still fairly new. And filled with flowers. Oh geez, the amount of flowers. XP I think they're gaining sentience and taking over. At least they're pretty. Sorry. I'm nervous and rambling. So yeah, hi *waves*
Hi! Welcome to the forums! 🎉✨

I hope you're enjoying New Horizons so far! Is it your first Animal Crossing game, or have you played others? Which villagers did you start your island with? 😊
I played New Leaf for a long time, though I deleted my town when I stopped playing it consistently but that's the only one other then New Horizons. I started with Mira and Bam. Mira decided she wanted to explore the world and I just didn't have the heart or crush her dream so of the two, only Bam remains. I've since gained Bitty, Diana, Bubbles, Cyd, Pekoe, Egbert, Pompom, Pietro and Hazel (who took Mira's home), though not in that order.
I played New Leaf for a long time, though I deleted my town when I stopped playing it consistently but that's the only one other then New Horizons. I started with Mira and Bam. Mira decided she wanted to explore the world and I just didn't have the heart or crush her dream so of the two, only Bam remains. I've since gained Bitty, Diana, Bubbles, Cyd, Pekoe, Egbert, Pompom, Pietro and Hazel (who took Mira's home), though not in that order.
Aww, cute! You have a cute mix of villagers! Are there any villagers from your New Leaf town that you're hoping to find again? 😊
Hellooo, welcome to the forums! It’s completely normal and understandable to be nervous when joining a new community, but we’re honestly super friendly here! We’re happy to have you! ☺️
I already have the one I wanted most. Pietro, my favorite psychedelic sheep! When I ran into him on a mystery island I instantly went, hey, come join me! ^_^