My thoughts on the likelihood of each missing villager to return (now completed A-Z!)


The Hash Slinging Slasher
Jul 31, 2013
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Orange (Fruit)
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
With the announcement that Nintendo is going to be releasing a Series 5 of Amiibo Cards, speculation has been all over the Internet about what will make up the series. While I personally believe that Nintendo will stick to a 100-card series with 17 special characters, rerelease the Welcome Amiibo villagers as regular amiibos in Series 5, and release cards for the 8 villagers new to New Horizons, if you add those numbers up (50+8+17), you get 75 cards, meaning there are 25 still unaccounted for. Most people think that either we’ll be getting completely new villagers or more villagers will be coming back to the series. However, if Nintendo does not incorporate the Welcome Amiibo RV villagers, that means there are 75 slots open for 73 villagers- there are 73 non-collab villagers that are not currently in New Horizons. I looked at all of the villagers that are currently not in New Horizons (except for the collab villagers because I’m unsure what to make of those) and looked at various factors that I thought might contribute to (or against) their return to the series. So, assuming the first scenario happens, which ones are most likely to return? I had to split this up into a few parts, the next part will come this weekend.

A few things I looked at when considering the likelihood of the return of each villager: species and personality combo when compared to the rest of their species, looks, connections to other villagers, presence in previous Western games, and how Japan-centered they are (for ones who were never in any game outside of Japan). However, obviously this should all be taken with a grain of salt, because Nintendo will bring back who they want to bring back, but I still thought it was fun to speculate.

One thing I found interesting is that of the 73 non-collab villagers that are not in New Horizons, 21 are jocks, 10 are lazy, 8 are cranky, 11 are peppy, 10 are normal, and 13 are snooty. So jocks are by far the personality with the most missing villagers. However, it should be noted that any male villager could potentially have their personality changed to smug and any female villager could have their personality changed to sisterly. I noted which villagers I thought would make the most sense as one of those personalities. (Note that some Welcome Amiibo villagers had their personalities changed to another older personality, so any villager could theoretically get rebranded as any personality. Examples include Julia switching from peppy to snooty and Dobie switching from lazy to cranky)

Ace, the jock bird: I feel his return is unlikely. There are already four jock birds in New Horizons. None of them are very popular and I don’t think Ace has the potential to be changed into a smug villager unless he gets a drastic redesign. And they didn’t massively redesign any of the Welcome Amiibo villagers, so I don’t think it’s likely.

Aisle, the lazy cub: Aisle only appeared in Animal Forest e+. I’d like to state that there are only three cubs not in New Horizons, and while I think Aisle is the least likely of the three to return, the cubs are one of those villagers where the philosophy seems to be “the more, the merrier”. It’s possible, but again, there are two other cubs who I think are more likely to return. However, I do think Aisle would pull off a personality change to smug.

Analogue, the jock penguin: Another Animal Forest e+ villager, Analogue is one that I am honestly torn on. He looks ridiculously similar to both Iggly and Sprinke in a lot of ways. While similarity has never stopped Nintendo before, Analogue looks a little too similar in my opinion. I don’t think Analogue will return.

Aziz, the jock lion: Previously in all of the Gamecube games, I think Aziz is the villager so far that I could most see returning. Aziz’s design lends itself well to potentially rebranding him as a lazy villager OR a smug villager. (Lazy is currently the only male personality type with only one Lion villager). I feel that it would not be surprising to see Aziz return.

Belle, the peppy cow: I’m a bit biased, because Belle is one of the villagers I most want to come back. I feel that her chances are above average. She’s objectively adorable, she’s a member of a species that currently only has 4 representatives in the game, and she has the “real life cow” look to her, which is always a positive thing IMO.

Bessie, the normal cow: I also think Bessie has a strong chance at returning. Bessie was a normal cow but I think her design would work great as a sisterly villager. There are currently no sisterly cows, the only one of the four female personality types without a cow representative. I think it’s very likely that Bessie comes back.

Betty, the normal chicken: I’m torn on Betty. On one hand, the chickens are a more unpopular species with a lot of representatives already. (You can say that species popularity shouldn’t matter, but the most popular species in the game are also some of the ones with the most villagers – cats, cubs, squirrels, etc.) However, on the other hand I find her pretty cute, but I couldn’t see her design working as a sisterly. However, I COULD see her design working as a Peppy, and there are currently no peppy chickens in New Horizons (we’ll discuss the only peppy chicken in the series later on)

Bow, the lazy dog: It’s not gonna happen. I would be absolutely SHOCKED if Bow returned to the series. He was based off of a toy exclusively released in Japan in 2002. The only way I could see Bow returning is with a massive redesign to give him a normal face, and I don’t see that happening any time soon. He won’t return, sadly.

Carmen, the snooty mouse: First of all, if Carmen was to make a return, she would obviously have to have her name changed, due to the existence of Carmen the rabbit. They could spell it Karmen (a la Tammi and Tammy) or rename her something like Cassandra, that has a similar sound. Due to the fact that her name would have to be changed, I don’t think it’s likely that she would return in the middle of the game but could see her being reintroduced with a new name (a la Hazel) for the next Animal Crossing game.

