How often do you replay your games?


The 🎮 Moderator
Squirtle Squad
Jul 17, 2015
Space Whale Plush
Galaxy Swirl
Space Whale Plush
S.S. Dolphin
Red Star Fragment
Golden Easter Egg
Enchanted Bloom
Golden Easter Egg
Red Star Fragment
So I've been thinking about replaying some of the games I own for awhile now, and that made me curious as to when and how often other people replay their games. Do you only stick to replaying your favorites, or do you try to replay most or all the games in your library regardless of how you feel about them? Or do you just sell off your games after beating them so you don't even have to worry about replay them? Do you try to replay your games within certain time frames (i.e. once a year), or just whenever you feel like it?

When I look at the games I own as a whole, I really only replay a small subset of them, which for the most part are my favorites. I used to replay almost all my games all the time as a kid, but as I've grown older and have gotten more games to play and beat, in addition to having my free time cut into by other things, it's gotten a lot harder to get myself to replay that many games even if I really want to. So I end up just replaying my favorites at least yearly (like Majora's Mask), especially if they don't take that long to beat, while sticking quite a few games on the "would like to replay" backburner that feels like it'll take at least years to properly get to.

I do want to try something different and try replaying all the main games of my favorite series (i.e. Pikmin, Legend of Zelda) to try and produce more definitive rankings for all the games within the series on top of actually getting myself to replay all those games once more. It's definitely ambitious for any series that has a lot of games (like Zelda taking at least 418 hours to beat all the main series games going off of the average times listed on HowLongToBeat), but it's still something I'm looking forward to doing regardless.
Oh jeez, I rarely ever replay any games as I once did back then. Nowadays I play games that have no story aspect such as Mario Kart/Animal Crossing. Once in a while will I ever think to going back to replaying any games I loved in the past.

I've replayed through some old and fanmade Pokemon games last year. My recent main game I played through (That wasn't Gen 9) was Black 2, I did enjoy it of course.

My childhood game, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 I have replayed way back in March 2023 on my Switch Lite. I'm always down to replay that game as it's my favorite game in the franchise.

The Toys to Life series, Skylanders I like getting back to, as there's multiple Skylanders you can use to make do with their fighting styles for lots of replayability. In fact, there's still tons of Skylanders I don't have, so my replayability when I get some new ones are quite likely. Though mostly, I'd just max their level with the preferred upgrades then put the game down until next time.

As of right now there really isn't any games I'd like to replay, still in the MK8 and AC kick. Suppose this will change in the meantime when I suddenly get that spark, there's a whole library of the games I own I haven't replayed in years and would like to build the courage to actually put down the main games I play every day for these story based games for a change.
One of the great things about having a terrible memory is that I can replay my favourite games every few years and not remember a thing. I take advantage of that quite a lot, it saves money on buying new games lmao

I obviously like to play new games too, but I'm quite picky so sometimes it's just easier to pick up a familiar favourite. It depends what kind of mood I'm in.
The only games I ever play a second time are Pokemon or Fire Emblem games. Otherwise it's one and done for me.
Typically, I only replay absolute favorites once every several years. ;u; I may replay sooner if there's a direct sequel to something, but most of the games I play are 60-100+ hour JRPGs, so... if I want to play any new games or catch up on my backlog, they're really not conducive to frequent replays, ahahaha. Most of the time replaying for me is just finally going back to and restarting the games I was never able to complete as a kid.
If a game is on the much shorter side then it has a higher chance of me deciding to do a replay, but I'm also not that great at staying committed to them unless it's been a long time, or I have other reasons to want to refresh myself on the story. 😅 I got Undertale again on the Switch during a big anniversary sale and I still haven't finished replaying it oops. i'm sorry to my monster buddies
I usually keep my games for sentimental reasons/just in case I do want to replay it further down the line, but if I really don't ever see myself replaying it again and I'm not emotionally attached to it, it might wind up in the sell pile.

As for games I'm hoping to replay soon-ish, those would be Dragon Quest VI (which I haven't played in... probably over a decade now oh my god, AND I never did the postgame), Dragon Quest XI S (because I love it and I want to experience it with shypox... definitely need to work in a 2D mode playthrough at some point too but the 3D graphics are so prettyyyy), and I'd like to play through the whole Code: Realize series again (on the Switch this time!) when I run out of otome games to play for the time being.
I rarely ever replay games. I think once is enough. I don’t get the urge to play games more than once as I do other things, like watching shows.
I always think I'm going to replay my favourite games, and lots of them I do start, but I rarely seem to finish the game the second time around. Kind of a shame! It's usually an urge to enjoy that specific game that makes me restart it again. For games that I didn't enjoy as much, I wouldn't replay them, and sometimes I don't even finish them the first time. 👀

I hate the idea of selling games after playing them, even the ones I didn't enjoy as much. They're mine now, and I want to hoard them forever. 🤭💖
I used to go through Super Mario World, the 16-bit Sonics, SNES Aladdin, DuckTales, etc. quite often, but I actually haven't done any of them in a few years.
Alot of games I have today don't really have an official end to them so I just randomly come back to them. (Dinkum Stardew ect)

For ones with an official end, I just replay the ones I really enjoyed and have the urge to play at the time.
I play games more often in winter when I feel like trash 99% of the time.

