How do you feel about vacations?

How do you feel about vacations?

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AroAce, ASD, and Proud ^^
Oct 31, 2015
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I know this is a hot take, but I really am not a fan. Yeah, there is some fun to be had, but ultimately, I rather not deal with all the rigmarole that comes with vacations. I DO like to get out of the house, but not for THIS long.

I am currently staying in South Padre Island for vacation with my grandparents (though my grandparents are not traveling or staying with us), dad, and my brother. We arrived Friday evening and we were supposed to leave to see my mom today, but she was in the hospital due to a kidney infection, so we are leaving tomorrow instead. Now, it has helped that we have been staying in a really spacious room where I have my own area and TV (my dad and my brother shared the other one; good thing they both love sports XDDDD), but it just isn't the same as my room back at home.

Not to mention the fact that this is only the first half of our vacation, tomorrow, we are going to see my mom and I doubt we are still coming back Tuesday, due to getting delayed a day over here. I am worried our departing date will get pushed to Wednesday. I just wanna get back Tuesday. .__.

Obviously, I wanna see my mom and catch up and whatnot (as much as we have a complicated relationship, but that is beside the point). I just do not want to deal with the sleep arrangements. At least I've had my own area during the South Padre arc, but not here. I will have to share a room with my mom, and we just end up keeping each other awake. It is hard enough for me to sleep away from home in general, but it is even worse when I am staying with my mom.

I don't know, but vacations just make me feel stressed and antsy. There have even been times where I was close to crying due to the homesickness (this hasn't happened for since 2018 now, but still). I feel stressed out and out of place when I am out of my comfort zone. Not to mention, I am not even sure when we will be home now, which I hate uncertainty. I also struggle to remember to pack everything. I stuffer from ASD and possibly ADHD, which could explain why I'm like this. My family are aware of my ASD, but I don't think they understand just how much it can affect a person.

NTM, Sometimes there is not a bathroom when you need it (when you are on the road).

I used to love vacations when I was little. Now, I want little to no part of them. They honestly cause me more stress than relaxation. Like I said, it is good to get out of the house for a bit, but I rather do that through day trips.

. . .

Some people call people who hate them ungrateful, which is, quite frankly, disrespectful. You do not know our situations. We cannot help that we feel this way.

. . .

Man, I cannot wait to be back in my room, my own bed, and catch up on the YouTube videos that have been released since I have been gone. :,)
I am gonna sleep so good my first day back.
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Personally, I love vacations, no matter how close or far (though far ones are my favs). I’ve been with my family to Germany, the Netherlands, and several states. One time we even stayed in a small town not super far from my home, for two days, and it was very memorable and refreshing! We may be heading back to Europe next ^^ Also, being at the airport makes me super happy, especially my local one. It feels magical and like the air is full of adventure for me.
I’ve never had one and I wish I could, esp. considering I find my own area way too gentrified and stale
I love going on vacation. But that's really only because I go to the same exact spot every time. Boston, Massachusetts. I have so many friends in New England, so getting to see them and hang out in the city is always comforting to me. Especially because I sorta live in the middle of nowhere. Seeing new things, new faces, new activities to do, stuff to buy, it's so exciting to me! :3 I do get homesick sometimes, and my separation anxiety gets real bad, too.. but I always come back home relieved, I don't know if I'm prepared to live in such a big city yet ^^;; But I still LOVE to visit!
Depends on what kind of vacation really, like going to a beach for a week is incredibly boring. But going to a different country or somewhere very natural with good hiking and/or explorable scenery. Yes please sign me up. I also hate the actually getting there part too though, planes and long car rides are not for me.
I like vacations when I'm not the one doing all the planning and other people I'm traveling with also make an effort to troubleshoot when things go awry. I had a couple breakdowns during some family vacations so it greatly decreased my like for vacations.

That being said my favorite thing to do is finding local coffee roasteries and trying their coffee! I also love walking around everywhere. And of course, trying all the amazing food in the area.
I guess it depends on the destination and who I'm with.. and how much money I have 😂

My mom loves going on vacations and sometimes she will bring me along; I guess I don't usually mind them since she's the one doing all the planning. I don't think I'd mind doing all the planning for a trip to Japan, or just getting on a luxury train ride somewhere if I were rich. Otherwise, idk, I think I'd rather just chill at home.
I love vacations! I love the whole vacation experience, including airports and long car rides. I enjoy seeing new places and having new experiences, it's refreshing for my soul. I only go on vacation when I have enough fun money saved up, because being on a small budget kind of sours the experience. Not that I'm an excessive spender, but sometimes new activities or interesting souvenirs pop up, and I don't want to miss out on an opportunity as I may never have the chance again!

Still, by the end of it, I always look forward to returning to the coziness of my room. I've never gone on a vacation longer than a week, so I'm kind of curious whether that'd be too much for me or if the 'want to be back home' feeling would get delayed.
I’ve never had one and I wish I could, esp. considering I find my own area way too gentrified and stale
I was a little surprised to hear there are others out there like me....never had vacation. In the area where I live people go to Hawaii ever year and to Europe. Always makes me feel funny when they are all talking about it. I just can't identify.
I can't afford to do them all the time (or get the time off of work!) but it's fun to go on them! Even the excitement of going is great, having something to look forward to.

Got one in the pipeline to go to Disneyland Paris with @Dinosaurz 😁
I like vacations and the adventure around them. Unfortunately I've only traveled within my country. I can't afford to travel overseas at this stage, but I'd love to go some time.
I love them. I have one planned for September. Actually, my mom planned and paid for the whole thing, but I’m still looking forward to it. I hate the plane, though. I try to take the train whenever possible.
every once in a while, love them!! exploring somewhere you've not been (or revisiting a place you've already been to on holiday) are both really cool. the plane journeys are groovy with noise-cancelling headphones, bare films available on flights, and the fact that there's free food (usually on a long-haul flight) do be rad. also i quite like just waiting around and chilling at an airport before the flight. and i quite like the journey back home aswell.
As time went on I started to dislike them. While I do enjoy discovering new things, the change of pace, space and schedule is too overwhelming for me and stressful so it tends to ruin the vacation. Maybe if I took a month long vacation somewhere it would be better so I'll take 1 week to get used to it, and 3 weeks to enjoy it to the fullest !
I've started loving vacations after working full time. It's just such a different vibe from daily life and I guess the place where I stay in in boring as heck (probably cause its so small). Love going to the countryside over being stuck in a city
I have very mixed feelings on vacations. They were always forced upon me by my parents since they are the ones paying for it. It can be fun to go do something else for once, but sometimes I'd rather be at home where I can have some time to myself. I did enjoy some of the vacations, but not always. I absolutely hated the time we went to the beach... I never want to go there again. Another issue is it's hard for me to sleep in a hotel room since I'm almost never alone, the bed isn't as comfortable as my own, etc.
Things have also changed a lot over time and I have now gotten very used to being at home and I think if we ever left for vacation again, I'd get
horrible anxiety unless my parents are willing to have someone look after the cats.
I also just looked through the posts and was reminded I've never been on an airplane before. All of my vacations were by done car. I've never even left the country.
I do wish I could just go somewhere and not have anxiety about what might be going on at home while nobody is there... This bothered me during a few previous vacations. I was always scared I'd come back to the house being burned down or something. Honestly though, this fear is partly my parents' fault for leaving the cats at home.
I don't go on vacations very often, but I enjoy them! It's really fun to me to be able to explore new places and try new things~