Carrot, the normal cow: Personally, I love the food themed villagers but I'm not sure about Carrot's chances. I think Bessie and/or Belle are more likely to return, but I wouldn’t count Carrot out yet. The gimmicky villagers are usually a hit with the community and are often put on merchandise. Due to that, I’d say I’m 50/50 on Carrot’s chances to return.

Champ, the jock monkey: Champ is an interesting entry. He is the only villager on this list that has appeared in any game that was released after the GameCube games. Champ was present in Wild World and City Folk only, though he did have a minor role in the movie. It’s thought that Champ was removed from New Leaf due to his resemblance to Porter. I personally think it’s VERY likely Champ will return. His model is the newest and would need the least updating, he’s a fan favorite, and Porter is not in New Horizons (nor do I see him returning).

Champagne, the cranky dog: Another Japan-exclusive villager. I personally do not see Champagne returning, for one main reason: his name. I think Champagne is really cute, but due to the fact that his name is an alcoholic beverage, I could see Nintendo not wanting to anger “concerned parents”. Similar to Carmen, I like his design, but due to his needed name change, I don’t see him being reintroduced anytime soon.

Chico, the lazy mouse: I’m not sure what to think about Chico. His design is pretty basic, so I don’t see any reason he shouldn’t be reintroduced. He’s the only lazy mouse other than Broccolo and I could even see his design working well as a Smug villager. I’m 50/50 on Chico because while he’s cute and has a nice design, he’s also one of the most basic designs in this group of villagers.

Chuck, the cranky bull: I am about 89% positive that Chuck will be making a return. My main reason for this is that his data was found in the New Leaf Welcome Amiibo update, despite the fact that he didn’t appear in the game. This makes me think he was removed last minute for some reason. As a result, despite that fact that we really don’t need another cranky bull, I find it quite likely he will return.

Clara, the normal hippo: I don’t see it happening. Clara is literally Bitty. While they have both been in the same game before, I can’t see Nintendo choosing to put a villager that’s basically already in the game, back in the game, especially when there’s so many other unique options to choose from.

Cupcake, the snooty cub: Cupcake is another one I am biased on, because she was one of my first 6 ACGC villagers back in 2002 and is currently the only one of the 6 not in New Horizons. As a result, I personally really want Cupcake to make a return. Notably, she was the only snooty cub until Judy was introduced in New Horizons, which means she would add balance to the species. I think Cupcake is the second most likely cub villager to return. I think she’s more likely than Aisle, but not as likely as Poko, who I’ll discuss later.

Dozer, the lazy bear: Can we appreciate how this dude’s Japanese name is literally “Sleep”? Honestly, I think Dozer is a likely candidate for reintroduction. He is the only lazy bear, aside from Nate, he has a fun personality, and I could see him becoming a meme.

Elina, the snooty elephant: Elina is the ONLY elephant that is not currently in New Horizons. I think her design is pretty cute, but I think the fact that her design features what looks to be a bindi is going to hold her back. 2021 is a lot different than 2002 and I can absolutely see people having a problem with an Animal Crossing elephant wearing a bindi. However, the bindi is such a subtle part of her design (it could easily be removed) AND I feel that her design would work well as a sisterly villager – there are currently no sisterly elephants. I find Elina’s return likely.

Emerald, the normal frog: Emerald is a basic, cute frog. Frogs are one of the most popular villager species despite the fact that three of the five current female frogs (Jambette, Gigi, and Diva) are hated by a wide majority of the community. I also feel that Emerald’s design would work well as a Sisterly villager. I’d say I find Emerald’s return likely, but only IF they change her personality. If they don’t change her personality, I don’t see it happening, solely because of another normal frog villager we will talk about later.

Faith, the normal koala: Faith is another one I’m biased on, as she was one of my ACGC islanders. As such, I have a lot of fond memories of her. However, unfortunately, I can’t say I think her return is likely. She’s not all that different from June, and they have the same personality. I also can’t see Faith working as a Sisterly villager. I don’t find her return likely, but I REALLY hope I’m wrong.

Flash, the cranky bird: There are three cranky bird villagers on this list. However, there is only one cranky bird in the game currently – Admiral. As a result, I can see one of them making a return. I think Flash is one of the two most likely candidates to return. Then again, we might get both of them, given how unbalanced the male birds are right now (4 jocks, 1 cranky, 2 smug, 2 lazy). However, I feel that Flash’s design would work great as a Smug villager.

Flossie, the peppy mouse: Honestly, I want Flossie to come back on a personal level so we can finally have a cute peppy mouse villager. I’m not sure about her chances as I think there’s a lot of villagers on this list with stronger arguments. I’ll put her down as a 50/50 chance.

Fruity, the jock duck: My instinct tells me that Fruity won’t likely return. However, there are only two ducks on this list, and I personally think Fruity is much more likely to return than the other one.

Gen, the jock sheep: Again, Gen runs into the issue that a few other villagers have had. There are only two sheep villagers missing from New Horizons at the moment, but they’re both jock villagers. Not to mention that Dom, the brand jock villager in New Horizons, is a sheep. I feel like Gen could maybe work as a smug villager, but I think the other jock sheep that will pop up later has a much better chance.