I try to get real picky about games I buy since most games are digital now and you can't resell them if you end up not liking them as much as you thought you would have. Kind of a shame, as there are some games id like to play, but I know already it would be one of those games that once I finish, that I'd have no desire to go back to play because I felt like I've seen all that I wanted to during the first playthrough. But if they were physical, I would go ahead and buy them, then resell them and get most of my money back to use on another game I may want, and someone else may have wanted a used copy to play because it was cheaper. Maybe they could resell it when they were done and get all their money back to use on another game.

I think companies don't like that, and I can kind of understand. With physical copies going away or not really being real, companies won't have to worry about game renting places or the used game trade.
Whenever I'm bored and I need something to like pass the time I usually replay most of the Mario games like Super Mario World and Super Mario 64.
I feel like the only games I really replay are Mario games and Banjo-Kazooie. As for how often I replay them, I'd say I probably only replay one game once a year. So one year I might replay a Mario game, and then I might replay another Mario game or Banjo-Kazooie sometime in the year after that
I'm a chronic replayer, haha. I usually get the urge to replay a favorite game rather than start a new game.
For instance, I've played Final Fantasy Tactics at least 10 times over the years, which I'm now realizing means annually ' n_n;
There's just such a nice feeling of nostalgia and comfort when retreading something you know so well. Not that new games aren't fun, but old games have that magical factor.
Not as much as I would like. I have a bad habit of getting obsessed with one game and only playing that. Forgetting that my other games exist. I am trying to break that habit because I have plenty of games I’d love to either start of replay . Even if I do start to replay a game it’s usually just for a day then go back to whatever game I am obsessed with at the time. It is one of the reasons I don’t buy as many new games.
i don't really replay games, unless it's because i missed an achievement or something. i feel like it would be more of a chore for me if i were to play a game through again, and i don't think i'd enjoy it as much as the first time i played it. maybe if a long enough amount of time has passed from when i first completed the story, i might replay it. can't reallyy think of the last game i replayed

that said, i mean i might end up replaying pikmin 4 idk
Not very often these days. Sometimes, I might pick up an old game and play it on an emulator. Or, if it's re-released on another format and I can play it for free, like NSO (when I had it), I'll go through the game again just for fun. Although I guess to some degree that might still count as an emulator...

The only games I tend to return to fairly frequently are Luigi's Mansion 3 (Halloween tradition) and the Kingdom Hearts trilogy. I don't like deleting old saves, so games like Pokemon don't typically get replayed, either.
Hmmm I will replay games, but very rarely. Even for games that were made specifically to be replayed, I'm not usually interested in getting all of the ends unless it's crucial for understanding the game as a whole. (Sometimes I'll put on a video going through the different endings while I do other things if I'm curious but don't want to sink the time into them.) I will replay Persona games when I get the chance since they're my favorites, but this has usually only happens after they get rereleased with new content like with P4 Golden and P5 Royal. I love them but they're very time consuming.

I recently replayed Stray Gods back to back a few times after getting it though! It wasn't too long of a game and I was curious to try out different variations for the songs and experience them for myself instead of seeking out the different soundtracks. Conceptually that game was a whole new experience so there was something really fresh and exciting about it. c:
I used to replay games a lot more when I was younger, granted they were only games that I really enjoyed. I used to replay FFX at least once a year up until I'd say like 2015, granted that game is super long and I tend to do a lot of the sidequests too. I also used to replay Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask a lot too but I haven't, I really love those games but I think because I have the games memorized it does get kind of boring after awhile.

I did replay Persona 5 once (mostly because halfway through I switched from Persona 5 to Persona 5 Royale.) That game is so so long that I don't think I will replay it for awhile because it really consumed a lot of my time, but the game was so good.
I replay old games all the time. Learning how to do mods and stuff is a great way to breath life into older games. I been playing alot of Sonic Adventure 2 lately because of the Chao World Extended mod, and its been alot of fun.

New games rarely do it for me, the Gamecube era was peak imo. I'll replay those games 1000 times
I will replay a game like endlessly for months and after beating it at least 5 times I'll either keep playing it or not touch it for YEARS. Small win for me tho is that I have a horrible memory (ADD moment) so if I wait long enough I can replay a game I already know I love and like 95% of the experience will feel fresh and new. This past year I played Life Is Strange with my partner and I hadn't touched the game since its release, so that was super fun. Games I have forgotten that I know I love and plan to replay sometime when I get a change are: Persona 2-5 (1's gameplay is just too horrible for me), Catherine, Sonic Generations, The Walking Dead, Batman The Telltale Series, and all of the Fire Emblem: Three Houses routes.
I used to replay Pokemon games, especially Sun and Moon, over and over again, but now whenever I try to do it I never have the motivation to finish the game.

Otherwise I only replay games if it’s an all time favorite like Anodyne 2 or Persona 5. Even then it’s only once every few years at the most. If I replay a game right after I finish it the first time I feel really bad burn out.