Marijuana Legal in Ontario Soon?

Give me a source of the forums you went to, or your post is pointless. Also, if you are against drugs, why are you taking pills for your everday illness? Pills are bad for you if you didn't know. They all have side-effects, even your tyenols or your asprins.
Do some research when you have the next freetime or you are bored.
That's just the worst comparison you can bring up, sure pills are considered as ''drugs'' but I don't take them just for fun. I take them when i'm sick to not feel worse, either then that I don't take anything else, not like other people that take illicit drugs just to forget their problems for a couple of hours. For the forum one, I would need to re-search it (I came on the forum by google searching and was reading the comments on it, you still can believe i'm lying, it's your right) but you can always go on yahoo question, I saw many statements about these things.

@kyel: How can you explain the fact that many teens gets in detox ? I read recently in a morning journal (La presse, just so you don't think I'm lying.) that many of these teens regret it and lost everything and their life got completely ruined. Now I came to a conclusion, their is people who recognizes they have problems and want help and the one who persists with completely absurd arguments about how weed did them good and your still one of them. (Go get help my friend, you need it.) Lastly, you want to know how I see people of your kind? People sitting in a sofa and smoking all their life, people who can't support life and totally are irresponsible. These things are not needed in life, some live miserably poor and still know how to fully live their life and be happy while here it's completely the contrary.
Oh well, it's your opinion and your right to think what is good and not and I must respect it. (PS: I'm not saying your bad people, just I do not like the decisions some takes.)
Lastly, you want to know how I see people of your kind? People sitting in a sofa and smoking all their life, people who can't support life and totally are irresponsible.
I laughed.

Can I just say most stoners I know, are on the honor roll? I'm not saying Marijuana caused it, however it's obviously not hurting their ability to be successful.
I trust you with what you are saying, but it's not everyone in the same case they are. Oh no.... I'm telling you.

I think you're confusing yourself with other drugs.
Yes, many drugs are harmful and produce your typical "druggie", but that is hardly ever the case with Marijuana.
Heroin, cocaine, E, etc. sure
I trust you with what you are saying, but it's not everyone in the same case they are. Oh no.... I'm telling you.

Well yes, some people who smoke weed will drop out of school and do nothing all day.
But so will plenty of people who don't smoke. It really doesn't effect you in that way.