So to sum up, of this batch of villagers, my opinions on their likely return (if the scenario is that there are only 25 villagers returning) are:
Almost certain: Chuck, Champ, Dozer
Very likely: Aziz, Bessie
Could go either way: Belle, Carmen, Carrot, Chico, Cupcake, Emerald, Faith, Flash, Flossie, Fruity, Gen, Elina
Not Likely: Aisle, Ace, Analogue, Betty, Clara
Not happening: Bow, Champagne

Do you guys agree with any of these? Disagree? Which of these villagers do you most want to return?
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If they're gonna bring back more of the missing villagers, I think Tarou has a very good chance of returning simply because he's a wolf (and a cute one at that)
Funny you mention that, because I love Tarou. You can’t go wrong with a blue and purple wolf. I’d honestly be surprised if Tarou didn’t return.
is it me or analogue looks like sprinkle and iggly's baby 😳 i do want bow to come back but its not possible AT ALL. i want tarou, but he looks like either lobo or wolfgang so maybe i will go take analogue and make a mini family of sprinkle and iggly 😂
is it me or analogue looks like sprinkle and iggly's baby 😳 i do want bow to come back but its not possible AT ALL. i want tarou, but he looks like either lobo or wolfgang so maybe i will go take analogue and make a mini family of sprinkle and iggly 😂
It would be nice to have a jock wolf. New Horizons doesn’t have any wolves with the jock personality. I think that makes it more likely that Tarou will make a return.

Analogue is a nice villager. He’s kind of plain, but that’s not a bad thing.
Champagne could get a name change, but I think Megumi and Masa are better choices for dogs anyway based on design, although I could see the former between those two getting a name change as well.
im really sad we wont get bow or meow back. they are so cute ;; from your list i reeeeally want cupcake she looks cute. from the rest i want megumi she looks super cute! i think they will prefer ones we dont have yet/are unique like tarou for a jock wolf
I'm back with part two of my three-part series discussing the likelihood of all missing villagers to return in the new Amiibo series. If you missed my first post, featuring villagers whose names start with A-F, you can check that out here. Additionally, I'll be posting the last part of the series, featuring villagers whose names start with Q-Z, hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday - part 3 will be the shortest by far so it shouldn't take too long!

To repeat what I said in the first post:
With the announcement that Nintendo is going to be releasing a Series 5 of Amiibo Cards, speculation has been all over the Internet about what will make up the series. While I personally believe that Nintendo will stick to a 100-card series with 17 special characters, rerelease the Welcome Amiibo villagers as regular amiibos in Series 5, and release cards for the 8 villagers new to New Horizons, if you add those numbers up (50+8+17), you get 75 cards, meaning there are 25 still unaccounted for. Most people think that either we’ll be getting completely new villagers or more villagers will be coming back to the series.

However, if Nintendo does not incorporate the Welcome Amiibo RV villagers, that means there are 75 slots open for 73 villagers- there are 73 non-collab villagers that are not currently in New Horizons. I looked at all of the villagers that are currently not in New Horizons (except for the collab villagers because I’m unsure what to make of those) and looked at various factors that I thought might contribute to (or against) their return to the series. So, assuming the first scenario happens, which ones are most likely to return? I had to split this up into a few parts, the next part will come this weekend.

A few things I looked at when considering the likelihood of the return of each villager: species and personality combo when compared to the rest of their species, looks, connections to other villagers, presence in previous Western games, and how Japan-centered they are (for ones who were never in any game outside of Japan). However, obviously this should all be taken with a grain of salt, because Nintendo will bring back who they want to bring back, but I still thought it was fun to speculate.

One thing I found interesting is that of the 73 non-collab villagers that are not in New Horizons, 21 are jocks, 10 are lazy, 8 are cranky, 11 are peppy, 10 are normal, and 13 are snooty. So jocks are by far the personality with the most missing villagers. However, it should be noted that any male villager could potentially have their personality changed to smug and any female villager could have their personality changed to sisterly. I noted which villagers I thought would make the most sense as one of those personalities. (Note that some Welcome Amiibo villagers had their personalities changed to another older personality, so any villager could theoretically get rebranded as any personality. Examples include Julia switching from peppy to snooty and Dobie switching from lazy to cranky)

Linking all the villagers will take way too much time, so you can find them all listed with their pictures here!

Hambo, the jock pig: There are already three jock pigs in New Horizons – Curly, Cobb, and Kevin. Additionally, there’s another jock pig later on in this list. I don’t see Hambo fitting any other personality (he’s wearing a sweatband for Tom Nook’s sake) so I don’t think he’s likely to return (outside of Nintendo bringing back every missing villager of course, which is absolutely a possibility)

Hank, the jock chicken: There are so many jocks on this list…. In fact, we’ve reached the point where there are two missing jock chicken villagers in a row. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I actually think Hank’s design is really fun and would work well as a smug villager. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they kept him as a jock, however, due to the fact that there’s currently only one jock chicken in New Horizons, being Goose. I think his return is likely.

