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how much have you changed since you joined TBT?

I joined TBT seven years ago at age 21. At the time I was in college, aspiring to be a film director. Life was looking fantastic then, but then life started throwing hurdles at me that I wasn't ready for. Several of my friends died, three family members were diagnosed with cancer, and I was going through issues with my own health. Late 2015-mid 2017 was the darkest point in my life, and I wanted to end it, but instead I made some enormous life decisions that included abandoning my work (I had been working freelance as a cinematographer), ending a long-term relationship, and moving to a new location to pursue a second undergraduate degree. At first those changes didn't feel like they were going to pay off, and I thought I'd thrown my life away, but I applied myself and worked through it.

Late 2017-18 was an uphill battle where I was trying to come out of that place, but it felt like life kept kicking me back down. I immersed myself in student politics fighting for LGBT+ rights, being elected as a representative for my college and attending national events, and ended up taking up volunteering with an organisation where I took over the role of one of my late friends (and I am still in this role, and doing my best in it to honour her memory, to this date).

Eventually I learned how to work with the set-backs, and accept that they were happening for a greater reason. The biggest difference in my life though has been this past year. I finally had the opportunity to work in a field I'm passionate about (sciences), but back in school never felt I was smart enough to pursue. I learned how to stop being afraid of how people view me and realised that it was okay to be myself. I learned how to shrug and say "that's okay" if someone decides they don't like me rather than fretting over it and trying to change their minds. I now also volunteer for a fantastic company (not the organisation above) that has me feeling like I'm making a worthwhile contribution to young people's lives even during my downtime and is consistently supplying me with more opportunities - including one this summer. I've met some amazing people during the past year or so, and without everything that has happened I would never have met my loving and supportive partner.

TL;DR life was good when I first joined TBT, then it turned to ****, but I've fought my way out of it and learned a lot from it.
I think I’ve grown a bit! I don’t really love how I acted back when I joined, but I guess it’s good to cringe at yourself. That’s how you know you grew! I literally used the word hai as a greeting. (Not that that’s bad, I’m just way more formal than that now.) I’m more into collectibles now.
All I can really think about at the moment is that I went from having a Kirby obsession to having a Splatoon obsession, if that even matters.
A lot, I mean it was mostly just me growing up lol. I wasn't on here a lot between 2017-2020 but when I joined in 2014 I had just turned 12. Now I'm getting ready to move out for college in a couple months. I still have most of the same interests I had when I was younger but I've definitely matured a ton.
Probably a lot and I won't write all of my life story. Probably learned most when to take my fights rather than posting on literally everything and since blocking actually works here (though not perfect) I can choose to see what I want.
Not a lot about myself has changed since I first joined the forums. However, I already graduated from high school which was back in 2018 and I was in the process of applying for college. It took me half a year to wait for college to start and the program lasted for 2 years. And by 2 years, I mean only a year and a half which is three semesters. Other than that, it was pretty uneventful.
Goodness. It's been a long, long time. So much of my life is relatively the same, but who I am as a person? It took up the entirety of my 20s, and I didn't realize how much you really continue to change as you age, even after you are well into adulthood. I appreciate myself so much more, despite my failings, and I understand my value and worth in the stage of society. The older you get, the better that seems to be for me, despite being a woman.
oh jeez, i've changed a lot! i used to be a lot more immature and petty, but i think i've mellowed out much more as i've gotten older. i try not to invest myself too much into the site and use it strictly for new horizons-related business, but the memories i've had on here ooh wee
back in 2017 i was so active, id be checking and posting on tbt everyday. now im definitely way less active, probably because im more focused on school. i think im a lot lazier tho oops. also so many of my old posts make me question how my brain worked back then so i tend not to look at them lmao
In like 2018 / 2017 i was really active but also cringey, I was inactive for a year and now I'm back and I'd say I've changed a lot during that time, even during my hiatus I've changed. I always say if you knew me before 2019, you didn't. I'm a different person, the old Quackerz is dead
Actually joined a while ago (5-6 years?) I haven't really changed though.
I went through multiple phases. I grew up with TBT during high school. Now I'm unemployed. So, quite a lot.
I joined a few weeks ago as well, but it has so far been a wonderful experience for me. It got me back into New Leaf, and I have made such a wonderful friend along the way. We talk every day now and I am grateful for them. @Mayor Ng
I joined a little less than a year ago, so I haven't changed much (I think), other than being a tiny bit more open about myself (or less, IDK) and my writing style is a bit more different...probably. I don't really keep much tabs on myself.
i joined tbt 5 years ago wow i feel like that isn't even real but thats when i was like. obsessed with new leaf ha! but i have definitely changed a lot since then and it's so weird to think about how much has actually happened in 5 years of my life. like, my appearance has completely changed, i figured out what i want to do, and i have a whole new set of friends and mutuals that i never would have even imagined befriending. morals and education and the amount of stuff i know also applies!