• LIVE A gaming event as part of The Bell Tree World Championship 2024 is currently being livestreamed on TBT's Twitch channel here -- spectators who chat on Discord can earn points too!
  • Join us at 7PM EDT for a super special secret staff stream! Don't h8, spect8! ~~Streaming now~~

How's the weather for you today?

The weather is very Canadian, -14°C yesterday, 18°C today, 0°C with maybe snow tomorrow. Sometimes people wear a winter coat in the morning and come back in shorts in the afternoon.
Absolutely beautiful. Few clouds, no humidity for once, and the sun wasn't overwhelming. I actually sat outside and relaxed comfortably for a good few hours. A great way to spend a day off!
Today was a little chilly, I think about 50 degrees. I felt comfortable in a light jacket and in my pajama shorts when I took pictures of some flowers earlier.
It was sunny with a chilly breeze. I feel like it is slowly warming back up again but I don't actually know. I need to check the forecast honestly.
A strong mix of sunny and super cloudy. I think there's a chance of rain.. my husband and I were gonna go to the city today but we stayed up too late and I didn't wanna risk walking around in the rain anyway!

Hope this weekend is super sunny 🤞😤🤞
really really cloudy. was raining about 20 minutes ago but has stopped for now
it’s been so flip floppy today 😭
one second it would be pouring rain then we’ll get a sunny break before it’s back to rain :C