Hector, the jock chicken: You know, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think Hector also has a chance to return. He also has the potential to work as a smug villager, so I could absolutely see both Hank and Hector coming back and one of them getting their personality changed to smug. As I mentioned when discussing Hank, there is currently only one jock chicken in New Horizons, but there’s also only one smug chicken in Ken. Of the two, I’d give Hank a slight edge, however.

Huggy, the peppy koala: Huggy has a decent chance of returning, in part because she is the ONLY peppy koala in the series. The koalas are so normal-heavy, having four normal (three of which are in New Horizons) and only one of every other personality. I would absolutely not be shocked if Nintendo brought Huggy back. However, in part 1, I discussed the only other missing koala, Faith. And I actually think Faith would work well as a peppy villager too, so I could see her personality getting changed and brought back over Huggy. I think Huggy also has far more potential to work as a sisterly villager than Faith does. I’ll put it at a decent chance for Huggy to return.

Iggy, the jock goat: It’s possible that he could make a return as there’s currently only one jock goat in New Horizons, being Billy. Overall, the goats are a pretty well-balanced species, as every personality type has one goat representative in New Horizons, except normal (which as 2 – Chevre and Nan) and peppy (There are no peppy goats in the series thus far.) I could see his design working as a lazy or cranky villager as well, though there will be another goat discussed in part 3 that I think has more potential.

Jane, the snooty gorilla: If Nintendo only brings back a few of the missing villagers and one of them is Jane, I hope they’re self-aware enough to realize the complaints that would inevitably follow. Jane is basically a less-accessorized Violet. They have the same personality, they’re both purple, and they’re both gorillas, arguably the most-hated species in the game. I absolutely don’t think Jane will return. Also, if you want a laugh, go to the Animal Crossing wiki and take a look at what Jane looked like originally.

Joe, the cranky bird: The second of three cranky birds on this list, I think Joe is the least likely to return. While I do think he has the potential to be a smug villager, I don’t think he has as much potential as Flash or the third cranky bird on this list, who we’ll discuss in part 3. Then again, he’s also the most basic of the 3, which could work in his favor depending on what Nintendo is looking for.

Jubei, the cranky lion: Honestly, I really like Jubei! I usually don’t care for the lions, but I actually think Jubei is kind of cute. I think he has a decent chance to return, given how few cranky lions there are. (Elvis is the only other one.) He could bring some more balance to the species. I said in part 1 that I thought Aziz would be a good candidate, but I think Jubei has an even better chance.

Kit, the jock squirrel: (Seriously, why are so many of these villagers jock or cranky…) Honestly, I think Kit has a decent chance to return. There are a LOT of squirrels in New Horizons, but the majority are females. There are 3 peppy squirrels, 4 snooty squirrels, and 5 normal squirrels. And considering I think Cece and Viche will make a comeback close to the Splatoon 3 release date, it would make 4 peppies and 6 normals. By contrast, there are only 5 male squirrels across all 4 male personality types. Kit is pretty cute and I think he has a lot of potential to return. I could also see him getting a personality change to lazy.

Koharu, the peppy kangaroo: Honestly, I find Koharu cuter than basically all of the kangaroos currently in New Horizons. Additionally, there are 0 peppy kangaroos in New Horizons (though there will be another one later on in this entry). I find it very likely Koharu will return. It’s possible they may change her name to something more “Western” however (maybe Kora or Cora?), though I don’t think it’s necessary.

Leigh, the peppy chicken: Leigh is the only peppy chicken in the entire Animal Crossing franchise. This means there are currently no peppy chickens in New Horizons. However, Leigh’s Native American motif gives me pause. Given the state of the world right now in regards to cultural appropriation and the fact that American sports teams have had to change their names due to having names that are culturally offensive, I really don’t think Leigh will return. I think it’s more likely that Betty, who we discussed in part 1, gets her personality swapped to peppy and returns.

Liz, the normal alligator: I see Liz coming back, but I think she will have her personality changed. Currently, there are no peppy or sisterly alligators in the entirety of Animal Crossing. I particularly think that Liz would work great as a peppy villager, which would also help distinguish her from the already-in-New-Horizons Gayle, considering they have the same personality and similar color schemes.

Lulu, the snooty anteater: I admittedly hate all of the anteaters, with Antonio being the lone exception, but Lulu is actually pretty cute! I even think she has the potential to work as a sisterly villager, a personality type which currently has no anteater members. I wouldn’t even complain if she stayed snooty, considering the only other snooty anteater is…Snooty. I think Lulu has a pretty good chance to return.

Lulu, the peppy hippo: No, that’s not a typo. The older Animal Crossing had two villagers named Lulu, spelled exactly the same, who appeared in the VERY SAME GAME (Animal Forest e+). I think Hippo Lulu is less likely to return than Anteater Lulu. If both come back, one would absolutely need a name change (Change it to Loulou or Lolo, it doesn’t have to be that different - (Tammy and Tammi & Cherry and Cheri say hi). Again, though I think she’s the much less likely candidate between the two Lulus.

