How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

  • Total voters
I don't recall if I ever made a post in here (though I've certainly voted a long time ago), I'm a male. The polls are more or less what I expected.
I’m a guy but the poll totally makes sense. Most of my friends here back in the day were girls and I still notice a similar ratio in the community nowadays
Currently obvious because of my pfp, but I'll definitely change it one of these days so, yeah. I'm nonbinary. c: (And apparently the 100th nonbinary person to vote for that option, which is neat. o: )
I haven’t posted in this thread in years. I see my earlier posts on this thread from ten years ago stating I’m a girl. Back when I first started using the internet, I used to identify as a male because it made me happy. Not knowing about gender terms, I thought I was just lying to people. To avoid catfishing, I continued to identify as a female even though it didn’t feel natural.

Recently, I came to conclusion that it wasn’t all a lie and it’s just what I feel comfortable with. Yes, I’m a biological female and that’s how I was born, but I’m not being forced to identify that way. I identify as transgender. I kept up a facade too long. Also, props to the option to change our gender on the poll, since it is fluid.
First time here and I am female 💜
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I've gone through it all on this site. I joined as a cis girl, then became female and non-binary, then non-binary and pretty much everything else on the spectrum, then male and non-binary, then just male. (y)
I'm masc nonbinary! Sometimes I also say I'm genderfluid since my presentation varies day to day. I was born as a woman and identify as a woman without wanting to referred to as one, if that makes sense. I also present feminine IRL because transitioning is not a big deal to me at all.

Anyways how there only 102 nonbinary people here. I know you guys are out there and I WILL be perceiving you soon enough
I'm non-binary leaning masc. I resonate way more with non-binary. I didn't feel I was being 100% honest with myself being full on trans. I present more androgynous, sometimes leaning more masculine but sometimes in the middle. I also prefer they/them pronouns 99% of the time but I use he/they because there are days I present a little more masculine and I'm okay with either. I think the correct term here would be demiboy, but it's under the non-binary umbrella.

Also, can we get a non-binary flag, Emoji??? There are more pride flags than just the rainbow and transgender, lol.
I am female and it's really interesting to see how many of each gender we have!
I am a woman and probably the most emotional any of you all will ever meet I cry over EVERYTHING
My gender is literally none of your buisness like seriously it isn't i'm just here to spam and maybe do a bit of trolling a bit and bam on with my day.
Actually my gender is not very clear even for me. I'm born female, I wear female clothes and I'm happy with them but... no, to be honest, I don't feel as female or even as male. Some things make me feel uncomfortable (period for example) but I suppose it's not the good thread to complain about my gender and my questions haha. So I gave me here the "non-binary gender".
I’m a male, and you could clearly tell if you were to look at me in real life. I do agree that Animal Crossing is more of a female-oriented game in more aspects than others, but I never let that deter my interest at all. In fact, this was one of the reasons why I kept my high interest private for a long time before joining this forum, as I was afraid that I would get made fun of or get called a “furry”. As I’m now an adult and my schooling is behind me, I don’t think about that as much anymore, which is probably a good thing.

I like talking to females if I had to be completely honest, though I don’t talk to any around my age in real life at the moment (other than my sister, however as of this post we have a bit of personal tension going between us). I want that to change, but my social anxiety gets the best of me quite often, and that needs to change first.
I've never commented here.
I chose female. I see comments are more complex now than years before, so I guess I too will share why I chose what I chose as a get know me better thing if anyone cares.
I have female plumbing. I don't feel like I am one or other and never have and I cannot grasp the concept of feeling like fill in the blank because I don't feel. I guess because of my perspective: I'm just me, a human, but I have female plumbing so when people ask I assume that's what they want to know so, female. And I just kinda view others as just human.