Nightmare in Paradise

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Island Photo:

About Your Design: Following a mysterious horse-pulled carriage, I discover a covert corner of the woods I have never been to before. I think I might have stepped into a whole other dimension... Suddenly I remember the song "Beware the Forest's Mushrooms" but in this case, it's the pumpkins I need to be wary of... I better hide for now!
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I'm gonna be lame I'm sorry

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About Your Design:
There is an old folktale that says when you wait at the train station at 3:00 in the morning of October 31st, a "ghost" train comes to pick you up. The train windows will be shrouded in black, and once you come to after a weary ride, you will be met by a mischievous demon with a green balloon. Not another single soul will be in sight, and the only sources of light are the fading moon, the abandoned cars, and the smiles of the sinister pumpkins.

Mind where you wander tonight, or you might get lost in the ghost town of Tanpopo...

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About Your Design:
I had heard about a monster that protects a small cursed graveyard in the woods. I didn't believe this so I had to find out for myself. When I took my first step in the graveyard the huge green monster started to roar while breathing out fire. The skeleton guards that stood on either side began to awake as the monster roared. I quickly took a picture of my discovery before fleeing.

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About Your Design: As you travel towards the back of the island, you see a mysterious arch. Are you willing to walk through it? The chances of something happening are low but are you going to take the risk? You might get transported to another universe. How fun!
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Island Name: Arlia
Island Dream Address: DA-4570-3847-3596.
Designed Areas: B-6, B-5, B-2, A-4
About Your Dream: Arlia hides an ancient and insidious history beneath its cheerful forefront. The further into the island you go, the more mysterious places there are to see. A graveyard full of hooting owls, a black market port trading in unspeakable wares, a home demolished in a hideous accident, and the northeast hill where everything threatens to begin once more as the seal weakens. Tread carefully...
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Island Name: Avalar
Island Dream Address: DA-9982-3992-9074
Designed Areas: C-2, C-3, D-3
About Your Dream:
Halloween is fast approaching, and you know what that means. Jack has been working himself to the BONE to
prepare for this year's spooky festivities, I think it's high time we did something for Him for a change. Halloween is Jack's birthday after all, so I've decided to throw him the Ultimate Halloween Birthday Bash! Grab a costume by the front gate, and take the pipe directly to the main event! Enjoy a variety of seasonal treats, tour the decorated cemetery, and get lost in our hay maze!
(Hungry for more? Step inside the house in the cemetery for additional spooky good times!)

Won't you join us in celebrating The Czar of Halloween's special day? 🎃
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Island Name: Aurea
Island Dream Address: DA-3470-3239-5730.
Designed Areas: E-6, E-7, F-6, F-7
About Your Dream: Hidden in the forest you will find a forgotten carneval. It closed down after someone vanished inside the circus tant never returned. Legend says the place is now haunted. Do you dare to visit?
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Island Name: Eloasis

Island Dream Address: DA-1350-9235-2477

Designed Areas: B4, C4, D3-5, E2-6, F2-6

About Your Dream: “In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song”

Dreamingly, most of this island is finished. My name is Ellie, otherwise known as DaCoSim, and I will be your tour guide today! I want you to start by picking your costume which will be located directly to your left at E3. Next go grab some goodies at E5! After you get all dolled up, start heading towards E2-6 and meet some of our spooky island dwellers who are all ready for trick-or-treaters! Next you can head to F2 and do some pumpkin carving! After you have finished with your pumpkin, plz feel free to go to the carnival located at F4. Some other noteworthy sites to visit are the haunted museum, outdoor theater, and the forbidden forests in the area of D3-5. Though, it’s not required, plz feel free to go see what the haunted house in D5-6 has in store. It might be a little tricky to get to, but if you cut through the forest, you might find a secret warp zone behind the haunted house that will take you to a swamp, surrounded by some very thin reptiles. So thin, they give a whole new meaning to the phrase skin and bones. A fantastical climb into a moonlit graveyard at B4 concludes this tour, but I am happy to stay and answer and guide questions you may have!

