How long does it take you to do makeup?

How long does it take you to do makeup?

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I don't wear makeup but when I do, it takes me like five mins lol. I'll put on eye shadow and mascara and call it a day.
Does tinted mineral sunscreen count as makeup? That's usually all I do, slap on some tinted sunscreen, sometimes mascara. Other than that, I'm not really a makeup kind of person.

I have some makeup, like eyeshadow and lip stuff. It looks pretty in the store, so I buy it. But then it sits in the drawer forever, ignored.
I barely wear makeup, but when I do, I just put some mascara and lipstick on and call it a day. LOL
I don’t. I really want to, but I’m so scared to try. I feel like I can’t do anything right apart from lipstick and I’ll just end up looking like a clown no matter what.
Less than 30 min. On most days I don't wear makeup or just concealer. I'll do eyeshadow and liner for a date or night out. Lip and blush if I'm really feeling myself or for a special event.
probably abt 15 mins on average ! id rather have more time sleeping so i generally don't wear a whole lot on the daily

if im going out out then its just part of my evening routine and i like to take my time and listen to music and have a lil drink and just generally put a bit more effort into it so probably takes me abt 30 mins + on those evenings
usually closer to an hour if not more, i like going a little crazy on my eyes. though if i'm going with something simple just 30 mins or so.
I rarely wear make up but if I do I spend like 5 minutes on it. I'm envious of people who can make their make up look good cause mine is always a mess so I just keep it simple
i don't wear makeup everyday (THANK YOU LASH EXTENSIONS), but when I do it 'properly'... it does take at least an hour, sometimes 2 if I'm going out out with a full face, glitter and fake lashes 🥺 including my hair and potentially fake tan I can easily spend 4 hours getting ready for a night out or event
I’d say 30 mins. Some of that is because I like to dink around while I do it. I CAN be quicker, I just don’t prefer to be. On the long end I’d say 45 min to an hour.
i normally spend around 15 minutes for my “simpler” makeup routine, like for work or normal errands. if it’s for an occasion that i want to look extra nice for i take between 30 minutes to an hour
I don’t. I really want to, but I’m so scared to try. I feel like I can’t do anything right apart from lipstick and I’ll just end up looking like a clown no matter what.
Same for me. Also I've gone so long with wearing no makeup I would feel really odd wearing makeup like everyone is staring at me thinking I look stupid or something or like a clown, at the same time I really wish I had the cofidence to do my makeup and I also wish I had the skill to do it cause I definitely don't know how to do it other than putting mascara on and foundation, that's all I know
In the mornings if I decide to do some before work I want to say it takes about a half n hour? But on the weekends or whenever I have time to play it can take me an hour or more. I really enjoy the process of putting on my makeup and I like watching a show or listening to makeup while I do it. I love playing around with sparkly eyeshadow on the weekends but before work I generally skip eyeshadow & mascara.
depends on the occasion. usually for something casual maybe 45-1 hour? for fancier occasions i could probably take 1.5 but probably not any longer than that. i really enjoy doing makeup and experimenting with colors so for me it's really fun so i take my time with the process. it's like art but on ur face :')
I don't wear makeup, but when I do it's typically between 5-15mins depending what I wear. I used to like to go crazy with the eye makeup, but unfortunately my skins too sensitive for eye makeup these days 🥲
I dont wear makeup for the most part. I subconsciously touch my eyes/face too much and it just get messed up so I dont even bother. If I do for some reason it takes 2 seconds, mascara, and done. The only exception is Halloween, I can and will spend hours on Halloween makeup.