Madam Rosa, the snooty bird: It’s possible that she could return, but if she does, I’d imagine they would change her name to just plain Rosa, given the potential cultural appropriation issues that come from the “Madam” in her name. I’ll give her a 50/50 chance – the birds are a large species, but they are dominated by the male personalities. There are 5 jock birds in New Horizons alone and only FOUR total female birds – Robin, Twiggy, Piper, and Midge. I think Madam Rosa’s design would make for an excellent sisterly bird, a personality-species combo that does not exist yet.

Marcy, the peppy kangaroo: I’d love to know the logic behind them creating MarcIE as a new New Leaf villager when MarcY already existed. Again, I know the similar name thing exists already, but I can’t think of any cases where both villagers are the exact same species? At least they’re different personality types, but I think Marcy is unlikely to return. We discussed Koharu previously, and I think she’s the more likely of the peppy kangaroos to come back.

Masa, the jock dog: Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Masa returns. Currently, there’s only one jock dog in New Horizons (Mac). Dogs are one of the more popular species and I think Masa has a very pleasant design. Not much else to say here! I could however, see his name being changed to Mason.

Megumi, the peppy dog: Megumi is adorable, and I would love to see her make a comeback! Admittedly, there are already two peppy dogs in New Horizons, but I could see being changed to snooty, a personality which has only one dog representative. Even if they don’t change her personality, I wouldn’t be surprised to see her come back. Let’s face it, pink villagers are usually pretty popular (Marina, Merengue, Flora, and Judy, for example) and Nintendo likely knows that.

Meow, the peppy cat: Everything I said about Bow in part one also applies here, so I’ll just copy and paste and change the name. It’s not gonna happen. I would be absolutely SHOCKED if Meow returned to the series. She was based off of a toy exclusively released in Japan in 2002. The only way I could see Meow returning is with a massive redesign to give her a normal face, and I don’t see that happening any time soon. She won’t return, sadly.

Nindori, the jock ostrich: I’m genuinely surprised Nindori hasn’t made a comeback already. He’s basically Coco in ostrich form. Admittedly, he WAS a special event villager, only obtainable from a e-Reader card found exclusively in an issue of the Japanese Nintendo magazine, Nintendo Dream. I’m not sure if that’s hurting his chances at all, but I think he’s a great candidate for reintroduction (I may be biased because ostriches are overall my favorite species) and I really hope he comes back. Additional fun fact: Nindori is the only villager on this list that has an established birthday already: September 14 (which is also Ricky’s birthday).

Nobuo, the lazy penguin: I’m looking at Nobuo, and while he is cute, I don’t see him returning. Remember in part 1, when I discussed Analogue and how he looked like both Iggly and Sprinkle? We’ve gpt the same issue here, with Nobuo looking like a cross between Puck, Tex, and Flo. Additionally, he’s lazy and there are already 4 lazy penguins in New Horizons. It’s unlikely,

Nosegay, the normal anteater: I’d like to preface this with the disclaimer that personally, I know what Nosegay’s name means. But this is another name that would likely ruffle some feathers in the Western world. (She did appear in the OG Animal Crossing, but that was released 20 years ago). I find Nosegay not likely to return, as there are two other anteaters on this list, which have better chances. I won’t say she absolutely isn’t coming back however, as I think she would make an excellent sisterly villager.

Otis, the lazy bird: I honestly like Otis more than all of the lazy bird villagers currently in New Horizons (though there are only two – Anchovy and Jacob). However, since Otis is NOT a jock bird, I think he has a better chance to return than Ace at least. I don’t think he would work as any other personality than lazy, however, I’ll say 50/50 on Otis.

Oxford, the cranky bull: NO. NO NO NO NO. I am TIRED of the cranky bulls. We already have Angus, Vic, and T-bone, and as mentioned in part 1, I find it incredibly likely that Chuck will be returning. I don’t think Oxford will work as a smug, so I’m almost certain he won’t come back.

Patricia, the normal rhino: I am shocked she didn’t come back in Welcome Amiibo, give Merengue’s popularity, but I think she has a great chance to come back even now. What’s better than a strawberry merengue rhino? A strawberry merengue rhino AND a watermelon cheesecake rhino! I think Patricia is one of the most likely villagers to return that we’ve discussed so far. She even has the potential to work as a peppy villager – there are currently no peppy rhinos. This would also further distinguish her from Merengue.

Penny, the peppy mouse: I don’t think it will happen, honestly. If they’re going to add another peppy mouse, I think Flossie is a more likely candidate. Penny’s cute, don’t get me wrong, and I wouldn’t mind seeing her make a return. I just think Flossie has a better chance than Penny does.

Petunia, the snooty cow: Honestly if they wanted to remove Naomi from the game and put Petunia in her place, I wouldn’t hate it… (sorry to Naomi fans). That said, I don’t think Petunia is too likely to return, because of the next villager we have to talk about.

Petunia, the snooty rhino: Another repeated name, I think Rhino Petunia has a better chance to return than Cow Petunia. Also, why did Nintendo remove all these cute rhinos??? There are currently no snooty rhinos in the game (though we will discuss another one in part 3) so I think she has a high chance of returning. Her pastel motif is gorgeous! If both villagers return, one would need a name change, and I'm not sure what it would be, since unlike Lulu, there are no alternate spelling of Petunia.