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Question, if I want to submit for the photo only with no dream address do I still need to use an entire acre of land for my submission? my island is already finished and I do not really want to rip down that much stuff just for a temporary entry. I can clear roughly a switch screenshot's worth of land to decorate but not an entire square(Eg. E-2) worth of land.
Question, if I want to submit for the photo only with no dream address do I still need to use an entire acre of land for my submission? my island is already finished and I do not really want to rip down that much stuff just for a temporary entry. I can clear roughly a switch screenshot's worth of land to decorate but not an entire square(Eg. E-2) worth of land.
This is me too, my island is complete, and I don't really wanna rip up a large section just for an entry.
Question, if I want to submit for the photo only with no dream address do I still need to use an entire acre of land for my submission? my island is already finished and I do not really want to rip down that much stuff just for a temporary entry. I can clear roughly a switch screenshot's worth of land to decorate but not an entire square(Eg. E-2) worth of land.
This is only a guideline for the people submitting Dream Addresses, not photographs. As long as your photo contains 5 of the spooky or halloween/horror themed items and the decorated area itself is in the theme of halloween or inspired by horror themes, you are good to go!

Island Name: moondrop
Island Dream Address: DA-4682-4066-0673.
Designed Areas: E-4 [link to map]
About Your Dream: legend says that way up high on on the tallest cliff in moondrop, lives a frightening and terrible spirt of the night. it's rumored that it that wards the abandoned castle and that if you wait long enough on a crisp and clear night, and when the moon hangs low, you can catch a glimpse of him from down below. the way up to the castle has been blocked of for decades now, unsafe and unstable pathing up the cliff being cited as the reason...... but apparently, anyone that dares to climb up for a closer look is stolen away and turned into a pumpkin head to add to his spooky display...... do heed with caution if you intend on trying to visit this strange square, for if you get too close.... i cannot promise your safe return.....
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Island Name: Lunaria
Island Dream Address: DA-8485-1346-3867.
Designed Areas: eg. D-2, part of E-2 D-1 E-1.
About Your Dream: The yearly fall fair is here! Partake in fair games, get your fortune read, and try not to get lost in our spoopy maze! Treats and fun are to be had!
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Island Designer mode in designed area
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About Your Design: You know how there are corn mazes that people go on for dates in the fall? I made a somewhat spooky pumpkin patch maze! The anatomical figure + skeleton are at the start of the maze and they're about to head off together to take the pumpkin patch together. It isn't a fully scary horror maze as there are pieces of candies and lolipops scattered throughout the maze if you get hungry along the route.
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Island Name: Serenity
Island Dream Address: DA-2092-0848-5599
Designed Areas: F-5, F-6,F-7, F3-4, E-2, D-2,C-2.
About Your Dream: Welcome to the ghostly witch Pub . These twin witches are brewing up trouble wherever they go. Always brewing something new . Go up to the counter to try their latest creation. Just don’t ask what’s in it because they don’t have a clue.
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The warp pipe will take you to the entrance of the Pub .
To the left of the airport is a small carnival to win tickets to exchange for candy
On the left side of the island is the pumpkin picnic. Feel free to explore as there are pumpkins in many places.
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About Your Design: come get your fortune told in this mysterious, isolated area in the island of konpeito. no one knows who tells the fortunes though, maybe today you will find out..
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I took a walk to visit the graves of my dearly departed animals, and I felt a chill that was…different…than the chill of fall. I also found a stack of angrily carved pumpkins, standing in front of a fortune telling kit. I’m not sure whether it was a person that became cursed or a cursed set of pumpkins hoping to be cured of its gourdy stature.


Island Name: Woxton
Areas Designed: B4
Dream Address: DA-0508-2149-8785
About your dream: I took a walk to visit the graves of my dearly departed animals, and I felt a chill that was…different…than the chill of fall. I also found a stack of angrily carved pumpkins, standing in front of a fortune telling kit. I’m not sure whether it was a person that became cursed or a cursed set of pumpkins hoping to be cured of its gourdy stature.

If visiting the rest of my island, you’ll find a French Cafe, a 50s diner, a fruit orchard, an outdoor dance floor, and much more!

Island Name: Asteria
Island Dream Address: DA-9866-0306-5956
Designed Areas: C3
About Your Dream: If you talk to the residents of Asteria, you'll hear tales of a witch who can be seen and heard during the late afternoons and at night. You'll want to stay clear of her, since you never know when she'll need a test subject for her latest potions.
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Island Name: Autumnwood
Island Dream Address: DA-7484-5972-7734
Designed Areas: D4
About Your Dream: The First Annual Autumnwood Creepy Carnival has arrived! This carnival has radical rides, a freaky fun house, glorifying games, a pretty pumpkin patch, and a weird wild animal cart! Come have fun at the Creepy Carnival before we move to the next island!
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