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If you could have a superpower, what would it be?


beep boop
Jul 12, 2015
Pink Hybrid Rose
Zen Easter Egg
Spring Sakura
Pink Heart Balloon
Plum Blossom
Planet Glow Wand
Shooting Star
Pink Hybrid Lily
Heart Glow Wand
Ever since I was little, I’ve always loved the idea of having water powers: controlling it, breathing under water, turning into water, anything. Now, I’d still love to have those powers, but more practically, I’d love to be able to heal people.

If you guys could choose any power imaginable, what would it be? And has that changed as you’ve gotten older?
I’d want the ability to shapeshift and also be able to change my voice to match what I look like if necessary. Something like what Tonks from the Harry Potter series and Mystique’s abilities combined.
I wish I could fly. Imagine being able to see the world from a birds’ eye view while feeling the wind in your hair~ Wait…hang gliding? No thanks, that sounds scary…
I definitely would want to be able to fly! It would be so cool! Otherwise, teleportation would also be neat
In all seriousness, the ability to regenerate instantly. I'd never die, and eternity would be torture, but I'd get to experience the death of the universe. That'd be cool.
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My top choice for superpower is weather manipulation. If I can control the weather, I can bring icy cold rains to fight against heat waves.

But if I want a rather less dangerous power, I would choose telescopic eyes, so I can see far distances with just the naked eye.
I would love to shapeshift, but not have it be physically painful to my body. That way I could fly (be a bird), breathe underwater (fish), run super fast (cheetah), etc. It's like a mini hack haha.

Being able to read people's minds would be nice too, but only if I was able to turn off the ability whenever I want. Otherwise having constant thoughts in my head would be nightmarish. I'd love to be able to know when people are lying to me.
Water or Ice powers.

I used to be obsessed with any character that could control ice or water, and I always thought water bending was the coolest out of any of the bending styles.

Ice Man is my favourite XMen character and Frozone fights in the Incredibles are the BEST
I would want the ability to find anything: be it my lost keys, a missing person, or even an answer. I need this power more often lately…