Pierre, the jock cat: OK, I know Pierre has a lot of fans out there, but there are already 23 cat villagers in New Horizons. Do we really need any more? There are only three cats missing from the game, one of which is an amiibo crossover villager and one of which is Meow, and while I will concede that I think Pierre is far more likely to return than the other two, I also think we have enough cats already. I could see his personality getting changed to smug, similar to Pietro, since there’s only one smug cat currently – of course, that cat is Raymond. I suppose it could go either way, but personally I think we have enough cats already and I would love to see some lesser-populated species grow.

Pigleg, the jock pig: Pigleg is an absolute work of art. We really don’t need another jock pig, as I mentioned when talking about Hambo, but I could see Pigleg working better as a cranky OR a smug villager. Heck, get Pigleg, Rod, Ribbot, and Sprocket and you’ve got Robot Pirate Island! (If you get the reference, a gold star to you!) Anyway, I would LOVE Pigleg and his punny name to come back. I’d say his chances are above average, since he’s one of the few “gimmick” villagers that is not in New Horizons.

Pironkon, the lazy alligator: I honestly dig the vibe Pironkon puts off and I wouldn’t mind seeing him come back, but I think he would absolutely need a name change. I let Koharu and Megumi slide because their names are pretty pronounceable to most people, but Pironkon is a little too out there for audiences outside of Japan. (Again, I’m not saying I hate his name, because I actually like it, but I think names are absolutely something to consider when trying to decide what villagers will return.) He also has some potential to be reworked into a smug villager, s personality of which there are no alligators. Due to the name thing, I’m going to say he has a 50/50 chance.

Poko, the jock cub: Previously exclusive to Japan, I think Poko has a great chance to come back. This is because I think Nintendo noticed during New Leaf how many people wanted to get both Chrissy AND Francine in their town (and later confirmed they were sisters in Happy Home Designer). They tried to replicate this by giving Chevre and Nan a connection in New Horizons (They each have the other’s picture in their house, based off a Japanese story about two goats who are pen pals.) Anyway, what does this have to do with Poko? Well, his Japanese e-Card drops an interesting piece of information – Poko is Ike’s son! I feel like his return is pretty certain – I’ve seen quite a few people say already that they want Poko to come back so they can have both him and Ike on their island.

To sum up, here is my list so far, including villagers from both part 1 and part 2:
Almost certain: Chuck, Champ, Dozer, Poko
Very likely: Aziz, Bessie, Huggy, Kit, Koharu, Liz, Masa, Megumi, Patricia, Rhino Petunia, Pigleg
Could go either way: Belle, Carmen, Carrot, Chico, Cupcake, Elina, Emerald, Faith, Flash, Flossie, Fruity, Gen, Hank, Hector, Iggy, Jubei, Anteater Lulu, Madam Rosa (if her name is changed), Nindori, Otis, Penny, Pierre, Pironkon
Not Likely: Aisle, Ace, Analogue, Betty, Clara, Hambo, Jane, Joe, Hippo Lulu, Marcy, Nobuo, Nosegay, Oxford, Cow Petunia
Not happening: Bow, Champagne, Leigh, Madam Rosa (if her name isn't changed), Meow

See you all in part 3!
The third and final part is here! Villager Q-Z

Quetzal, the jock eagle: Even though Quetzal has some Native American imagery similar to Leigh’s, and I ruled out Leigh for it, I think Quetzal’s chances are 50/50. This is because Quetzal’s name is based off of the name of a bird found in Central America, and the specific warpaint that he wears is Native Mexican. Obviously, there may still be some controversy, which is why I think Quetzal has a 50/50 chance to return. Additionally, there are two jock eagles in the game already, being Pierce and Sterling. But I could also see Quetzal being a smug villager, of which there is only one eagle.

Rhoda, the snooty chicken: Rhoda is pretty cute, honestly. We already have two snooty chickens in the game, but I could see her getting her personality changed to peppy and being brought back as the lone peppy chicken, since I really don’t think Leigh will make a comeback. I’ll put her chances at 50/50, because as I mentioned, they could also do this with Betty, who we discussed in part 1.

Rio, the peppy ostrich: Yet again, I’m biased, both because I love the ostriches and Rio was a mainstay in my ACGC town. I’d love to see Rio back. Much like many of the other ostriches, Rio is not actually an ostrich, she’s actually a rhea, which is a type of flightless bird native to South America, including Brazil, which is where Rio’s name comes from. Currently there’s only one peppy ostrich in the game, being Flora. The snooty personality has three ostrich representatives alone (Queenie, Blanche, and Julia) and also two normals (Gladys and Sandy), so this would add balance to the species. Heck, they could even change her personality to sisterly, so she can join Phoebe in the sisterly ostrich club. She’s pretty fun looking too, with a star on her cheek and rainbow feathers. I think Rio has a pretty good chance to return.

Rollo, the lazy hippo: Of the three hippos who have been on this list, Rollo is the most likely to return, in my opinion. There are no lazy hippos in New Horizons, and Rollo is the only lazy hippo that exists. Therefore, I think Rollo has a pretty good chance at returning. (Did I write “Rocco” every time and have to go back and change it to Rollo? Maybe.)

