Mafia Pavor Nocturnus

Ooooh this is so exciting! :D

Do we want WotC? I don't mind if we don't have it, personally, since the player list - plus EnderWiggen and PandaDarling - looks okay to me.
Playerlist should be accurate now. I'll sort post links later. Haven't even gotten as far as a cup of tea this morning yet. So dead.

Vote here on whether or not you wish WotC be implemented this game. You have 24hrs.
It is where players have the choice to vote to forcibly remove another user from the game - preferably because they are known to be problematic or aggressive players, rather than based on simply disliking them.
It stands for "Wisdom of the Crowds"

And, functionally, a WotC enabled game involves every player sending in one or more "WotC votes" at the beginning of the game, if they so wish. (Nothing wrong with sending none)
A player that manages to accrue a certain threshhold - usually determined by the host - of votes is "WotC'd". Someone who is "WotC'd" is removed from the game.

I hope that explains it well enough for you to understand.
At the moment it is looking like no it is most likely, but there are still another 12hrs to vote if you feel WotC is something that you would find useful in this game.

As for when the game will start, that is very much dependent on how much I can get done this week. As well as a full load of classes, I've three meetings to attend and I'm campaigning all this week. After classes, meetings, and the election are out of the way I've a lab report due 4pm Friday. But after that I've 9 days off. Long-story short, this game could potentially start as early as Wednesday but it's safer to look at the weekend. When I created this thread none of the three meetings had been arranged, the lab report hadn't been set, and it hadn't been confirmed yet that I would be definitely be in the running.