Shinabiru, the jock duck: The next two villagers on this list only have Japanese names that aren’t exactly easily pronounceable. The first is Shinabiru, who only appeared in Animal Forest e+. There’s not much information about him, but considering he and Fruity have the same personality, and Fruity likely wouldn’t need a name change, I’m inclined to say I’m fairly certain Shinabiru will not return.

Shoukichi, the jock bird: Again, he’d need a more Westernized name. Like Shinabiru, he only appeared in Animal Forest e+. Considering we already have an overload of jock birds in the game, I do not see Shoukichi returning either.

Sue E, the snooty pig: I had Sue E for a while in the GameCube games. Frankly, I don’t like her. I think her updated model might end up looking nice though. The pigs are a very well-balanced species, and the pigs in New Horizons are: 1 sisterly, 1 snooty, 1 smug, 3 jock, 2 peppy, 3 normal, 2 lazy, and 2 cranky. As such, Sue E would balance the species out a little more, but I’d still only give her a 50/50 chance.

Sunny, the normal frog: BRING HER BACK!!! A lot of what I said about Emerald also applies here, but I don’t think Sunny would work as a sisterly villager. Maybe peppy, though? I think staying Normal is her best bet, however. Sunny is adorable and in my opinion, was a glaring exclusion from the Welcome Amiibo update. I remember when the Welcome Amiibo returning villagers were discovered, and people all over Twitter were mad that Sunny was excluded. Sunny is the kind of character that could go on merch and sell well. I think her chances are above average. (I won’t put her at “almost certain” because I thought that before Welcome Amiibo…)

Sven, the lazy goat: He has a pretty good chance, I think. Dobie’s “old man” look is a hit with the community and Sven also has that look. Now, Dobie was also lazy originally and got changed when he came back in Welcome Amiibo and is now cranky. While I think Sven makes sense as a lazy, I wouldn’t object to him being cranky – the only cranky goat villager is Gruff, while the only lazy goat is Sherb…I think he’d be more popular as a cranky Plus, he and Dobie can hang out in the park and play chess together. I’d put his chances at above average.

Tarou, the jock wolf: I would be SHOCKED if Tarou didn’t return. He is the only wolf (other than the collab villager W Link) that is not in the game right now. He’s also the only jock wolf, and given the number of cranky wolves, variety is always good. Wolves are probably with the deer and cats in the overall most popular species. In other words, I am almost certain Tarou will return.

Tiara, the shooty rhino: Seriously, why did Nintendo take all the cute rhinos out? While I think Petunia’s chances are slightly better, I wouldn’t be surprised if they both come back.

Twirp, the cranky bird: This dude looks possessed and I love it. I think he has a decent chance to return, but I think only if they change Flash’s personality to smug. If no personality changes are made, I think Flash is still more likely to be brought back than Twirp.

Valise, the snooty kangaroo: Valise is honestly really cute, and this is coming from someone who doesn’t normally like the kangaroos. However, there are already two snooty kangaroos in New Horizons, so I’m not sure if we really need more. She could work well as a peppy though, if Nintendo decides not to bring back Koharu. (Heck, bring them both back and have them both be peppy, we’ve got 3 normal kangaroos in the game.)

Weldon, the cranky bull: Weldon is definitely one of the cuter bulls out there and I wouldn’t mind seeing him come back. However, I’m not sure that cranky really suits him – he looks too nice. Maybe if they defined his eyebrows a little more, he might look crankier, but right now they kind of blend in. Anyway, we have so many cranky bulls already, and I’m almost certain Chuck will return. Maybe he could switch to jock or smug? Not sure. It’s a tossup on this one.

Woolio, the jock sheep: I touched on this when I discussed Gen, but Woolio and Gen are the only two sheep not in New Horizons, and they’re both jocks. I almost think Woolio looks more like a smug villager, but we already have two smug sheep and only one jock sheep in New Horizons. I’m not sure what they’ll do with him, but I think Woolio has a good chance to come back.

Yodel, the lazy gorilla: Honestly, I really don’t think we need any more gorillas, but I think Yodel has a better chance than any gorillas discussed previously. I think if he comes back, the hiking cap on his head needs to be a new color, because the yellow blends in and makes him look bald.

Zoe, the normal anteater: I feel Zoe has a pretty good chance to come back. This is partly because of the “villager relationships” I discussed when talking about Poko. Zoe is canonically best friends with Alli, the snooty alligator! On Alli’s e-Reader card, it says, “And even though her arms aren't long enough to reach her mouth, she asks her best friend Zoe to paint some pretty pouty lips on her toothy grin every morning. Ahhh, the price of beauty and the value of friends!” As mentioned, I think Nintendo is starting to lean into creating connections between villagers, so I think Zoe has a decent chance. Not to mention, I feel bad for Alli, who’s been living without her BFF since ACGC.

Here is my final list on my opinion of the likelihood of each villager to return in Amiibo series 5:
To sum up, here is my list so far, including villagers from both part 1 and part 2:
Almost certain: Chuck, Champ, Dozer, Poko, Tarou
Very likely: Aziz, Bessie, Huggy, Kit, Koharu, Liz, Masa, Megumi, Patricia, Rhino Petunia, Pigleg, Rio, Sunny, Sven, Woolio, Zoe
Could go either way: Belle, Carmen, Carrot, Chico, Cupcake, Elina, Emerald, Faith, Flash, Flossie, Fruity, Gen, Hank, Hector, Iggy, Jubei, Anteater Lulu, Madam Rosa (if her name is changed), Nindori, Otis, Penny, Pierre, Pironkon, Quetzal, Rhoda, Rollo, Sue E, Tiara, Twirp, Valise, Weldon, Yodel
Not Likely: Aisle, Ace, Analogue, Betty, Clara, Hambo, Jane, Joe, Hippo Lulu, Marcy, Nobuo, Nosegay, Oxford, Cow Petunia, Shinabiru, Shoukichi
Not happening: Bow, Champagne, Leigh, Madam Rosa (if her name isn't changed), Meow

So, if Nintendo does what I'm thinking and brings back 25 old villagers only, my inevitably incorrect guess as to who the 25 will be is: Aziz, Bessie, Chuck, Champ, Cupcake, Dozer, Emerald, Flossie, Hank (or Hector), Huggy, Kit, Koharu (or Valise), Liz, Masa, Megumi, Patricia, Rhino Petunia, Pigleg, Poko, Rio, Sunny, Sven, Tarou, Woolio, Zoe

Do you agree? disagree? Do you think Nintendo will actually end bringing ALL of them back?
WOW! We got a lot of news in that direct today! I'm a bit disappointed that there are only 48 Amiibo cards in the new series and very few returning villagers.

I only ended up being right about three of the villagers I thought would come back: Rio, Petunia (now Azalea), and Zoe!

I'm most disappointed in Sunny, Poko, Dozer, Cupcake, Tarou, and Woolio not returning. (Seriously, Nintendo, what do I have to DO to get Sunny back?!)

I'm also THRILLED to see I was wrong about Champagne! They renamed him! He's coming back! I'm shook at the brand new villagers, I did NOT expect that! I think Ione is my favorite thus far.

I'm especially excited for Rio, who I want on one of my islands at some point; and also Zoe. As mentioned, Alli's Japanese e-Reader card states she's best friends with Zoe. Those two will be getting a shared vacation home on my Happy Home Paradise island!
There could a chance they just didn't have much time to show all the villagers returning. I would love Tarou to return, I mean, the only reason I wanted to get the older animal crossing games was to experience the villagers I've never seen before.
48 cards. There's no way that they didn't bring back Tarou! 😤 Mark my words he'll be in there!

Pretty stoked to see Roswell is coming though 🙂 I think his original name was Pironkon? Such a cute alligator
Woolio should have came back as a smug villager.His favorite song I could imagine would be K.K. Crusin or K.K. Hop. He would be friends with Eugene,a similar vibe of villager that is a koala. Woolio would also be a meme. His meme song would be Coolio-Gangsta's Paradise. It would be him walking to the song. Woolio is basically the animal crossing version of Coolio. Coolio is a very popular old school rapper. Why didn't Nintendo bring Woolio back. He is my favorite of Gamecube villagers that haven't come back. Woolio's dream job would be a rapper in reference to Coolio.
There are so many villagers from the Old AC game on GameCube that never made a return. I want "Twirp" to make a return because he's like the only cranky bird villager I know that I actually liked.
i was genuinely so surprised that sunny and tarou weren’t included in series 5 when, in my opinion, they’re two of the most popular ‘missing’ villagers. i was a bit bummed, too, since i happen to really like them (especially sunny). oh well, maybe one day lol.

i wasn’t at all surprised that bow (or meow) didn’t return, though i was definitely hoping they would. bow’s literally one of my favourite villagers ever, so i’m really hoping that he’ll return one day. i’m doubtful, but i wouldn’t rule it out as an impossibility.

i’m also really glad you were wrong about ace and champagne (frett)’s likelihoods of returning lol. they’re both pretty fantastic and have great designs, and i loved getting to know frett while he was on my island. i’m looking forward to getting to know ace, too. ☺️

i hope every ‘missing’ villager returns one day, even if it’s in a future instalment. i may not like all of them, but i’d still like to get to know them and they deserve to come back. though, if this ever does actually happen... i really hope nintendo increases the villager limit from 10 to at least 12 alongside it. 😅
To be honest, I would rather them focus on making the personalities and villagers more dynamic than giving us a more bloated list to choose from. There are some villagers I hear about that never returned, but I honestly can't remember any of them off the top of my head or if I ever ran into them during my playing of all the games throughout the years.

Kiki has been a mainstay in AC for the entire series. If she gets removed in one of the future titles, it would suck sure, but I would probably find other villager's to fill in that spot. Plus I would accept that if they also reworked villager dialogue and the such and made each interaction unique and made me want to keep coming back to talk to them. Right now I just run by them and maybe talk to 3 just to get the Mile points, but even then I don't bother even if it's a +mile requirement some days.